Empress Of Business World

Chapter 28 - Crazy Batch

After the video is taken down. Both of them relaxed.

" What is the use of taking down the vedio. The damage has been done already. I'm doomed now. How can I lift my head in the college. I cannot face anyone. " Han shuya bursted into tears suddenly.

"Don't worry shuya. I have a plan to counter them. You will be proved as innocent by that and they will be proved as the original traitors" ye yuyan said as she comforted.

"How? " Han shuya asked innocently.

" You don't worry. I will handle it. You just wait and see" ye yuan paised and continued with a cold smile " it's revenge time. "

Han shuya smiled at her.

Ye yuyan took her phone and uploaded the vedio she took before into the college forum.

Then immediately many comments started coming. They started cursing Xia heru and her friends. Some showed pity to han shuya. Some apologized also. Han shuya was alighted from this.

" yuyan I'm very happy now. We will have lunch and do shopping today. " han shuya said.

ye yuyan agreed and followed her.

After they are done she took ye yuyan to her home introduced to her mother and said everything happened to her mother.

Her mother is happy because her daughter is happy now.

_ _ _ _

Mean while xia heru is gritting her teeth in anger. As she watching the comments that are cursing her. She never thought that han shuya would counter attack her. She thought she is too stupid to think of a plan to attack her.

Only members of student council will have rights to take down the video and the one who uploaded can delete the video. So she called everyone who can take down the video. But no one is willing to help her.

Even if she called han shuya to take down. she will not take down. She gritted her teeth in annoyance very hardly that she didn't even notice that the blood is oozing.

Her three friends could not help but feel embarrassed and irritated at the same time. They are regretting for taking Xia heru side instead of Han shuya. But they choosed it by themselves. So they have to face it.

There is a saying that " Karma follows you wherever you are"

_ _ _ _

Han shuya took ye yuyan into her Room. She showed everything to her.

After a while Han shuya said suddenly while lying on bed with her stomach facing the bed "Yuyan may be I really don't like Ho joon jae. I think I lost a good friend because of my foolishness. If had a chance I will make up with him. And make him a good friend to me. "

Ye yuyan just stared at her. "Shuya chances will not be given. You have to create a chance. I think by the events occured today he might have understood everything. So why don't you try once? " ye yuyan said.

"Ok I will try. " han shuya said while taking her phone out and dailing his number.

He picked the call and said " hello"

" can I talk to you? Are you free? " shuya asked

"yes.you may. " joon jae said in calm tone.

" I didn't even realize my own feelings toward because of my foolishness and some of my fake nemesis. So I want to forget the past.I am asking for your forgiveness and can give me second chance to change. I hope we can be friends. I realized who are real and who are fake. I will be very happy if you I've me chance to become your friend. " han shuya said everything without break.

Ho joon jae shocked at her words.

"It's good that you know everything. So forgive you and will give you a second chance also. I hope we can be friends. And I also hope you won't disappoint me. "

han shuya was very happy " thank you joon" and hung the call.

She hugged ye yuyan and said " yuyan I don't know. I met you only today but it was the best day to me. Thank you a lot. "

_ _ _ _


Song yun felt depressed when Kim boo ra said that she doesn't know much about what happened to han shuya.

Suddenly the silent Bai ying said " I know everything. "

Then song yun pushed yan shu to side and started bugging Bai ying. Bai ying said she will after having her lunch but this big energetic bun wound not give up until she knew the thing. So Bai ying resigned herself to fate and placed her chopsticks to a side. She explained everything to the whole group who listened each and every word without any disturbances like a obedient child.

She completed everything and also said that the video that han shuya uploaded is still in forum only.All of them took their phones and checked. They felt sorry for shuya.

Yan shu said suddenly " ok now you all know everything. So continue your eating. " and she started eating her food.

They all had their lunch and left classes.

All their afternoon classes went smoothly. When the final bell rang everyone started leaving. Suddenly Mu le stopped them and asked their numbers. All of them exchanged their numbers. They created a group with a name "Crazy batch" in their weibo. They left happily after that.