Dream Life

10 Lesson 8: Workshop

I headed with my father and my squire Nicholas to Dwarf\'s blacksmith\'s workshop.

(A year since I started living in different worlds. It\'s the first time you\'ve seen a Fae. That\'s also a classic during the classic, the dwarf...)

I was so excited that I didn\'t think I was forty-five.

I knew it existed, but when I was seen the real thing, it would still impress me differently. Hopefully, I\'d like to see some beasts and dragon men in the elves, but the village of Rasmore is a human village, and there aren\'t even any beasts living around here that should be relatively numerous.

The workshop is on the east side of Kitagaki Hill, with black smoke rising from the chimney on the roof.

Nicholas walks into the workshop like a touch, me and my father follow.

Despite the easy season at the end of May, the workshop was surrounded by muddled enthusiasm and a rhythmic sound of a hammer called Tontenkan was heard from the back.

Nicholas returned, smiling bitterly,

"Mr. Beltram says he can\'t get his hands off me. If you want to see it, you\'re asking me to see it on my own."

My father also laughs bitterly and explains to me, "It\'s always the same thing".

(Assuming he\'s a lord. Is this a special treatment because you invited him? Or is it a craftsmanship business... I hope it doesn\'t seem difficult...)

Nicholas got out of the workshop to see if he had another errand, or if he didn\'t like blacksmiths.

My father takes me into the back of the workshop.

Once in the back, the finished farm tools, pans, etc. lined up, and further in the back there was a burning furnace in bright red and a small artisan figure waving a hammer next to it.

(Small, but disappointing. The height is less than 150 centimeters. But your arms look thicker than my torso. Now if you have a mustache, it\'s a dwarf as imagined...)

I wait very long for the work to be done, being careful not to get too close.

The blacksmith keeps waving the hammer nearly twenty minutes as if he has infinite health, finally stopping his hand and putting in the bake.

What I was hitting was like a smooth sword, letting the sound of ju end the baking all at once.

I hadn\'t sharpened it, but I found it interesting.

"Looks like a lord\'s job is pretty free, Matt?

The blacksmith looked back and said so as to yell.

"I\'m not that free," my father laughs.

Apparently, the blacksmith said that in a joke too, but it didn\'t sound like a joke to me because of his loud copper tongue and hard to understand facial expression.

"Zach, it\'s the blacksmith\'s beltram. Say hello."

I said, "It\'s Zach. I\'m interrupting," he says.

Beltram looks like he opened his eyes for a moment, but he says a word, "It\'s Beltram," and turns to his father.

"What\'s it like today? The vigilante\'s weapon is still supposed to be okay, though?

"It\'s like the revelation of my son, Zach, today. I brought him here because I wanted to see this place."

Beltram stares at me in silence, like he says, "What do you want to see?"

"Is the only thing Mr. Beltram can make like here?

I couldn\'t stand that gaze and forgot to act and ask questions in a vegan state.

(You screwed up. Hi my side is sweet after cumming out yesterday...... I can\'t help it. Let\'s hear what we want to hear here......)

But he\'s been on my story without worrying about the way I talk.

"You want something? The sword is still early. A knife?"

"Can I process copper or something?

You were poked by that question, "You think it\'s copper?," he exclaims.

"Can\'t you do a copper pan or something..."

"There\'s nothing I can\'t do... Matt, your son is changing"

When I looked up, my father also realized that I was a vegetarian talker, and he had a stern look on his face.

(Don\'t be scolded later. I can\'t help it, it\'s my mistake...)

"It\'s definitely changing, but it\'s funny, my Zach," he followed before starting a chat with him.

I slowly looked around the workshop and was interested in the furnace and the charcoal next to it.

(Not charcoal... coal. I\'d love to see it nearby, but if I stop by, they\'re going to yell at me, shall I give up?)

While we were chatting, you were looking at me, and Beltram called out, "If you want to see the furnace, I\'ll show you".

I nod loudly, slowly approaching the furnace about behind the belt ram.

The heat of burning my face struck me, but I watched patiently and carefully.

(The ingredients are ingots. Is the lid hand-stamped? Sounds like a fire-resistant brick. The house doesn\'t use bricks, so maybe it\'s specially made...)

And he took the charcoal that lay beside him,

(Coal is still coal... lots of cracked mouths glowing... look, there is also a mixture of brown coal-like things, but smokeless coal and green coal are mostly. Pretty good quality charcoal......)

