Dream Life

39 Episode 37: First Battle

June 1.

In the early summer sunny weather, from the time of the morning archery, the Mels were restless and constantly softened.

Because I\'m supposed to go to the West Forest today at the rate of Dan and Sharon\'s father, former adventurer squire Guy Jakes.

If I made it three other people than me, it would be like an elementary school excursion.

He talks about what he\'s taking and what his lunch is, so he looks exactly like a pre-excursion elementary school student. Exactly doesn\'t break his serious look during the audition, but as soon as the training was over, he went back home with a dash. They\'re going to check the luggage again.

I\'ll be ready soon because of the same gear I had yesterday.

We headed to Guy\'s house, the meeting point, to leave at 8 a.m. In addition to Guy, young squire Enos Vassel and Will Keegan will accompany him, but today they\'re not talking about reconnaissance, they\'re more about our training.

Explain the precautions in a harsh tone to the three people Guy is floating on.

"There\'s a lot of danger in the woods. I don\'t know what the forest or north of Kanga Hill is unlike the grassland north of the hill. Don\'t act unsolicited. Listen to me in silence. You got it."

The three of them said, "" "Yes!" "he replies with a voice.

Guy sees the three of them in the face wondering if they\'re really okay, but immediately signaled to leave.

Mel wears a skinned hat on her skinned jacket and a narrow short sword on her hips.

Dan is a skinned hat on a skinned jacket the same way, but he has a dagger just like me and a shortbow in his hand that he uses in practice.

Sharon wears a straw hat-like hat on his cloth jacket and has a wooden stick of about a metre in his hand.

All carry their backpacks and walk in the village with pleasure.

I wonder if Zach Cartel (us) is going somewhere, and some of the villagers are stopping their farming hands and watching us. Some of them waved, so we were walking back, too.

Once in the western woods, about 300 m from the streets proceed in parallel along the streets.

The streets themselves have few pedestrian streets, so the degree of danger is no different from that in the back of the woods, but they decided to take this route because it is easy to locate it in an emergency.

Once in the woods, the three of them tighten their expressions and begin to be vigilant around them.

All three seemed to get a lot of attention from their parents, and the atmosphere had changed from excursion to training all at once.

(Wow. An event like this is supposed to make you lose your composure no matter how much attention you get, but it has the same serious look on your face as it did when you auditioned. Is this the difference between a child in a peaceful country and a soldier\'s child...)

When I lose to the three of us, I pay attention to my surroundings.

From time to time, I have not encountered animals that make noises but are particularly dangerous because they are deer or rabbits.

And from his former adventurer, Guy, he travels through the woods, taking lectures on animal footprints, learning where to set traps, and more.

In the woods is peace itself, and only the sounds of the birds and the wind shaking the branches of the trees can be heard.

After about three hours of walking while I put in a break, I go out into the street once.

There\'s a little square there to be used for a resting place, and just below is the Black River flowing.

"Make it a break here. Keep away from the river just the kids..."

When Guy finishes talking about precautions, spread out the two-m square cloth Sharon brought to

"Master Zach, sit here. I had my mother brew herbal tea."

That said, pour the tea from the water bottle into a wooden cup.

Usually, slightly, but at times like this, he\'s a really carefree kid.

Mel and Dan also sit on that seat and lunch time begins.

Looks like Sharon\'s mother Claire made it in a temper, not sandwiches, but also vinegar pickled vegetables (pickles) and boiled imos.

Mel, just Sandwich, looks a little remorseful, but Sharon also recommends Mel his own lunch and ends up eating as friendly and soothing as usual for four.

Guy looked at me and Sharon alternately with some subtle face, but I kept him out of sight.

(Though my esteemed predecessor\'s grandson, I guess he\'s concerned about getting his pretty daughter taken. Well, Sharon\'s a cute assortment, too, I don\'t know, but)

Sharon is a pretty girl with three thin golden hair knitted down to her shoulders and big watery eyes on her white skin. Paired with a relaxed atmosphere, even a white piece would likely work if I said some noble lady.

