Dream Life

16 Episode XIV: Elf Mage

I had lost my word about the beautiful woman who visited the mansion.

The rich hair protruding from the dark brown leather helmet was golden, containing a slightly lighter green color, like the ear of the pre-harvest wheat, sparkling in the light of day. And the ears peeking between its hair, long and pointy.

The slightly sweaty face was reddish and rosy because of the heat or the white skin. Those eyes, dark emerald as a deep forest in a lake, stare at me wonderfully.

Would a body wrapped in leather armor be less than one hundred and seventy cm tall? I may enter the smaller one in this world, but because of its thin hips, it looks slim and tall.

As I was solidifying as I stared, she gracefully approached me, crouching and gazing.

Still, I, I couldn\'t say anything, was hardening like time had stopped.

Because those deep emerald eyes seemed to see through everything and didn\'t seem to me to be the creature of the world. He thought he was a fairy or an angel.

You were funny how I was, she\'s leaning her little neck and smiling. I was too old to be ashamed of myself, and I accidentally turned away.

She didn\'t think it was obvious, she just talked to me.

"Govi said, no, is your uncle here? Can you tell her Lydia\'s here?

The voice was a pleasant one, such as a mezzo-soprano, slightly lower than a soprano, and I even thought my voice was beautiful, but I couldn\'t say anything, nodded silently and ran to my grandfather.

(Is that woman "One" Mr. Lydiane? Awesome beauty... and it\'s my taste (type)...)

He seemed to rise more than he thought he would, and he didn\'t even realize his face was red.

My grandfather opens his mouth the most, "What\'s wrong with you with your red face?," he calls out wondering. In embarrassment, I told my grandfather that Lydiane had come to visit.

My grandfather seems to have figured out what was causing me to turn red and walks niggling without saying anything.

(Was it that red? But what kind of relationship is it, Mr. Lidiane?

For once, I\'ve heard that Lydiane is a long-lived elf, but from what I\'ve seen, about the early to mid twenties, she doesn\'t stain one on her white complexion.

Walking after my grandfather, my grandfather, who found Lydiane, rushes over to her.

"Well done for coming! I thought you had contacts!

Yeah, well, hug her, slap her on the back.

It\'s more of a sports club masculine embrace than a lover, but she had a slightly hazy look on her face.

"As always, Govi is. But it\'s been a really long time. I wonder how many years it\'s been?

My fathers kept coming to my grandfather\'s voice.

They say hello to each other, and they laugh at Nico, even Walt, who is usually a silent, faceless squire head.

When Walt takes the horse to the stables, we all head to the dining room in one of his grandfather\'s words: "What in this place, we\'re changing places".

I followed after, feeling somewhat alienated.

Officially receiving words of welcome from his father and mother, Lydiane returns her thanks with an elegant trick that does not suit his equipment.

"I\'m going to take care of you for a while. Thank you very much."

My brother Rod, who came at some point, also sees what she looks like and blushes.

I couldn\'t take my eyes off her tricks, though I wondered if I was that red.

My grandfather introduces me to my brother.

"This is Matt\'s eldest son, Rodrick. Call him Rod."

"It\'s Rodrick," said his brother, blushing. Welcome to our home, "he says in a fine voice.

All the grownups were smiling at that, but I couldn\'t afford it.

"This is Zacharias. I\'m going to ask you for guidance this time."

I took a deep breath in my heart and said, "It\'s Zacharias. Call me Zach," he manages to squeeze out his voice. My voice shuddered a little.

"Rod, Zach. It\'s Lydiane. Nice to meet you."

My brother, who said that with a smile, becomes even more red to the point where he wonders if steam will erupt from his head.

(If you react so far next door, you can calm down a little. Thank you, brother)

I smile and offer my hand "hello".

She bent over in surprise and took my hand.

(Don\'t recess into the fact that you\'re a toddler at times like this. Well, as far as fathers and deities are concerned, they should be taller in the future, so I\'m relieved)

Afterwards, surrounding Lydiane, a briefing on the current situation of the elderly began.

I was listening, but there were many stories I didn\'t understand and I was a little bored.

