Dream Life

49 Episode Four: Mercenary Byron

When Norton, the merchant, brought the story to me, I thought this guy was going to be awkward.

Norton laughed with his usual loving laughter.

"Mr. Byron, those people, they\'re those (...) Lockhart families. Around here, it\'s very popular, and these days, the Dwarves of Ars are famous. I want to bond a favor. Please help me."

Norton does business between the Kingdom of Kaum and Periclitle.

He seems to want to keep the Dwarves in the mood to sell to the adventurers the weapons made by the Dwarves of Ars, the king\'s capital of the Kaum kingdom.

"That being said, I guess one woman for two children and one escort. Even if the escort has arms, I think it\'s too risky for me."

"For once, would you please meet me? We\'re already at the inn entrance."

I clapped my shoulders gently and went down to the ground floor about after Norton.

At the entrance to the inn, a skinny man waited, hardened himself into leather armor.

Behind it was a boy, about twelve or three years old, carrying a big, brand-new seriousness that did not fit his physique, and a little younger than that, even more hooded, female adventurer.

(Are you a noble kid with swordsmanship... these guys are the worst in nature (they). I don\'t know what this is about with heroism. I don\'t ask. And the other lady tastes bad, too. For once, I\'m in disguise, but all I ask is that you attack me like a nobleman\'s maid.)

I\'ve decided to reject Norton\'s offer.

We played a play that we didn\'t like explicitly and decided to try to get them to go to another merchant squad.

"Isn\'t that different from the contract, Mr. Norton? The contract should have promised not to add any more luggage. Obviously these guys are luggage (...)"

Norton didn\'t break his usual loving laugh, but his eyes are protesting against choosing a few more words.

"Mr. Byron. If I say luggage, it\'s rude. This Guy Jakes is the squire of that Lion Heart, Govan Lockhart. And the other is a fourth-level adventurer, a healer."

I don\'t think what he says is wrong.

(Surely this squire can. I\'d be better at swordsmanship, but as far as legs go, my guys won\'t be dealing with me. But you two kids are extra.

I decided to complain even more because I didn\'t change my gaze to look frigid and make Norton give up.

"Surely this man can. I guess the woman would be useful if she were a healer too. But I\'m sorry to take your aristocratic child. It\'s not just useless, you know, because I\'m the one who\'s gonna be stuck in my footsteps."

A man named Guy is pretty on my word.

"Don\'t like it! Master Zacharias is the grandson of his predecessor, Govan Lockhart. It would be disrespectful to treat him in the same line as just the son of a nobleman"

(You seem to be swearing allegiance to this man for real. So many men swear allegiance. Are you saying that it\'s just called the Lion Heart? But you seem serious about this kid, too. So many men admit such a kid? No, just a grandson of a respected master, so you\'ll just remember the anger)

I was just a little uncomfortable with my thoughts at this time.

Because a leading man named Guy looked like he was ten years old and recognized the power of the kid there.

As me and Guy stare at each other, Norton\'s affectionate laughter beside him gradually turns into something that caught on.

(Sorry for Norton, but I have fifteen men. Whatever they say, let me put my thoughts through here)

When I was thinking about it, Lockhart\'s grandson called out to me.

"You said Byron. You said I\'d be a stepping stone, but you don\'t have to see what I\'m capable of?

There are no shards of childhood in that tone, nor does it feel like an arrogant aristocratic kid. It was so calm, no, chilling tone that it just seemed to pale the facts.

(This guy could have been my misguided... no, that shouldn\'t have happened. I\'ve never talked to noble kids, so I guess I just think so)

As we talked, people gathered around us. My men also hear noise and come down the stairs.

(Tastes bad. If you take any more time, your men (these guys) may get stuck. I don\'t mind saying no, but I\'m sorry I\'m in trouble with nobility...)

When I tried to tell my men to back off, the aristocratic kid, Zacharias, had provoked my men.

"Guy, let\'s stop it. This man can\'t even measure people\'s power. A mercenary led by such a man cannot be brilliant. How dangerous it would be to act together... Lord Norton, we\'re talking about a corner, but let me say no..."

Young men react to Zacharias\' provocation.

"Don\'t listen to me! Captain, can I strangle this busty kid?

It erupted as expected. I get the urge to hold my temples.

(You idiot! They\'re nobles... what do we do? If we get our hands on it first, we won\'t be able to eat it as mercenaries. I guess merchants would be willing to hire, such as a mercenary regiment that caused trouble with the nobles...)

When I was cruising slightly, Guy said, "Strangle him! You!" he took a step.

I tried to get out in front of Guy to stop my men.

It was only a moment. I took my eyes off a kid named Zacharias.

The next moment, he was in my nostalgia. And he poked an unusual shaped knife around my heart and groaned, "Can\'t you come about this degree of movement?"

No one, including me, could keep up with the move.

I was certainly caught off guard.

But I still have the pride of having done this for over twenty years with a defensive team, a mercenary and one of these arms. I was so impressed with such a kid.

Before I could move, he called out to Guy and was about to leave the inn.

I don\'t think, "Wait!" He was screaming.