The other girl, Mel, is a healthy beautiful girl with big brown eyes, with bright brown hair in a ponytail that can be described as carrot-colored, on a face that burns a little in the day. It constantly moves around except during archery, and is fun to watch as it twirls around like a playful little horse.

Dan is a boy who mows blonde hair short like a wheat ear similar to his father Guy\'s and blinks over his nose but stands out. I often get a slightly less confident look, but I have a pretty good muscle like him the hard worker.

(It\'s like all three of us are kids to me, so I don\'t think I need to worry about taking it or anything like that...)

When we\'re done eating, we go into the woods again.

Where the sun transcends Jomtien, it begins to return to the village. The place would have been about half a mile from the village to Ars Street walking in the woods at a distance of about 2,5 km.

From the route we came, we walk slightly north, behind the woods.

You\'re just getting tired of all three of them, with slightly heavier footprints.

When I tried to suggest a break to Guy,

"Enos, Will! Take Master Zach and the others to safety! There\'s a wild dog."

When Guy yells like that, he lowers us back as he sets up the short spear that Enos and Will had in their hands.

"Dear Zach, please step back. I\'ll turn that tree back."

Enos points to a single tree about five meters away and directs us.

Dan tries to put up a bow, but I say "stop it" and I stop it.

Because he looked uncomfortable.

"When I do bad things here, I get in Guy\'s way. Better not get your hands on me till you come closer."

Make sure Dan snorts and lowers Sharon and Mel behind him. Mel pulls out her sword and tries to get out in front of me, but she looks a little happy when she comes forward so that I can shelter her, and she honestly backs me down.

In the meantime, the wild dogs approach Guy.

He is about ten wild dogs, a fierce looking dog with a wide open mouth and a daze of saliva. It resembles a Tosa dog or a mastiff, but its hungry expression feels more like a playful hyena than a dog.

You look hungry and crazy, but you feel threatened by Guy, you approach me pretty carefully. And while we stare at Guy, we set our goals for him.

The flock of wild dogs spreads to surround us with a roar of glue.

When Guy stabbed his sword into the ground in front of him, he set up a long bow and started releasing arrows.

When I thought there was a sharp wind-cut sound, an arrow stood in the mouth of the wild dog leading the way.

The wild dog falls on the spot and stops moving as he bounces up with a squeaking sound similar to a scream that can also be heard gang and gee ho. The wild dogs rushed out as if that had been a signal, packing the distance at once.

Guy releases an arrow to get rid of the wild dog, but where he put an arrow on the two wild dogs, he allowed them to approach him.

I look at the mouth of a wild dog and the red eyes that are burning in anger.

(Horrible... he\'s aiming to eat and kill me... I need to do something about it...)

I was panicking in my first real battle.

I have horrible red burning wild dog eyes and I can\'t think of anything. If I had confronted the wild dogs one-on-one, not with the Guys, no doubt I would have been eaten to death.

I start casting my best Swallow Wing Blade (Swallow Cutter) spells with my knees about to collapse. You\'re feeling scared in your first fight, your mouth doesn\'t turn well and the spell doesn\'t come out inside.

"Oh, it\'s the wind god of the wind (Wentus) who presides over many of the winds of" Aha ". And give me the swallow of a blade that dances in heaven. The Swallow Winged Blade (Swallow Cutter)"

Over and over again, when I manage to complete the magic, a clear swordfish out of my right hand goes through the side of Enos standing in front and into the wild dog.

The wild dog came in the opposite direction to chew it up with a voice of intimidation to see if the swordfish could understand anything. I managed to manipulate the swordfish and hit it in the right eye over the mouth of a wide open wild dog.

The moment the magical swordfish pierces the face of the wild dog, a blood splash splashes hard. The wild dog screams and jumps at the pain of being crushed in the eye, but my magic reached my brain or it collapsed so that I could hold my leg.

In the meantime, the wild dogs approach before us. Sharon was screaming small as the five wild dogs semi-surfaced around us.

