Dream Life

17 Lesson 15: Classes

August 21st.

Liddy\'s magic class began.

When the class started, I started teaching in a teacher-like tone, remembering my college days.

(Fine, don\'t feel like Norinoli. If it\'s for little kids only, isn\'t it surprisingly suitable for teachers?

Her classes move on, regardless of what I think.

"First, you explain magic. Magic has eight attributes…"

To summarise her explanation, magic has eight attributes - fire, light, wind, tree, water, darkness, earth, and gold - just like attribute God.

Magic transforms a person\'s “magic” into a desired phenomenon by imparting it to the "Spirit” of each attribute.

To this end, it is important to give magic to the Spirit and to successfully communicate his wishes to the Spirit.

Although the way magic is given varies from person to person, the wrong amount of magic is a big deal, so adequate control techniques are required.

A way of communicating one\'s wishes to the Spirit is through spells. There are other ways to use magic formations, but those with strong imagination can use magic without spells or magic formations.

My understanding is that the human body is the amplifier amplifier, the human magic is the input signal, the spiritual power is the power source, and the magic is the output.

I guess spells and magic formations are "biases”. Because if you can adjust to the best bias, the amplification rate will increase.

If human imagination is considered the performance of amplifiers, it\'s not that hard to think about.

But no one knows if that\'s the right thing to do.

It was about thirty minutes of seating, but Mel and Dan were mostly rowing boats.

Liddy and I smile at the look of it, but after waking the two of us up, we move on to the next step.

We were to start by feeling magical.

Liddy, touching the area around the navel,

"They say there\'s a build-up of magic around here. Let\'s start by feeling magical."

We all start to concentrate around the navel.

About five minutes, yeah, I\'ll roar and try a lot, but I don\'t feel it at all.

The other three seemed the same, with their necks tilted.

Did Liddy also anticipate the consequences, "It\'s still difficult. Okay, let\'s go with me one by one," he says, standing up.

"I\'m going to start with Dan. I\'ll put my hands together, so feel the magic."

After that, turn around behind Dan, try to hold him in, and put your hand on his belly.

"Meditate your eyes and exhale slowly...... what do you say? Do you understand?

Dan seemed to not know how many times he did it, and at the end he was about to cry.

"Don\'t worry about it. Because most people don\'t understand. So Mel\'s next."

I\'ll do the same to Mel, but she still can\'t seem to feel it either.

Mel, who hates losing, does it all over again, but it still seemed impossible.

(You know, magical talent is valuable. Speaking of which, there are only three magicians, or healers, in this village, and simply not one percent of the entire population)

Mel finally gave up, too, but there were tears of remorse in his eyes.

(Because I have the gift of a sword, I don\'t think I have to force myself to learn magic. Well, maybe that\'s what it is if you say it looks like Mel there. You should follow me later)

The third was Sharon.

When Liddy said, "How do you feel? When I heard him," at first he had a bewildered look, "something was moving," he muttered in a small voice.

You weren\'t expecting Liddy either, surprised by the words, "What\'s this? What\'s this?" and starts doing something else.

Sharon was nodding, yeah, every time.

"Sharon has a gift for magic. This is amazing! Let me talk to your father and mother later."

Liddy says that in an excited way, Sharon nods cocklessly. And then my turn comes at the end.

(Sharon can\'t and I can\'t. Because you must have the talent to get all attributes)

I\'m in the mood for Liddy.

But the moment she held me in, the temper shriveled at once.

(Something smells good. something subtly hits my back...... oh i thought the elves were lactating but they are pretty good style......)

You notice me not being able to concentrate, Liddy whispers and scolds me, "Do it seriously".

I honestly apologize for the words "sorry," and get back in the mood and feel the movement of her hand.

I didn\'t feel anything at first.

As we concentrate, we gradually start to feel something warm.

That warm thing felt like slowly creating a shape, and when conscious, it felt like a long, thin stick.

"A stick is like a long, thin stick. No, it\'s twisted like a snake..."

It moves unnecessarily through my body. As such, "Sama" appeared to be a parasitic cosmic creature appearing in horror (horror) films, and it was also disgusting.

Liddy\'s hand slowly circles.

