Dream Life

48 Lesson Three: Negotiations

The commercial guild was next to the mercenary guild, with more than a dozen carriages stopping around.

In a city like Kilnarek, they say they can keep the carriage in a commercial guild, because the escorts don\'t have to sleep in the carriage.

Commercial guilds have men dressed like tunics in and out like merchants, looking busy.

We scratched the guy\'s waves and went inside the guild.

Guy catches a young man who looks like an official and tells him he\'s looking for a merchant army heading north.

He pointed to several merchants and told me, "Those are the people going north," Guy headed to negotiate with the merchants.

After talking to a few merchants, I brought in a thin head man in his mid-thirties or so.

"It\'s Lord Norton. Tomorrow morning, they\'re leaving for the north, so please allow me to accompany them."

"My name is Henry Norton. I\'m honored to be with the son of that famous Lockhart family."

"It\'s Zacharias Lockhart. Allow me to accompany you, thank you. Regards."

I bowed my head slightly, but basically tried to respond with a great attitude.

(Maybe I shouldn\'t be too great, but I also feel weird about being humble, and what\'s the best response...)

"Lord Norton\'s story says we need to understand the mercenary of the escort. I\'m going to see you now, but what will Master Zach do?

I was worried about what to do.

(I guess I should see you, but you might want to look at us and see more risks... No, it\'s better now than tomorrow morning. Now I can still speak to other merchants...)

I said, "I\'ll come with you."

They say the destination is a nearby inn, followed by Norton and Guy.

Upon entering the inn, Norton went to call the mercenary leader.

Immediately a man of flexion appeared, about forty years old. The man is about 2m tall and disappointing in width, and everything gives him such an atmosphere as a mercenary of war.

But when I saw us, I looked blatantly disgusted.

"Isn\'t that different from the contract, Mr. Norton? The contract should have promised not to add any more luggage. Obviously these guys are luggage (...)"

Norton didn\'t break his loving laugh,

"Mr. Byron. If I say luggage, it\'s rude. This Guy Jakes is the squire of that Lion Heart, Govan Lockhart. And the other is a fourth-level adventurer, a healer."

What are the two names? You\'ve never heard of it before. Than that, they\'re going to refuse to accompany you if you stay like this)

Even if Norton explains it that way, a mercenary called Byron doesn\'t try to change his grumpy face.

"Surely this man can. I guess the woman would be useful if she were a healer too. But I\'m sorry to take your aristocratic child. It\'s not just useless, you know, because I\'m the one who\'s gonna be stuck in my footsteps."

Guy\'s going to be pretty on that word.

"Don\'t like it! Master Zacharias is the grandson of his predecessor, Govan Lockhart. It would be disrespectful to treat him in the same line as just the son of a nobleman"

Byron and Guy were staring at each other and Norton\'s loving laughter was beginning to catch on.

(Tastes bad. Because Guy is pretty when he makes fun of me and my boss... but this guy named Byron doesn\'t look the way he does. He mercenaries until he\'s called a veteran, and he leads his men around the corner. There\'s no way it looks like it. If……)

I decided to hit the play to convince Byron.

"You said Byron. You said I\'d be a stepping stone, but you don\'t have to see what I\'m capable of?

I thought this man was calmer than he looked. I guess you don\'t want us to come along because you thought it would be more risky.

Then, after having to undertake, I thought that if I reduced the risk, I would approve of our company.

(If you\'re the man you look like, it\'s more dangerous to act together. In that case, you can be a dogma for other merchants to acknowledge)

Against my word, Byron doesn\'t even try to deal with me just laughing with his nose.

People were beginning to gather around to see what was going on, as were the men who seemed to be Byron\'s men.

(Can\'t you break the attitude of strength before your men arrive? Sort of. It\'s that some of my men seem to be short minded, and you want me to take my measures...)

I provoke Byron\'s men as I speak to Guy.

"Guy, let\'s stop it. This man can\'t even measure people\'s power. A mercenary led by such a man cannot be brilliant. How dangerous it would be to act together... Lord Norton, we\'re talking about a corner, but let me say no..."

One of my men came on board, not Byron on my provocation.

"Don\'t listen to me! Captain, can I strangle this busty kid?

That\'s when I was starting to get ready, watching how it went.

Guy takes a good look at me and then reacts to that young mercenary.

"He said to strangle me! You!"

At that time, the attention of everyone there turns to Guy only for a moment.

I\'ve been waiting for that timing.

I plunged into Byron\'s pocket as I poked through the gap for a moment and pulled out my hip kunai.

Byron was wary of Guy\'s outburst, but he wasn\'t paying attention to me, which was about five meters away.

I secretly reinforced the instantaneous power of both legs with demon fighting, and made explosive moves like the so-called shrinkage.

You saw me at the edge of my eye, and Byron reacted slightly. But it sounds like I was insulting him with a child, and I succeed in getting into his nostalgia.

And he stopped with Kunai\'s blade tip poked near his heart.

Everyone, including Byron, is solidified on the spot.

"Can\'t you come about this level of movement... Guy, I\'m pulling you up!

Guy said to me, "Okay. Dear Zach," he gives a satisfied look.

I prayed to Norton and tried to leave the inn.


When I try to get out of the inn, Byron tries to stop me.

I don\'t even turn around, I return words in a flashy tone.

"You don\'t deal with kids like me, do you?

"Wait! You can\'t just leave me like this."

I looked back slowly.

"What? You want to even have a real fight with your kid?