The three Mels who had finished their naps also greeted Lydiane and I left the room to be drawn to Mel and Sharon.

(I was bored and just fine. Still, are you jealous at this age? Who am I supposed to ask about the psychology around here?

Though I thought so, the three of us went to visit the east woods in the mansion.

That night, after dinner, my grandfather calls me.

There was also the figure of Lydiane, who untied her traveling outfit and wore a loose shirt.

"I\'m talking about your magic instruction. Lydia, can you talk to me?"

When she nods to her grandfather small, she starts talking to me.

"I heard your“ secret. "Even that God gave me a magical gift. Honestly, I haven\'t been able to sort my mind out yet. Of course, I don\'t expect Govi to lie..."

I don\'t know what to say at the end, the end of the story gets smaller in a troublesome way.

I\'m taking over the word.

"My grandfather can believe it, but he says it\'s too absurd to believe it in Russia. I do think it\'s normal to think so."

Listen to my words, she opens her eyes wide.

"You\'re so true! Something a four-year-old can\'t talk about like that. All right. I\'ll believe it."

After a loud nod about whether there was a fold in me, I started talking again.

"It\'s about teaching magic, but I think it\'s early for a four-year-old. Little kids have less magic..."

In her story, magic comes to a bottom as soon as a child with less magic uses magic. They say that magic is the force an organism needs to live, and it\'s the energy it needs to start the heart and work its organs.

When that energy runs out, you lose consciousness first, then your organs stop working. And in the worst case scenario, they\'re going to die.

For this reason, he says he will start training in the magician\'s family only after the age of seven, until then he will spend his time training to feel magic and to manipulate it in his body.

"That\'s why I\'ll start training you tomorrow on magic theory and feeling magical. Any questions?

"I can know my magic as a number. So you won\'t be out of magic. Don\'t worry about my body, think about your training plan"

She was about to raise her voice for a moment, but immediately turned to her grandfather, and said, "Really, your grandson is out of common sense," and said with a shuddering face, "Oh, I\'m sorry. I didn\'t mean to sound bad," he apologizes to me.

Makes me smile that I don\'t care, but I immediately put it back on my serious face.

"As my grandfather may have told me, I should be able to use all attributes. I think we need more time than normal people to refine each attribute. So..."

Look at my serious look, she smiles to reassure me,

"You don\'t have to worry. Magic is not like martial arts. One attribute will allow you to use other attributes without so much bitterness. I\'ll explain around there tomorrow."

Like she said, I thought I needed training for every attribute. Apparently, that\'s my assumption, and I\'m just a little relieved.

"It\'s Govi\'s sword training in the morning, isn\'t it? Then study magic in the afternoon. I heard you could read letters, so all of a sudden I\'m gonna start studying magic."

I smile at her and say, "Okay. Mr. Lydiane," he said carefully.

slightly up the edge of his mouth, creating a mean looking face,

"Is that a normal way to talk? I don\'t like being tough," he complained cutely.

(For once, you\'re older. You look like you\'re in your twenties, but you call me Govi. Besides, I\'m going to be a master...)

When I was in trouble, my grandfather sent me a help boat.

"You just have to treat Mel and the others the same way. Age is eating, but mental age is similar. That\'s right, Kuck, hahahaha!

My grandfather is bending over and laughing whether his words have entered the pod.

She made a slightly scratchy face and cried, "I\'m eating... that\'s terrible".

(The fact that mental age is similar is through. Well, I guess it\'s an act. For a cool looking beauty, is it hard to get along without doing this? Let\'s hang out a little bit)

I could afford just a little bit, and I tried to make her an approach that she wouldn\'t have done in her previous life.

"Okay, I\'ll stop saluting. Okay, Lydia...... no, let me call you Lydia. Right, can you make this my exclusive call?

She was suddenly surprised at me for the change of vibe and stopped crying on the way. And the moment I said “Liddy," it solidified with my outfit as it was.

I think I screwed up the way it was, and I try to apologize aggressively, but I notice that her expression has turned into a happy smile.