Keep this up, when we get these guys home, we\'re not gonna be able to work around here.

It would be a good laugh if a mercenary with fifteen men, no matter how good a Lockhart family man is at martial arts, were to be impressed by a child there at the age of ten. The wild horses here will spread the story funny and strange.

The Rockhart family is extremely popular, especially here in Kilnarek. Naturally, in the tavern, we get to hang out on this topic. I didn\'t think it would take that long to spread along Als Street.

He didn\'t even try to turn to my words and say, "You don\'t deal with kids like me, do you?" He replied in the same chilling tone as earlier.

He panicked and said, "Wait! You can\'t just leave me like this," he was screaming again. At this time, I was completely out of my cool.

He looked back slowly.

And I didn\'t change my expression at all, and I said, "What? Do you even want to have a real fight with the kid?" He leaned his neck deliberately.

I almost got the look on Guy\'s proud face when I hung up on that play. But I managed to contain my anger,

"If the kid doesn\'t keep making fun of me, I can\'t go on with this job. Let me show you what Lionheart Govan\'s grandson is capable of."

When I told him to squeeze it out, he came after me.

"Do you need that? You\'re the one who just looked at me and stuck around. At least if you don\'t admit it\'s a mistake, there\'s no reason I\'m here."

(This kid isn\'t what he looks like. He\'s a really cute kid. I didn\'t expect to be pushed this far, but my judgment is wrong in the first place... after all, do you mean the lion\'s son is a lion? No, a grandson of a lion......)

"I apologize for what I said earlier. Lord Lockhart and I were wondering if you could join us."

I manage to regain my calm and bow my head.

For a moment, his face looked like he smiled.

(It\'s like being seen through your mind. This guy doesn\'t get to be a big shot. It\'s not Norton, but it might be a pleasure to tie the goodness)

With that in mind, Zacharias has said with a serious face that he accepts the apology. But then the words shocked me even more.

"... I\'m still immature as a swordsman, even when it comes to matchmaking. You might want to have a look at the power of magic."

(Show me all that movement and say you\'re better at magic! I can\'t believe you\'re a magician with that body technique...)

I was interested in a boy named Zacharias. And there was nature and the phrase "I want you to show it to me at the guild\'s training ground".

After that it was a series of surprises.

First of all, I was surprised by the other kid I thought was a complete foothold.

A girl who couldn\'t even kill a bug unleashed the magic of a single magician in Periclitle.

(If I eat that one, I\'ll do the same. If Zacharias shrinks his distance in that gap with an earlier move, don\'t be sure he can do it... I didn\'t think you could think of yourself losing to a kid like this. Well, I don\'t think that lady can use it in action...)

Still, I still could afford it. But when I saw his magic, I kept my mouth open and it hardened for a few seconds.

(The lady\'s magic was to the point of blowing the target from the roots. Still, it\'s amazing in the country. But this guy\'s gonna blow up every foundation. If I eat that one, I\'ll definitely blow it up. That\'s a lot of damage, too. Even if I managed to get up... it\'s not on a horrible level...)

I looked at him mocking, but sighs were leaking from the wild horses as well.

He told me he had real experience because I wouldn\'t say anything.

"By the way, both me and this Sharon have real experience. Well, about wolves and goblins."

(Fully read. Like this guy said, I don\'t have eyes for people...)

I totally admitted to losing.

"You were Master Zacharias. No, you were. Excuse me for earlier. If you\'re such a magician, you\'ll never get caught in the footsteps. Even more so with the legs of the earlier divine speed. That\'s who draws the blood of someone called the Lion Heart. I want you to act with us."

When I say that, Zacharias offers his hand with a smile he likes.

"Zach is fine. And I don\'t need a salute. Guy, I don\'t care if I\'m with Byron, but I\'ll leave the decision to you."

(Is this guy really a kid? In a word, I was saved. The wild horses must have thought Lockhart\'s genius recognized me. Plus, I stand up for a guy named Guy. Knowing that Guy remembered his anger towards me, he dared to leave it to me. It\'s more charismatic than me...)

I couldn\'t decide what to do and held the right hand that was offered for now.

On its right hand there was enough sword dako to be felt even from above the glove, and it was felt that it was undergoing rigorous training.

(Not even the big guy. I said the sword is immature, but probably quite an arm. It\'s natural for such a squire to feel comfortable)

In the end, we were allowed to accompany Master Zacharias to Periclitle.

I then heard from Norton about the age of Master Zacharias, but at first I couldn\'t believe it, so much so that I never asked him again.

(All that magic and swordsmanship at only ten. What\'s scarier than that is that insight. A hero\'s blood muscle, but maybe the "lion” gave birth to the “dragon"... I heard he was the second son, but wouldn\'t that have been better if that vessel? Beyond the boundaries of Lockhart territory, we\'re going to do something big...)

I was convinced that Master Zacharias would be a big man. And I\'m hoping you\'ll give me a chance to smoke as a second-rate mercenary.

(Maybe you\'re getting lucky. This one is bound to go out into the world. You could have just gotten to know someone like that... but my impression is faint, not like this. You should think of something hand......)