"If the kid doesn\'t keep making fun of me, I can\'t go on with this job. Let me show you what Lionheart Govan\'s grandson is capable of."

"Do you need that? You\'re the one who just looked at me and stuck around. At least if you don\'t admit it\'s a mistake, there\'s no reason I\'m here."

"Damn, he\'s a cute little kid," Byron muttered,

"I apologize for what I said earlier. Lord Lockhart and I were wondering if you could join us."

He even changed his tone and lowered his head to me.

(Now if you show my magical prowess, you\'ll admit to accompanying me...)

Think so, and honestly accept the apology.

"Let\'s accept the apology. Even when it comes to matchmaking, I\'m still immature as a swordsman. You might want to have a look at the power of magic."

Byron groans "that he is a magician......" but he nods small to agree immediately and bows his head "I want you to show me at the guild\'s training ground".

Liddy has a frightened face next to me, and Sharon next to him is stiffened in a frightened manner.

Byron and a few of his men, plus the wild horses, were taken to the mercenary guild training ground.

Mercenary guild branches often have as many training grounds as small gymnasiums.

The branch of Kilnarek also had a training ground of about thirty m square, with several mercenaries moving their bodies.

"Is there anywhere I can shoot magic?," he asked Guy,

"There\'s a bow practice area, so why don\'t you go that way?

After that, he said, "I\'m sorry about earlier. If I stay firm......" I\'ve been bowing my head.

I laughed, "I don\'t mind,"

"It would be more convenient for the future if rumors arose that the second son of the Lockhart family could use it there, if possible. It was just the right time. You knew what I meant on the way, didn\'t you?

He grins and laughs, nodding small.

The bow practice area was simply built with soil in front of the wall and a target made of wood.

Me and Sharon stood about 20 meters from the point of view.

I say to Sharon, "Can you shoot me in the air hammer?"

She looked surprised, "Is that an air hammer? Isn\'t that a swallow-winged blade?" He asked back.

I laughed niggardly,

"The air hammer is more flashy... and I don\'t want to show the original magic as much as possible."

Swallow wing blades are original magic and can be further altered in orbit. Since tracking magic doesn\'t seem to be common in Liddy\'s story, I was trying to keep it from showing others as much as I could, including the college.

Sharon didn\'t seem to really understand my intentions, but he trusted me and nodded.

When the audience is aligned, Sharon begins to cast a spell.

"It is the god of the wind (Wentus) who brings many winds. Stiffen the wind and give it a great hammer. I do not give my life to you. Crush my enemies! Air Hammer!"

The power of the Spirit gathers around Sharon, and a gust of wind strikes the shooting practice area. Immediately afterwards, a mass of air struck the target.

Target for shooting receives a chunk of air and is blown from the roots. More parts of the soil were also blown up, and small earthen smoke was rising.

Beginning with Byron, the wild horses are also amazed by the magic of a ten-year-old girl.

"Well done. It\'s my turn next," he strokes Sharon\'s head.

I lowered my praiseworthy Sharon, and I cast an air hammer spell as well.

"It is the god of the wind (Wentus) who brings many winds. Stiffen the wind and give it a great hammer. I do not give my life to you. Crush my enemies! Air Hammer!"

Put more magic into it than usual and strike an air hammer of unbeatable power into the wall by Sharon.

There is an explosion called Don inside the training ground with a roof so that you can train even in rainy weather, and the sound of billowing and rocking the walls. My unleashed magic hit the tree, shredding more than half the soil and blowing it around the tree.

(Have you overpowered it a bit... I haven\'t done any damage to the facility and that would be okay)

This time I put in enough power to blow a medium-sized bear.

My wind attribute magic level is twenty-three. It\'s not a rushing level, but it\'s not even that high of a mage. There was a reason I could give this power.

The magic of this air hammer (air hammer) is an attack magic that frees compressed air and beats it all at once. In other words, what determines the power is the amount of air and the rate of compression. The amount of air depends on the magic I put in, so I decided to increase the compression rate.

What I imagine is a compressor plus air dampener (receiver). I imagine air dampener (receiver) in cylindrical form and release it in front of the target.

For this reason, the power is greater than the normal one, as the high pressure air is pushed into a narrow range.

When the earthly smoke subsides, you can see the heavily choosen soil, and sighs leak from the wild horses. And what more had happened, and straw and man gathered together.

Byron was also speechless, shaking his neck to the side.

"By the way, both me and this Sharon have real experience. Well, about wolves and goblins."

Byron, who finally returned to me in my words, kneels in a play-handed tone.

"You were Master Zacharias. No, you were. Excuse me for earlier. If you\'re such a magician, you\'ll never get caught in the footsteps. Even more so with the legs of the earlier divine speed. That\'s who draws the blood of someone called the Lion Heart. I want you to act with us."

I was uncomfortable with the trick.

(You smell like a play. What\'s the point? Are you trying to delude the loss that I just missed? Because he\'s a genius who draws blood, there\'s no choice... it\'s possible. Well, if you get your head around this much, you\'ll be okay to accompany them)

I gave Byron my right hand,

"Zach is fine. And I don\'t need a salute. Guy, I don\'t care if I\'m with Byron, but I\'ll leave the decision to you."

Guy says to the words, "If you admitted to Master Zach\'s help, there\'s no difference between me," and only makes me smile badly at people.

Byron hesitated to take my right hand. I shake hands and send my gaze to Guy. He was nodding small.

(Guy seems to think I did well too)

After the wild horses walked away and Byron and Norton and Guy had a brief meeting, we rolled out to the city again.