Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 183: Receive over the air

Chapter 183

Luo Qiao was about to get up, but she smelled a peculiar smell on her body. Seeing that she had a thin layer of plaster attached to her body, it must be the impurities in her body.

On weekdays, when I use my supernatural ability to induce plants, I also feel sticky on my body, presumably that is also expelling impurities, but this time I can clearly see a layer attached to the skin.

I quickly confirmed that it was safe to enter the space, quickly teleported to the creek, and took a beautiful bath. I felt that the skin on my body was much smoother than before, and it was obviously much fairer.

Luo Qiao couldn\'t put it down and touched it for a long time, but she didn\'t expect that the function of the supernatural power was different from the previous life, which was not a thing in the previous life.

I passed the dirty clothes in the stream, dried them, and put on the clothes in the space. Then I got out of the space to prepare my things and move on.

He took out a military water bottle from the back basket, took a few sips of water, and turned his head to see a large snake hanging from the tree next to him. Even if he had experienced the end of the world, he was still a little afraid of this mollusk.

With a flick of her hand, she spilled a lot of water from the military water bottle. Luo Qiao saw that the snake seemed to be coming towards her. She was so frightened that she quickly covered the water bottle and put it back in the basket, and quickly slipped away. It was too scary.

It wasn\'t long before she heard something coming this way, Luo Qiao hurriedly put the back basket into the space, found a bigger tree and climbed up, it didn\'t matter, it was all animals.

There were even wolves and bears in   , Luo Qiao shivered involuntarily out of instinct, and didn\'t dare to make a sound in the tree, so as not to let them find out.

I originally wanted to enter the space, but I was afraid of such a high place. If I came out and couldn’t stand still and fell down, I’d better wait and see.

Those animals have been circling around this area. Could it be that her ability can still attract animals, this is a mutation of the ability, which made her puzzled.

If you can’t figure it out, you don’t want to, but if that’s the case, it’s quite troublesome.

Girl, you think too much, your powers are only good for plants and trees, they are for the water in your kettle, haha!

Take yourself too seriously! Ha ha!

Those animals have been lingering here, Luo Qiao thought that it would be great if she could take a few into the space, but unfortunately it is too far away, I am afraid it will not be possible.

There was nothing to do when climbing on the tree, so she concentrated on trying to accept it, but what she didn\'t expect was that big animals don\'t even think about it, those rabbits, pheasants, etc. are still okay, and she accepted a lot of money when she was happy. space.

The rabbit, the pheasant, the roe deer, the little wild boar, the little deer, the little sika deer, and a little leopard were also brought into the space, and the remaining ones were too big to be collected.

When I started to feel a little dizzy, I quickly stopped and entered the space, but I can\'t stay outside. It would be glorious if I accidentally fell again.

After entering the space, I drank some well water from the kettle, and my mind felt a little more comfortable. This is the first time I have collected things in the space from a distance.

After I came over and ate something to rest for a while, I left the space again. Looking down, I saw that the animals had scattered and left, and there were a few pheasants below.

Luo Qiao neatly got down from the tree, and took two pheasants into the space to try to see if he would be dizzy again. After seeing that he was fine, he took out a hatchet and continued to walk forward.

(end of this chapter)