Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 182: The ability to enter the mountain is enhanced

Chapter 182 The ability to enter the mountain is enhanced

Sun Baojun swung his fist at it, and the old man immediately fell down. How could an elderly person take his fist. When he was sent to the hospital, it was said that the bridge of his nose was broken and two of his front teeth were knocked out.

The compensation paid to him is not enough to settle what happened today. When the Sun family received the news and rushed to the county seat, the old man\'s son was forcing Sun Baojun to write an IOU.

Sun Baojun\'s impulse, in addition to paying other people\'s hospitalization expenses, as well as the cost of dental implants, as well as nutrition expenses, lost work expenses, and compensation during this period, people can\'t let you fight for nothing.

The family\'s money was not enough, so Sun Baojun\'s daughter-in-law went back to her mother\'s house to borrow some, which was considered to be the end of the matter.

But Sun Baojun stopped working when he returned to the village, and began to work with his eldest brother, Sun Baowen, to find his second brother, Sun Baoqing. After this quarrel, only the villagers knew that Sun Baoqing\'s job was also due to the accident of Stone\'s mother, Sun Mei.

Now the Sun family is in Qingshan Village, and even the reputation of Chaoyang Commune is completely ruined. Not to mention marrying a daughter-in-law, no one dares to ask for the granddaughter of the Sun family. They are afraid of being affected by the Sun family.

The most anxious thing at this time is the big room. Their daughter is seventeen years old this year. This is considered to have harmed her daughter, so she had to drag her family relatives to marry her daughter away.

Luo Qiao didn\'t care what they were arguing about, there wasn\'t much work in the fields these few days, so the party secretary gave everyone two days off, mainly because the captain and the party secretary watched the commune members chatting and grinding foreign workers in the fields. Let everyone rest for two days and play freely.

Luo Qiao is very happy now, she has been looking for a chance to go to the deep mountains of Daqingshan, which is exactly what she wants.

The next day, they cooked and ate early, and Lu Yichen and Shitou left after eating, mainly because they didn\'t want passers-by to see them and spread out any unpleasant gossip.

So Lu Yichen and Shitou paid special attention to these, and they were very experienced.

Lu Yichen brought back a lot of refined grains a few days ago, and also brought a lot of meat back with him yesterday, so she made pot stickers for breakfast and took some to the space, just in time to have something to eat at noon.

Lu Yichen is going to work today. Before going out, Luo Qiao brought Shishi\'s lunch over. It was the steamed rice rolls with two noodles that were steamed yesterday, the pot stickers this morning, and the mung bean soup that was boiled in advance yesterday.

I told Shito that he might not be able to come back at noon, so let him eat lunch here, put water in the big pot directly, put the rice in the steamer, and burn a small firewood, so that the rice is still hot at noon of.

Going into the mountain is very comfortable. Because of the wood-type power, she has an innate affinity for these plants. In the past half a year, Luo Qiao\'s skills have almost been able to compete with ten.

That\'s why I dared to go deep into the mountains. The more I walked in, the more comfortable my body and mind became. It seemed that every pore of my body was opened. Luo Qiao sat down under a big camphor tree.

There is no crystal nucleus in the end of the world, so you can only try to absorb the essence of plants and trees to improve your abilities. Maybe the essence of plants and trees is pure natural, which is better than using the crystal nucleus to cultivate in the last days.

When she finished her work, those powers leaked back to the surrounding vegetation, which looked even more lush and green at first glance, and felt that the powers in her body were much stronger than before.

It seems that there is nothing to do, but it is better to go for a walk in the deep mountains. Just by giving birth to those melons, fruits and vegetables, I am afraid that I will never think of improving my abilities in this life, but she really does not know how far she can go by absorbing the essence of plants and trees.

Update finished today! thanks for your support! Ask for a ticket~~~

(end of this chapter)