Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 620 Subterranean Space

Chapter 620 - subterranean s.p.a.ce

In Long Chen's heart, he was full of the spirit of adventure, and the grey-clothed youth was the same. Long Yue was also a decisive person.

Using Spirit Devouring Demon Pupil, Long Chen was unable to see any souls from them, which meant that these stone scorpion did not have souls. As for what it was, Long Chen didn't understand it now.

Under the eyes of Long Chen and the others, tens of thousands of stone scorpion began to sink underground. The ground here seemed to be like the home of stone scorpion s, and after they sank in, the ground would automatically return to normal.

As for Long Chen and the other two, if they wanted to follow, they would have to dig a hole for themselves. All three of them possessed the powerful Dragon Soul Transformation skill, and Earth Martial Stage trained in the earth. They were able to fuse with the earth, and could even communicate with it further, thus they were more or less able to keep up with the speed of the stone scorpion.

It was only at this time that Long Yue and the grey-clothed youth noticed that Long Chen's Dragon Soul Transformation was different from theirs. Long Chen's Dragon Soul Transformation was a lot darker, and the rules of the dragon's scale and the like, as well as the bone spikes, seemed to be a lot better than the Long siblings'.

Although the Archaic Blood Spirit Dragon and the Red Dragon were both red, there was a great difference between the strongest and weakest. There was, of course, a great difference between the two.

"Are you a member of our Long family? Why does the Dragon Soul seem to be stronger than us? " The grey-clothed youth said.

Long Chen shook his head and laughed: "I don't know either, I was like this when I learned the Dragon Soul Transformation. Elder sister said that I might be another branch of your family. We should hurry up and follow that stone scorpion and not alert them. "

Long Chen didn't want others to know about the Dragon Fighter, so he changed the topic.

The three of them were silent as they dug forward. Their bodies and claws were much tougher than the grey soil beneath the ground. It was easy to break through the soil.

However, the deeper they went, the more pressure they felt from the soil, and the harder it was for them to withstand. Those stone scorpion s were still going deeper, and it was unknown when they would reach their end. Therefore, Long Yue said: "Forget it, no matter how deep we go, I'm afraid we won't be able to avoid them even if we encounter danger. It's better to go out. "

The grey-clothed youth nodded.

Just then, Long Chen exclaimed in a low voice: "They have disappeared, there's something strange up ahead!"

Long Yue had originally decided to leave. Hearing Long Chen's words, she could only follow him and go deeper in. Since Long Chen was able to defeat Martial King, his strength was most likely the strongest amongst the three of them, so Long Yue letting him take the lead made her feel at ease.

Long Chen headed in the direction of the stone scorpion's disappearance. When he was almost there, Long Chen suddenly felt a cool sensation in front of him. He immediately stopped and thought to himself: "What is it?"

He gently touched it with his hand and walked forward. Suddenly, he felt nothing but mud, as if his arm was extended out of the ground. Long Chen immediately guessed that there might be a hollow place deep underground.

Just how big was this empty s.p.a.ce?

Long Chen was bold and skilled, without saying a word, he replied: "There's something strange here, I will go in first, if there's anything I need to remind you guys!"

He had come here on his own initiative, so he too took the lead and headed straight ahead. Suddenly, his entire body was empty. After Long Chen immediately used his Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage, he activated the flawless supernatural power of the One Heavenly chakra, stabilizing his body in midair, and then looked down at his body.

Instantly, he was stunned.

Long Chen didn't know how big it was, but the only thing he saw was that there was actually a large amount of shattered rocks at the bottom of the cave. These shattered rocks were of the same color as the stone scorpion just now, but those stone scorpion were all gone, so Long Chen couldn't help but suspect, could these shattered rocks which were all over his field of vision, be those stone scorpion s?

This place was their lair. After arriving here, they were separated by the stone scorpion's body and turned into stone once again?

Of course, this was only Long Chen's guess.

As for the top, Long Chen raised his head to look. A layer of pitch-black light had blocked a large amount of soil, allowing such a huge s.p.a.ce to appear from within the ground. The pitch-black light was like the ripples on the surface of a lake, circulating on the surface of the membrane and appearing rather beautiful.

Long Chen had just pa.s.sed through the membrane of light and arrived at this place. The membrane of light seemed to only be effective for blocking the mud, he could easily pa.s.s through it and enter.

At this moment, the light barrier behind him rippled with black ripples once again. Long Yue and the grey-clothed youth's figures appeared from within, and they did not wait for Long Chen to return and tell them about it. Instead, they directly entered, because they were also worried for Long Chen's safety.