"Yeah, fine. Liddy... yeah, this is for you only. I won\'t let anyone else call me that for the rest of my life. Liddy......"

I was a little panicked because Liddy wasn\'t what I expected.

("What\'s for me only?" I was going to be returned... what is this reaction? He\'s laughing, so he seems to know why, but you can\'t ask him here...)

She smiled and said, "Well, I\'ll see you tomorrow, Zach," and I was even more confused when I said, "Oh, nice to meet you, Liddy."

The next day, before my morning training, I asked my grandfather about Liddy\'s reaction yesterday.

"What was Mr. Lydiane\'s reaction yesterday?

My grandfather eats suddenly on the subject, but immediately erupts, "When I first saw Lydia, what did you think? I\'ve heard."

I don\'t know the intent of the question, but I\'ll be honest with you.

"I thought you were a great beauty. I think my mother and Claire are beautiful, but“ I didn\'t know there was such a beautiful woman in the world. "That\'s my first impression."

If my mother Tanya or Sharon\'s mother Claire is also in the previous world, she\'s beautiful enough to think she\'s an actress or a model, but Liddy isn\'t in that dimension.

The idea was the same for my grandfather.

"Right. Lydia didn\'t have many friends for that beautiful face. Think about it. To all those beauties. Yes, yes. A man cannot speak up. So is a woman. I never come close to a woman who is much more beautiful than I am and seems to stick around. Well, it sounds like a light man with a voice, but I don\'t think that\'s the right thing for Lydia\'s glasses."

(You sure are. I didn\'t have a voice at first either... but once we talk, we can break it right away, right?

"But I thought you were casual. I think once we talk about it, we can quickly become popular?

My grandfather shook his head like he still didn\'t understand,

"She\'s a coward when it comes to dating. Well, not yesterday. All of us are familiar..."

My grandfather talks about whether Liddy used to be at Doctus School of Magic, where he couldn\'t make friends and became mildly anthropophobic.

"I guess I didn\'t even know my daughter, who came out of a rural village in Sartooth. I told him that for five years after enrolling at the age of thirteen, I had no friends who could forgive my heart. Though I\'m in the dorm, I think I was pretty careful..."

And it\'s going to be about my grandfather meeting Liddy.

"Not long after Lydia graduated, yes, when she was still on her own and seemingly lonely request. Non met her like that. At that time, Non thought that there was such a beautiful daughter in the world..."

"Did your uncle call you?

My grandfather meditates a little as he remembers the old days and nods, "Well, then." And with distant eyes,

"Non was also only eighteen or nine years old. When I went into the woods on a solo request. That\'s when I met Lydia. She was a solo, too. I (...) crusaded wild dogs, she harvested herbs... she helped me where I was surrounded by wild dogs and in crisis..."

You remember the old days, you\'re back when you were younger until the tone.

(But you\'d be a little sorry to make it a fateful encounter. Normally, it is the knight who helps the beauty, and the beauty can help her... well, it is a beautiful memory in person...)

My grandfather had been telling memorabilia for about five minutes. The story was that my grandfather had been partying and receiving requests for five years from about eighteen years.

(Twenty-three because it\'s five years in eighteen? Was he an adventurer even when he was married because his father was born when he was twenty-three years old? You were a mess)

"The only people outside of her village who can call Lydiane Lydia are Non and Non\'s family. Well, he\'s dead now, and that\'s what his old buddies used to call him. So I\'m glad they gave me the nickname” Liddy. "

If beauty pleases me too, I\'ve decided that\'s a good thing.

Around 3pm. At the end of our nap time, it will be Liddy\'s magic class.

The cool shade of the wind replaces the classroom.

At first, I was going to take it alone, but Sharon rarely insisted that I wanted to learn it myself.

In the form of being fished by it, Mel and Dan said they wanted to take classes in the same way.

Liddy also looked a little troubled and said, "You\'re in trouble. Can the three of you read letters? They asked me, so I clouded my expression even more when I said I taught them.

Apparently, I wanted to say no because I can\'t read the letters.

"Okay. You know, it\'s no waste, and if you\'re talented, you\'re lucky."

In the end, the four of us were to act as usual.