Dream Life

40 Lesson 38: The East Forest

At 4: 00 p.m., Zach Cartel (us), who first saw the battle in action, returned safely to Kanga Hill.

At first, Ethereal Sharon was also feeling better from the time he saw the village. Mel and Dan seem to have felt terrified about their first battle, but with their childish adaptability, they have been thriving in battle stories since they entered the village.

I was thinking, holding Sharon\'s hand.

(Wild dogs are as weak demons as goblins. Still, my feet dull in fear...)

I had no fundamental understanding of the battle for my life. The other guy\'s been hitting me straight on the will to kill me. The pure intent to kill was directed at me, and I was frightened.

Killing intent in a peaceful Japan, which can also hit a serious killing intent, won\'t be the first thing.

(Ahead, the enemy I might deal with is the kind of guy who challenges God. Will I be able to remain calm even if he wants me to kill him? ……

Returning to the mansion, Guy explains what happened in the woods to his grandfather and father.

When Guy apologizes for putting me in danger, my grandfather shakes his head small and sideways.

"If you put it in the woods, it\'s not natural to risk it to that extent. Well, you guys are on. There was actually no danger. Right, Zach?

All I could do was snort at it. If you uttered the word, you would have confessed that I was trembling in fear, and made the Guys feel responsible.

When the Guys back down, I tell my grandfather what I felt.

"... the wild dog, the enemy, felt so terrified. I never thought I was so intense that I was willing to kill myself...... am I timid?

My grandfather didn\'t laugh, he didn\'t get angry, he listened to me in silence. When I finished talking, I started talking in a slow tone.

"Let me tell you about the first formation of Non. It wasn\'t until he was thirteen. At that time, Noon was assigned as a new American squire to the defensive team of Welburn, the capital of the Raswell Borderline Berg Territory..."

My grandfather didn\'t start talking about the fear I felt, he started talking about his first line.

My grandfather was born in the house of a soldier from the Raswell Frontier Uncle Territory, the northern governor of the Caerm Empire, and when he was twelve, he joined the Knights as an apprentice.

From that time on, he had confidence in his arms and was assigned to the defensive team as a squire in just one year because he was able to fight each other with his fifteen-year-old squire.

The northern part of the Caerm Empire had sometimes marched to the northern kingdom of Lax at the whim of an emperor in the imperial capital, but it was basically a land of peace.

My grandfather, at the birth of a civilian, turned thirteen and became a squire, he said, growing.

That\'s when there were frequent incidents of merchant squads being attacked by bandits around Wellburn.

About a hundred of a squadron were dispatched from the defensive squadron to crusade, among which his grandfather had also been selected.

The bandits had the brutality of killing everyone, including escorts, merchants. On the other hand, however, he also has cunning skills such as skilfully luring the crusaders into the less promising hills, where the crusaders are flirted with by the bandits.

My grandfather\'s detachment was acting away from the main unit as a scout looking for a place for bandits.

The bandits ambushed the scouts and attacked them with several times more power. Inferior in numbers, the ambushed scouts were slaughtered and killed shortly after they fought back.

My grandfather, because of his fear, said he didn\'t listen to what his body had to say and was prepared to die when he was killed here.

But the bandits were cunning. He deliberately let his grandfather, still a child, escape and tried to guide the main unit. My grandfather didn\'t realize that and went back to the main unit with half a cry.

The commander of the crusade, the squadron leader, spotted the bandit trap and let a platoon bypass behind the bandits as they made it look like they were rushing to the scene.

My grandfather was assigned to the squadron leader\'s squadron because his squadron had been wiped out, and he said he was watching its commanding swing up close. At first, he couldn\'t forgive a squadron leader for commanding him to abandon his own people, but he changed his mind when he saw the squadron leader destroying the bandits in the ensuing battle and crying in front of the body of the scouts.

"... on the battlefield, you need to make a cool decision. You sheltered your young companions in your first battle and watched the battle even more calmly. Feeling afraid is not shameful. Those who do not feel fear cannot gain true strength. Non\'s first line was horrible. Instead of being able to do anything with fear, we may have left our allies in a state of distress. Compared to that, you did a good job. I can always overcome my current fears."

I feel a little easier with my grandfather\'s words.

My grandfather, who became a knight with one sword arm, was reassured that he was not the only one timid by the story that he felt terrified in the first place.

But I don\'t know if what we\'re talking about is true. There is also the possibility of making up stories to help me.

Still, with my grandfather showing empathy for my thoughts, I felt like I could overcome my fears.

After coming to my grandfather, Liddy was waiting.

"That was my first fight. Right. How\'d it go?" in a tearing tone, "but that face said he was worried about me.

"I was scared. I still told my uncle about it. Honestly, I don\'t think I\'m up for the fight."

"Right. I don\'t expect you to be a warrior like Govi any time soon. But that doesn\'t mean you\'re not fit for battle. I just don\'t have enough experience for you right now. I can always be strong if I gain experience. I promise."

I\'ll have a little face to face with a serious look Liddy never had before,

"Thanks. I\'m going to go to the woods as much as I can from now on. At least I don\'t want Liddy and the others to get hurt with fear."

Liddy\'s laughing at my words, but soon she\'ll have a serious look.

"Glad to hear it, but you can\'t do it. Then get on with it. \'Cause you\'ll be in good shape soon."

Hold me tight while you\'re at it.

"I\'ll try not to push it as far as I can. You\'re more worried about Sharon than that. Mel and Dan seemed to manage, but Sharon was pretty frightened."

Liddy laughed a little,

"Maybe it\'s okay. You were with me, weren\'t you? Tomorrow will be a good time to remember."

I didn\'t know what it was about, but the next day Sharon came to the mansion with a smile on her face just like when.