After seeing the scene inside, the two of them were shocked.

"This cave is really huge. But, where are the stone scorpion? " Long Yue's beautiful eyes flashed with suspicion.

Long Chen pointed to the endless rocks below and said, "These things seem to be the only stones here."

"Are you saying …" Long Yue's eyes lit up. She spoke as if her words were spoken, but was interrupted by the grey-clothed youth, who was currently pointing at a place in shock, letting Long Chen and the others look over, and said: "Look, in the center, there seems to be a very large stone!"

Following his gaze, Long Chen and Yun Che looked over. Indeed, at the center of the countless shattered rocks, there was a huge spherical stone. This stone was entirely gray, and the material was most likely the same as the one on the stone scorpion. The sphere of stone was firmly pressed on top of countless stones. Its surface was smooth and glimmered with a faint light. The diameter of the stone was approximately 20 meters.

"If there's anything strange about this place, it should be on top of this spherical boulder." Long Chen secretly guessed in his heart. He waved his hand and said: "This is a rare occasion, let's go and take a look."

With that, he once again took the lead and headed toward the spherical stone.

On the way, everything seemed calm and peaceful.

Just as he was about to approach the giant spherical boulder, Long Chen suddenly felt a sense of danger. He immediately stopped his footsteps, then, he called for everyone to retreat, and after they retreated, the area under his feet emitted a black light, and circles of black runes lit up in the air. There were more than ten runes appearing at Long Chen's feet, and the shattered stones quickly turned into a dozen of stone scorpion s, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws, and appeared in front of Long Chen.

Black runes sparkled behind them.

"Are these stone scorpion s really shattered?" The grey-clothed youth said with some surprise.

Before, there were tens of thousands of stone scorpion, of course, it was very scary, but now, there were only a dozen of them, they were not scared at all. At this time, there were many broken stones on the ground. Even with dozens of stone scorpion, there were only a small amount of broken stones.

Long Chen thought for a while, then said: "The stone scorpion from before chased us for five days, I estimate that they have exhausted all of their energy, so when we went into their nest, they could only produce a few dozen to deal with us. Let us settle these few heads first!"

If he guessed, then he would have nothing to fear.

Long Chen didn't mind keeping more than ten stone scorpion s in his heart.

With a whoosh, Long Chen appeared in front of one of the stone scorpion. That stone scorpion's gigantic pair of pincers smashed towards him like two meteorites.

"Liu Xu Suifeng" Long Chen gently displayed this movement skill, the stone scorpion's attack immediately blew him away, and she was not even touched. Long Chen was not blown far, and he quickly turned back.

With a sou sound, the stone scorpion's tail that was hiding behind it, unleashed a violent attack towards Long Chen. The stone scorpion's tail was extremely fast, its strength was even greater than the pair of pincers.

The wind began to howl.

Similarly, because of the catkin with wind, Long Chen easily dodged its attack. Dodge to the side, allowing the stone scorpion's attack to land on empty s.p.a.ce.

"Huangfu Clan's catkin with wind?" The Long family siblings who were about to fight with the stone scorpion, were shocked when they saw Long Chen's catkin with wind. How did this Huangfu Family's catkin with wind end up in Long Chen's hands, and why was Long Chen able to learn it?

In such a short period of time, Long Chen had not even broken through a level and had even learned two middle level king level techniques?

Among them, Long Yue was even more surprised.

As for the grey-clothed youth, he had a deep admiration for this Long Chen. After all, he had reached the third level of the Earth Martial Stage at this age. It was a rare sight, and he was even younger than Zhao Danchen by two years. But after meeting Long Chen, his self-confidence received a merciless blow.

"What a freak!" The gray-clothed youth was speechless.

Relying on the catkin with wind, Long Chen saw that the stone scorpion could not injure him at all. Instead, it caused the broken stones on the ground to fly out and explode.

More than ten stone scorpion spread out. Because Long Chen made the first move, a total of six stone scorpion surrounded him. Countless attacks were aimed at him. Honestly speaking, the attack power and speed of these stone scorpion were all extremely strong. Long Chen was also not willing to waste his energy to fight them head on.

Long Chen did not need to make a move to obtain victory.

For example, when he saw that one of the stone scorpion was about to attack, he instantly flashed in front of the other one, and when the attack came, he used the catkin with wind. The stone scorpion's attack, just the wind itself blew Long Chen away.