Until earlier, things were moving like semi-solids, but now I felt a stream of pure force, a stream like water in my body if I insist.

"I\'m circulating your magic now. I don\'t know exactly, but this is gonna be your whole magic. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I get it. Is this magic..."

I was a little excited and back to the way I talked about the ground.

He hastily acts as "awesome, awesome," but I might have bothered.

Liddy\'s hand leaves, but he kept feeling the magic in me. My magic accumulated around the navel, and I also felt like it would warm me up when I was conscious.

Was she satisfied, too, walking away from me? I\'m a little sorry to hear that, but I can\'t even put it in my mouth.

"That\'s it for today. Unfortunately, I can\'t use magic on Dan and Mel. But we both have a lot of magic. It\'s good to know that magic is useful when using magic props."

Without having to follow me, Liddy followed me.

"Starting tomorrow, only Zach and Sharon will take classes, but if you want to see them both, you can stay. Because it will also be useful when working with magicians in the future."

Dan and Mel smile and nod, saying they\'ll be here tomorrow.

"Sharon will bring your father and mother later. See you tomorrow."

Dan and Mel try to go play as they go, but there\'s something about Sharon, so they acted apart from each other when it came to rendezvous later.

Sharon went back to his house to get his own parents - Guy and Claire - and in the meantime me me and Liddy headed to my grandfather\'s room.

When she finds her grandfather, Liddy starts talking a little quicker.

"Zach is special, but a kid named Sharon is also quite talented. Govi, I\'m going to teach her with you."

My exhilarating grandfather, a little drawn to Liddy, calls out, "Well, calm down".

"Sharon\'s parents don\'t know about this, do they? We\'ll have to decide after we hear both of them."

Liddy also had a slight calm and at the same time a look resembling regret as to whether he understood his grandfather\'s words.

I don\'t understand why I would say that because I thought it was a good thing that I had magician talent.

"Doesn\'t having magical talent mean it\'s great?

"Generally not," his grandfather nods with a smile close to a bitter smile.

"But it is limited to those born in the family of magicians or in noble houses"

I still can\'t see the story, and I\'m like, "Why is that?" and lean his neck.

"Attributes that can be healers such as water, trees, or light are good. Every village has a place to train. But if you\'re a regular magician, you either have to teach someone to grow up, or you have to go to magic school."

And look at Liddy.

"Good if Lydia can teach all the time. In the case of a magician, it takes at least fifteen years to become a servant. If you\'ll stay in this village in the meantime. If that\'s difficult, someone needs to find a master. Because halfway magical knowledge destroys you."

I look up to her unexpectedly in that word.

Her expression was a little cloudy,

"You\'re right. Because I don\'t know how long I\'ll be here, and originally, at your request, I was talking about Zach until he got into college."

"Is it hard to get into college?

"I do hear that entrance exams are difficult. More than that, the problem is money. Ten thousand C (krona) (= equivalent to ten million yen) for enrollment and a minimum of three thousand C per year. You\'ll pass first, and you\'ll get an admission waiver. But if that\'s hard..."

I found out what my grandfather was trying to say.

(I see. Halfway through knowledge, can\'t you use decent magic or keep your magic adjusted poorly? Worst case scenario, you could die of out of magic. I wish Liddy would tell me all the time, but it\'s hard for a child apprentice to keep up with her in Adventurer Operations. When that happens, is it school? Enrollment and tuition. It\'s an amount you\'ll never get out in this poor village squire\'s house. Well, I don\'t know what to do...)

Then Guy, Claire and Sharon came to my grandfather\'s room.

I left the room because I couldn\'t participate in that discussion, but later on I heard that usually modest Sharon insisted strongly, and Guy reluctantly admitted it.

She cried and asked me to promise not to use magic for the rest of her life if she couldn\'t finish her training properly on anything.

I wish I hadn\'t left any trouble in the future, but I was also rethinking the possibility that Liddy would reschedule and continue Sharon\'s training.

(I don\'t know what there will be in the future. Then possibilities = I\'d rather not do anything that crushes my dreams. If it\'s enough to stop and regret it, you better do it and regret it. If I have to, I can earn Sharon\'s share. You might want to seriously consider making money from specialties when this happens...)