I used to work for a steel mill a long time ago when I was new to the company. At that time, my client\'s attentive technician taught me a lot, and I only had a little bit of knowledge about coal.

(Where can I get coal? This world would be open-air digging, and nearby I could use it for my thoughts...)

Are there any other castings going on, there were pulleys and hooks on the ceiling and sand and wooden frames at the end of the workshop.

(Coming this far, it\'s more of a small iron mill than a workshop. Looks like we could do a lot of things with a few more craftsmen)

I\'m going to get bored watching too much, so I\'m going back under my father pretending I\'m tired.

When my father said, "You got in the way," and tried to leave, Beltram said, "You said Zach. Come visit me anytime," he showed me his white teeth and laughed.

I said, "Yes!" Answer well and follow after my father.

(Did they like it? But when you get here, you\'ll never know my secret. Looks like you should talk to him...)

When you go outside, Nicholas awaits and is led to the next workshop.

Along the way, my father tells me, "Watch how you talk," and I get a whisper of attention.

I nodded honestly and apologized with the same whisper as "I\'m sorry".

The next workshop was a woodworker\'s workshop, where round-tails were processed and barrels were manufactured.

Two artisans were lumbering the thick oak tree-like whole thick woods that had been cut out of the woods with giant dust.

Admitting the figure of the Father, he stops the hand of work and greets the Father.

"Welcome, my lord,"

My father says, "Show him inside," as the old craftsman bows his head.

Old Song\'s craftsman was called Craig, and he said he was working with his son Kenneth.

Once inside the workshop, in addition to the wooden planks and corners, a brand new barrel was arranged.

The barrel was bigger than my height, and a few hundred litres was something big that was iron but the type to stop.

I made a note to my heart that I might be able to use this place, and headed over to the last tannery.

The leather-processing workshop had a tough smell, and two artisans had skinned it inside.

As my father walks in, the craftsmen stop their hands and get up in a hurry.

(Only a blacksmith handles it differently. Are the others common sense people or because the blacksmith Beltram is a dwarf......)

Whether the parts of leather armor were in the workshop, the shoulders and breasts were lined up, and many more leather cloths were hung.

(You have no idea how leather is processed. Am I going to be taken care of one of these days when you make armor...)

When I finished going around the workshop, the sun was hanging in Jomtien.

"They\'re making me lunch. Lunch by the Black Pond?"

In a word from my father, I headed with Nicholas to a small lake called Black Pond, south of Nanga Hill, on a horse.

The black pond is a lake with clear water, shaped close to a triangle of about five hundred metres on one side.

Looking at the lake from Nanga Hill, they named it because it reflected black forests and mountains.

I let the horse run a little and arrived on the banks of the black pond about enough.

There are reed-like grasses growing around, and forest trees reflecting on mirrored lakes.

When you find an affordable fallen tree, you sit there and start spreading your lunch box.

The lunch box is bread and broiled meat, and Nicholas gathers the branches of the nearby trees and lights them with the magic props of ignition.

The first magic I saw was a magic prop of lights in the mansion, and the next thing I saw was this magic prop of ignition.

Magic props are tools made of simple magic formations and magical stones called magic crystal stones that allow anyone to use simple magic, the magic of lights and the magic of ignition.

(You were surprised the first time I saw it. The magic props on the lights felt like fluorescent lights, and I could just use magic instead of a switch. It was easy for me to light it when I was three years old. It almost felt the same as the touch sensor appliance, as I would just order it to be “lit” while touching it, rather than magical)

After setting the fire on fire, boil the water in a small pan and make the soup with salt and meat. It\'s about twenty minutes in time, but I was glad to immerse myself in the outdoor mood somehow.

After lunch, continue along the Black River, which flows west of the Black Pond, and north along the Finn River, which joins the Black River from the north.

The Finn River is a small river, but the stream was strong and a waterwheel hut was set up around the north of Nishigaki Hill.

Is it even powdered in the water wheel cabin, and the sound of a gongon like a pestle rings.

I was thinking about what I was going to do while my father\'s horse rocked me.

(First, hygiene control. Livestock manure is mostly abandoned, and people\'s excrement is terrible. I don\'t care if there\'s excrement near the well. If germs mix in the well...... do you want to start by building a toilet)

Around 2 p.m., I went back to the mansion, but today I went straight to my father\'s office without taking a nap.