Dream Life

11 Lesson IX: The Rasmore Village Reform Plan (Part I): Toilet Reform

The toilet first.

I decided to make the reform of the act of excretion, which everyone does, the first step in the Rasmore Village Reform Plan.

You might think that some people will have something higher priority.

Normally, you would expect to set up measures to improve the food situation of villagers or increase tax revenues. But the food situation in this village is never bad.

Moreover, the Lockhart family has never suffered from a lack of tax revenues.

The reason is simple.

Because the Lockhart family, the ruler, doesn\'t need much tax.

The taxes the Lockhart family hangs are pretty cheap. Enough to say it\'s broken.

Most of the inhabitants of this village of Rasmore are farmers.

Sometimes the food situation gets worse due to lack of production, etc., but for low taxes, I can turn it to stockpiles.

In addition, cereals paid as taxes, etc. cash some, but store most of them in mansions. By releasing this in an emergency, villagers rarely suffer from hunger.

There are two reasons why taxes are low.

The first is that what the family of the Lockhart family and their squire need for their lives are almost self-sufficient to cover and need not be forcibly collected from the inhabitants.

Noblemen would have to pay more for clothing, meals and other social expenses, but the Lockhart family, a civilian knight in the countryside, has no ties to the social community and has no wasted social expenses, so it is not necessary to collect more taxes than necessary.

The second is that the monetary economy is less developed in the village because pedestrians only come twice a month in the first place. Naturally, the Lockhart family doesn\'t have a chance to spend cash, either, and they don\'t need to raise taxes that are stored.

As a normal legitimate use of tax revenues is infrastructure development such as road repairs, but in the village of Rasmore, where the infrastructure itself is not developed, it is mostly solved by villagers volunteering.

There are some opinions that we should develop infrastructure, but there is no need on the part of the villagers.

Regarding the military costs likely to be next, in this peaceful village it is only about updating the equipment of the vigilante, but enough to make regular demon crusades, and this will not be a huge sum either. On the contrary, the more you earn cash by selling crusaded demonic materials and demonic crystal stones.

I don\'t know the exact tax rate, but I think it\'s sensibly about 10% of the annual income.

Despite the good food situation, the population of Rasmore Village hasn\'t changed much in the last decade or so, apparently. Because epidemic diseases occur once every few years and irresistible children and the elderly die.

Nicholas looked into it, and the infant mortality rate is high, with more than ten people dying each year. They say the number of children born in a year is about thirty, so it was more than 30% mortality.

Not all causes are in the toilet situation, but I think if we could at least plant the concept of hygiene management in the villagers, we could protect the little ones.

When I go into the office, I get back in the mood while I go in front of my father.

I got in the mood and started talking about "I need a favor from my father".

"I want to improve my bathroom."

My father is about to slip off the chair to my words I never thought he would.

"T, toilet...... is that it? That\'s the result of today\'s inspection…"

I snort loudly at my father, who managed to squeeze out words.

"Yes, it\'s a difficult word, but there is the idea of" hygiene management ". It\'s about keeping the body and the environment clean, and reducing the incidence of disease."

My father feels like he just said he doesn\'t get it, hands up.

"Yes, Mamma, Mamman? What does cleansing your body have to do with illness?

"Yes. The original of the disease is often found in unclean things. Especially when it comes to faecal urine, which is the source of many diseases. When the original of the disease enters through your mouth, you may have a belly or a fever. Adults can get a little sick, but little kids can die just like that."

"Really? Sure, kids have a lot of fever, but isn\'t that normal?

"No, there is always a cause for illness. Fecal urine is not necessarily the cause of it all, but it is not in good condition now......"

I told my father how unhygienic the bathroom in the mansion could be and could be the source of illness.

As things stand, the excrement left outside is left alone until it flows in the rain, and it flows further down the road and around the house with the rainwater.

So far there has been no sign of sewage entering the well, but it is not strange whenever sewage enters.

Furthermore, the children grab what is on the ground with ease. If that ground was contaminated, and if you didn\'t wash those hands...

I don\'t know how long bacteria such as E. coli can live on the ground. However, if we looked at the situation in the village, we thought it was not strange for the child to be invaded by bacteria and ill.

"So put a barrel or barrel under the toilet to receive excrement and dispose of it regularly"

"It\'s good to put the barrel down, but isn\'t it going to be full soon? Even when it comes to disposal, what are you going to do with the original chunk of such a disease?

"What accumulates in the barrel will be filled in a hole drilled away from the mansion. At that time, keep the rotten leaves in the woods, the leaf mould, from the top. This breaks down the excrement, eliminates the odor, and even turns it into a fertilizer that can be used in the field…"

What I suggested was a suction toilet and microbial decomposition.

I remember, but there are a lot of microbes in the rotten soil, which should facilitate degradation, like compost.

"You can clean the toilet place now, but it might be quicker to build the toilet outside. We need to raise the floor to put a barrel or barrel, and after this, to spread it to the village, we\'re going to build a similar toilet."

When I visited the village, I was checking to see how the villagers were doing more for me.

I was surprised to hear it, but he said he was adding to it with grass and shade from the fields outside the house.

My father seemed to have doubts about the story of spreading it to the village, but about making it in the mansion, he gave me permission.

I get paper and writing equipment to write blueprints, and I get on my father\'s desk and start pulling drawings.

(Is it parchment on the blade pen? It\'s hard to write, but you\'re going to figure it out. Rent a knife instead of a rule......)

Grabbing a pen, I pull the drawing I drew in my head.

(It\'s about two meters by one meter in size, and the floor height as one meter. Is it about three meters high... If it is a barrel containing about 100 litres, it is tall, so should it be a barrel with a wide mouth? Because I have to put it on the trolley to carry it...... it would be useful to set it up with the trolley from the start. Doing so would give the floor height a little more......)