The only change is that I said I wanted to learn sword art.

Ask me why,

"Yesterday, I was scared, so I tried to be strong so I wouldn\'t be scared... I want to stay out of Master Zach\'s way..."

I was overwhelmed by the words, but I\'m going to talk to my grandfather soon.

"Sharon is not a magician. The basics are protection. Then it\'s not the same way you fight your enemies with a sword as you or Mel... it\'s good to learn from Lydia"

When I told Liddy about it,

"Govi\'s right. Because the sword technique of the rear guard is to attack the enemy. I\'ll teach you during magic training."

From that day on Sharon will learn swords and magic from Liddy.

Liddy\'s sword is a shorter one-handed sword, with which she plays the knocked down sword and rolls out the poke in a quick motion. Weak in strength, she doesn\'t have the speed of slashing like her grandfather, but she\'s pretty hard to attack because she uses a lightweight sword with minimal movement.

In fact, even if you do a mock fight with a father of about level thirty, if you\'re thorough with your defense, you can get to a pretty good point.

Sharon was surprised at first, but because he watched our training every day, he was able to handle swords so much for himself.

Our routine was complemented by training in the woods.

Guy or Hector accompanies him and goes into the woods, but in less than a month he also began to go to the relatively dangerous eastern woods.

And July 7th. Finally, we were to have a second real battle.

It was hot and humid that day, and it was enough to make me sweat at the end of my morning training.

After hearing the bells at 8: 00 a.m., we head to the East Forest with Hector, Guy, Will and Rob the Hunter. Down Kanga Hill, he goes into the woods through the south side of the pond once again.

There are more cluttered trees than in the western woods, and even in the summer sun, the woods are dim, with no good vision.

Rob, the hunter of the bearded silent big man, leads the way, breaking down the woods as he snaps down the grass and trees of his descendants.

Hector follows Rob, and we follow him, and Will and Guy.

My gear is a short sword - not short for me though - and a small round shield, Round Shield. There\'s nothing to fit, just a leather hat, vest and gloves.

Mel has no shield, only a sword, Dan has a practice shortbow and a dagger, Sharon has a protective dagger.

It\'s still the third time in the East Forest, and we all walk behind Hector with a tense face.

Today we plan to stretch our legs to near the foot of the Aquila Mountains, entering a more dangerous area than usual.

Make a noisy semi noise to the BGM, go east through the woods for about four hours, and reach upstream of the Woodford River.

The Woodford River is a gorge about five metres wide, a fresh stream with large rocks rolling.

When the greenery of the trees is reflected on the river surface and the sunlight shining from the middle heavens illuminates the bottom of the river, you can see the stiff fish brilliant.

We were walking in the deep woods, tired. However, due to the lack of instructions from Hector, the captain, he does not sit back and stands and awaits instructions.

Hector, who looked around, declared that he would rest here.

"Rest here. Guy and Rob need to find out if there\'s any danger around. Will, stay with the Zacks. Dear Zach, there are many demons around here, so don\'t be alarmed."

When I snort, I draw attention to Mel and the others.

"Dan, Mel, Sharon. Don\'t be alarmed, either. Absolutely obey my orders. You got it."

The three of them said, "" "Yes!," "he replied cheerfully,

"As soon as Guy and Rob get back, we\'ll make it a meal here. Master Zach, take a break."

Guy and Rob will be back soon and reported to be free of danger.

We unload our backsacks and sit down on the spot.

I was unloading my luggage and watching the forest full of life.

(Exactly tired. You\'ve never been this far. And it\'s an amazing native forest. completely out of people\'s hands)

Spread the lunch made by maid length Molly, as usual.

Mel and Sharon seem to be adding their own dishes these days, and they hem it to me. Sometimes, some taste subtle, but they are well made by an eight-year-old girl or so.

Rest for about an hour and start returning to the village along the river.

The Woodford River is a water-rich river that flows into the Black Pond Black Ruff, often with wildlife coming for a drink of water.

On the way home, one of the hunters was moving ahead as Rob the hunter searched for his prey.

Hector walking forward raises his hand quietly and lays down.

We also lay quietly down, but we didn\'t know what was going on, and all four of us were staring around.

Guy and Will were joining Hector from behind, checking the situation.

"Looks like Rob found something. You don\'t seem like a prey. Until Rob returns, Will will ask for an escort for Master Zach and the others. Guy needs to be ready to go cover for Rob whenever he wants."

It didn\'t look like me, but it looks like Rob, who preceded him, found something and sent Hector a signal.

As we lurk around for a while, we hear the noise of gutter, and we get nervous about whether a demon has appeared. But it was Rob who showed up.

"There\'s a goblin before. There are more than ten of them. Master Hector, what do you want to do?

Rob reports in a somewhat puzzling manner and awaits Hector\'s decision.

"Guy, I want to know the exact number. Scout me."

While he is so good, he is licking his fingers and pointing up to check the direction of the wind.

"Don\'t go through the wind if you want to take a detour. Rob, Will, count it, but you\'re gonna have to fight."

When you two snorted, Hector told me,

"Depending on the number, if it\'s about twenty, it\'ll be destroyed."

I thought about the Mels, and I said, "You can\'t avoid them, can you?," he asked.

"If we don\'t cross the river, we will cross the wind, so we risk being noticed and attacked by our enemies. Then I think it\'s less dangerous to take an ambush and destroy them all at once."

"Okay. I leave it to Hector\'s discretion," he nodded loudly.

Hector nods back at me, and then he gives instructions to the four of us.

"Around here, I would have just said twenty to thirty. To that extent, Master Zach would like a magical attack. Sharon is also magical with Master Zach. Dan, use your bow to target the enemy we\'ve broken. Mel, protect Sharon."

We nod quietly and each begin to prepare.