I\'m about to meditate on my eyes if I can\'t do it anymore, but I just keep opening my eyes with my energy. In my eyes, the big mouth of a wild dog looked like a gateway to hell. I couldn\'t even prepare the next magic.

But Enos and Will, who are in front of me, are not upset at all and roll out their spears with what can be described as mechanical accuracy. Whenever their spears were thrust out, the wild dogs were quickly driven away by being pierced through the steeple and falling, with Guy, who had even more swords in his hands, joining the fight from behind.

(You\'re really strong. Even the young Enos and Will didn\'t have any problems at all, albeit to the extent of the wild dogs. And it\'s my first fight... even though I was just protected, it\'s horrible that an enemy comes after my life...)

Guy asks us if we\'re hurt, but no one, including me, has a voice.

I managed to get back on my feet first, and I said, "It\'s okay. Because Enos and Will knocked me down before they got close," he squeezes out his voice.

And I remember attacking Guy without permission, and I apologized to him.

"I magically attacked you on my own... I\'m sorry..."

I apologize to the fullest and bow my head deeply.

"Master Zach is not wrong. In that case, because one or fewer enemies would have been better to approach," he followed with a laugh.

But my heart didn\'t clear.

(Though Guy didn\'t give clear instructions, he may have caused confusion by launching an attack on his own. I told Dan to be great, "Don\'t get your hands on me," but I forgot me first. Can I do this...)

While Guy was checking our safety, he was removing the Demonic Crystal Stone from the wild dog that Enos and Will defeated.

Demonic crystal stones are gemstone-like crystals held by people, demons, and other magical beings, and are materials for demonic props. We were watching as the wild dog\'s body swept away.

Enos said, "Would you like to try? He said," I\'m afraid I\'m getting closer to the wild dog I knocked down. The right eye of the wild dog was completely decided, with a pretty deep hole. After all, my released swordfish seemed to reach my brain.

When I stood beside the wild dog, Enos didn\'t hide his surprise look as he saw the wild dog\'s body.

"That\'s a magical blow. It also penetrates the steeple precisely. Brilliant."

I answered nothing to his words and asked him how to take the Demonic Crystal Stone.

"Where is it? How am I supposed to take it?

Enos pointed around the base of his forefoot,

"The place is different depending on the demon, but it\'s mostly something around the heart. Around here."

And while adding a gesture that puts your hands together,

"Keep your hands on the demon\'s body. Demon Stone, come out."

I try to collect Demon Crystals the way he says I do.

Hands over a wild dog with an image that makes the Demonic Crystal Stone rise in his mind.

I don\'t even use magic, but I feel a magical flow from a wild dog and something slowly approaches me. Further in mind, the flow suddenly disappeared, and it felt like something raw and warm touched my hand.

Hard stuff falls all the way down.

Rolling down the ground were jewels like black pearls less than a cm in diameter.

"That\'s Master Zach, isn\'t it? I can\'t believe you took it out perfectly in one go!

Apparently, this also has a knack, and it takes about ten times to get used to it.

Enos keeps the jewel in my hands.

"This is a testament to Master Zach\'s first crusade, The Witness. In honor."

Thus, my first battle closed.

(I couldn\'t do anything. This is the battle I risked my life for. Can I get used to this from now on...)

A wild dog\'s body can be collected in one place.

The collected wild dog body was said to be coming tomorrow morning for the vigilante to dispose of it. They may have been eaten by demons by then, but they\'re going to dispose of them early so they won\'t be demons as long as possible.

And we headed down the street. Think about us and use the streets.

Mel and the others, including me, seem pretty shocked and have a small mouth count. Sharon, in particular, has a pale white face and no sense of footing.

I get forgiveness from Guy and hold Sharon\'s hand.

She was a little surprised, but at least the footsteps were certain.

As usual when this happens, Mel shakes the opposite hand. It\'s a narrow road, but the three kids can walk side by side, so the three of us walk side by side.

(Bad for Guy, but if you don\'t do this, you could be traumatized. I don\'t think I can get back on my feet with this, but at least I won\'t be crying down until I get back to the mansion......)