I often write drawings of the toilet in a triple view, struggling with a pen that I hook up to.

Next to me, my father watched it with interest.

"What do you think of that drawing? Oh, front and side, and a drawing from above? I see..."

My father, who is definitely impressed, is a little loud, but writes up a rough drawing in about twenty minutes.

The size of the hole and the structure of the vent, as well as the precautions for the material of the barrel, will also be written down.

"Here\'s the thing, I\'ll leave the place to you. If possible, make the same near the houses of your servants"

"Okay, but how did you explain it..."

(Right. You can\'t do that with your father\'s proposal... maybe you should cum out on the Walts too...)

"I need to talk to your father. I was wondering if I should tell my squire my secret. That way, I can explain."

My father thought a little, "Well, Nicholas may have noticed," he murmured.

"Let\'s talk to your father. You should also tell Beltram about anything. I don\'t really want to spread the word, but the squire is the same with his family. Beltram can also be trusted, given his friendship with his father."

Looks like my grandfather and father decided to tell my secret to my squire and his wife.

The next day, the squire and his wives were called to the mansion, and it seemed that his grandfather had explained it in the hall.

I wasn\'t called on the spot, so I don\'t know what the reaction was, but then I met Walt and Molly, but it was the usual reaction, and I accidentally lost my shoulder strength.

But whoever you meet is always the same, and the opposite raises questions.

(No matter how much you say, isn\'t it usually creepy? That doesn\'t change the response at all...)

The question was revealed from my grandfather\'s mouth.

"All my ministers thought you had something. We had the same reaction as Nong et al. Ha ha!

That\'s how my grandfather opened his big mouth and laughed.

(In the end, you mean my acting wasn\'t good at all... was it good or bad... is it bad for the Mels too?

My grandfather looks at my face and makes a serious look. Apparently, it was a prospect.

"They tell Rod to look at the time and talk to him from Matt. Tell Melissa and the others after that."

I do think it would be awkward to speak before my brother, who is a family member, and I nod, "Okay."

Walt and Nicholas have my drawings and they\'re talking about something.

I\'ve been watching from afar, but I\'m really curious.

"Is there a problem? If there\'s anything you don\'t understand, I want you to say it at any time."

Nicholas is a little surprised that he was suddenly called out, but he says it was just fine, and he brings in a consultation.

"I know the drawings, but I was wondering where to build them. You said Lord Walt would prefer a discreet north side, but I prefer an east side close to the woods."

Apparently, he was troubled at the installation site.

"Maybe Walt\'s idea would be better. Because the water field is closer to washing your hands in the north. But don\'t let it get too close to the well. Because if it overflows with heavy rain, the water will be polluted."

Did the two convince you, slightly down on the north side, they seem to have decided about ten meters from the mansion.

(I wonder who will carry the bucket or something. Do you even hire people from the village?

For the moment, they\'re going to do it with the squire, and if they figure out some way to do it, they\'re going to spread it to the villagers.

Starting the day after that, Craig, a woodworker who also worked as a carpenter, began construction.

The squire also helped and completed the mansion in just three days.

As shown in the drawing, the floor height was about one meter, but the staircase was less than three steps due to the use of slopes.

A barrel with clean water was installed next to the entrance and exit because it also explains the importance of hand washing. From the barrel, the water can be shrugged with patterned clay to wash hands.

(I\'d like to be able to wash both hands if possible, but the water supply is a problem. Do you want to make soap so you can wash your hands clean? …)

When I turned around to the back, where I put the fat barrel in and out, a path was made, towards the stable. When I went to the stable, a hole for disposal was built next to the stables.

Nicholas said that because of the smell of the stables, I didn\'t care if it increased slightly, so I decided here.

(Thoughtful. Even trolleys loaded with heavy barrels can be easily transported because the road is also slightly down...... stables horse shit. You should be able to make this into compost too)

I collect horse and cow dung in one place, and give instructions to keep the same dirt hanging.

(Throw in some blemishes over here, maybe it\'ll be better dirt)

He also embarked on a toilet for the squire, which was completed three days later.

It stopped smelling in the house and in the garden and was also well received by families who were confused at first.

Except on rainy days only, however, it was disapproved of the need to purposefully weave cloaks, which are rain gear, and the fact that my feet were wet.

(It\'s still more convenient to have it in the house. Winter seems tough. But the farmer was outside even in the middle of winter. I wonder what you were doing when it was raining?

By the way, the toilet in the mansion was to be cleaned up and then made for winter use.

At the end of the improvement of the mansion\'s toilet, my father and Nicholas, in charge of home affairs, were placed with further orders when they were disseminated to the villagers.

"Along with the restroom reform, I also ask you to be thoroughly informed about: One is to collect and process livestock manure in the same way. Two, hand washing encouragement. Always rewash your hands, especially when touching food. Three, even well water shall not be allowed to drink raw water for infants and children with weak bodies. Four, dishes shall be kept clean at all times. Five, if you get injured, wash well..."

I will make something in advance that says the basics of hygiene management, and explain it as I show it.

The two of them are roaring in the face that they don\'t understand the reason.

"I\'m not sure about any of this, but is this all we need?

In response to my father\'s question, I said, "I need everything!," he nodded forcefully.

Nicholas also roars with a troubled face, "Do you make this all thorough..."

"You don\'t have to do it at once, but be sure to be thorough with the first two. I think this will do you good."

To my confident explanation, it felt like my father and Nicholas had no choice but to start discussing how to inform the villagers.

Thus, my Rasmore Village Reform Plan was launched.