Empress Of Business World

Chapter 27 - No need to pretend

Han shuya opened the college forum in her phone upon seeing the contents in the forum her eyes widened in shock.

There is a video uploaded in the forum. That video is none other than han shuya's confession to Ho joon jae. That video consists everything. But ended before Ho joon jae started revealing about her friend xia heru proposal and her schemes to her.

After seeing that she is very angry. She cannot withstand the states of the people. So She paid the bill and left with ye yuyan to the dormitory to confront with xia heru and others. They four live in a same room in the dormitory.

After 10 minutes she reached their room. When she is about enter she heard her so called friends talking.

" Xia heru you did right thing to her. How dare she snatch your joon jae from you." it's lin chao voice

"Well all her name is tarnished. " xia heru commented while scrolling the comments in the forum.

"Heru I think she had to pay lot of bill because of our dinner. " it's li shan shan voice.

Han shuya is losing her control by their words. She rushed to open the door but stopped by ye yuyan. She signaled her to wait at side while she stepped inside.

All the four members in the room turned their heads towards the door when they heard the sound of cl.i.c.k.i.n.g door.

"See who is here.It is Ms. Ye yuyan. I think she is here to get justice for that stupid b***h who didn't even acknowledge her as friend. " Lin chao said with mockery by the arrival of ye yuyan.

Ye yuyan went inside and asked "Xia heru how can you do this to her? She treated you like her sister. You are her best friend among you four. She even took you to emperor's castle also. Why do you do this to her? WHY!?? " she yelled.

"I didn't do anything to her. She has caused it herself because of her stupidity. It happened to me because I am smart. That's all" xia heru said airily while shrugging her shoulders.

"To The person who treated you dearly now you have given her a title called stupid. You are really one of a kind. " ye yuyan said with a mocking tone.

" yeah. she deserves that title. Right guys" she said while turning to face the other three. While they nodded.

"You proposed Ho joon jae. he rejected you. So it's not wrong for her to propose him. Why must you do this to her. If he accepted you and even if she chases knowing that he is your boyfriend. Thenit is wrong. Why must you bully her like these. " She said.

"If he can't be mine then no one has chance to pursue him. By releasing this video now han shuya and yan shu both of them cannot have chance to pursue him. One shot two birds. " xia heru said with a laugh.

" I heard that she even treated you in emperor's castle on the day of her proposal. I am certain that you caused some millions for her to pay as bill.Whatever I won't care are you there to capture sweet memories or to turn that onto a worst nightmare or to laugh at her" ye yuyan said.

"Ha yes. we ate quite lot. I think I guess it costs nearly 5 to 6 millions if I am right. We have ordered 15 dishes. At least I have to use that stupid girl money like this as a compensation for trying to snatch my boyfriend. " Xia heru sneered as she said.

" And as for my presence in that place is because I want see her dejected face directly and to laugh at her. " she said as it is nothing.

" Oh even after getting rejected you are calling him as your boyfriend. You are so thick skinned. Oh by the way what are you going to say about this video to han shuya? you clearly know you are there along with her."ye yuyan asked as a matter of fact.

" As usual I will throw the blame towards Lu Yan shu head. She will believe it anyway because she is not only a stupid but also fool.However she will not use her brain much" Xia heru said with Utmost mockery.

"But now things have changed I will not believe you. " A voice resounded from the door. Everyone turned their heads and shocked.

"Shuya why are here? when did you arrive? Sit here I will get something for you to drink. " Xia heru said while trying to pepper her while others tried the same. She is fl.u.s.tered by the sudden arrival of han shuya

" No need to pretend anymore. I know everything. "Han shuya said.

" won't you believe us? We are the only one you have as friends" lin chao said.

" A human being will be decieved for only once. If I get decieved twice either I may be a stupid or dumb. I think I'm neither a stupid nor dumb. " Han shuya said coldly while glancing at them.

" From now we won't be friends anymore. And you should know something ' People who create their own drama deserve their own karma ' "Then she prepared to leave with ye yuyan.

Suddenly her steps halted and she turned back and said " Xia heru of I remember correctly you are the one who pestered me to like Ho joon jae . Now you are blaming me for every thing. How vicious. " Han shuya said with a ugly look.

"Your stupidity made you believe everything I said . It's not my mistake. " Xia heru retorted.

Han shuya did not say anything. But she glanced at ye yuyan " from now you will be my friend yuyan. I wanted to apologize to yan shu .For now we will leave from this place. It is stinking my nose." she said while scrunching her nose.

"you... Oh you are apologizing to her do you think she will accept. " xia heru sneered.

Han shuya was about to say something but ye yuyan stopped her.

" Thank you for decieving me. If not I would not have known who is good and who is bad.I will treat this as a lesson. And I wish a good luck for you in the future. "

after Han shuya finished her words she left with yeyuyan

When they came outside ye yuyan took her phone out and stopped recording.

Han shuya said in disbelief " You recorded everything happened inside. "

" yes why should we leave them clean. They have to suffer as well. " ye yuyan said.

" By the way how do you know about their schemes. " Han shuya asked with curiosity. This was the reason for her to meet ye yuyan today.

" ho joon jae is my friend. He shares everything with me. One day when I was about to meet him I saw xia heru propsing him. That's how I know" ye yuyan said.

" oh. I'm sorry for not letting you to meet me" han shuya said.

" it's nothing. They didn't let me meet you. However finally we are together. " Ye yuyan said with a smile.

"How to take down the video yuyan from the forum. " han shuya said disappointedly.


it's easy" yuyan said .she took her phone and dailed a number.

" Brother yesterday's confession video is in college forum. Please take it down before the situation turns worse" and ended the call.

" who is it " han shuya asked

" ho joon jae" she replied.

With in few minutes the video was taken down.

Then they both relaxed.