Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 619 Stone Scorpion Soulshake

Chapter 619 - Stone Scorpion Shocking the Soul

"Sis, he knows the way out. The hill we are looking for now is the key to getting out." The grey-clothed youth laughed.

"What?" Long Yue was also shocked.

"It's news from the Scarlet Soul, saying that Martial King Xiao Lin knows of a method to leave the nine nether regions, I used a secret technique and obtained this method from his mouth. There is a compa.s.s that can help us leave this place, a hundred meters below a ten meter tall hill." Long Chen explained.

"So that's how it is!" Long Yue nodded in surprise. She knew that if they could really get out, all of these miracles would be something that Long Chen had created.

"There's no time to lose, let's find a hill together!"

"Un, but elder sister, you should first recuperate from your injuries." The spiritual medicine here should have some effect on your body. " Long Chen said.

In the remaining time, they had one final goal.

Little mountain!

As long as he found the hill, he should be able to leave.

At that time, searching for Long Yue took more than ten days. Long Chen reckoned that it would take more than ten days to find that small mountain, but in reality, his estimations were not bad. Even though the grey-clothed youth had once seen the small mountain, after ten days, they still did not get anything.

"Strange, I clearly saw it then." The grey-clothed youth said somewhat dejectedly.

"Don't be impatient, we'll keep looking. There will be one sooner or later." Long Chen said. In this nine nether regions, there was nothing at all, so it was indeed a little boring and lonely.

Ten days had pa.s.sed, and with the help of the king crystal and spirit medicine, Long Yue had completely recovered. The three of them had the fighting strength of the third stage of Earth Martial Stage. With fighting strength like this, they could definitely sweep across the entire Holy Martial Empire, and as long as they could get out, even the Martial Emperor would not be able to do anything to them!

A super great power like the Ancient Devil Region would at most be at the third stage of the Earth Martial Stage.

Even if it was the Martial Alliance s, they only have two people left in the third stage of the Earth Martial Stage.

The three of them chatted as they continued forward.

This time, it was more important to find a small mountain, so Long Chen did not have much time to cultivate.

As long as one's feet stepped on the ground, and communicated with the power of the earth, they would be cultivating Earth Martial Stage.

In the past few days, Long Chen had removed the Hundred Warring Martial Kings's clothing and returned to his original appearance.

"This nine nether regions is simply too simple. There's nothing here at all." Long Chen said somewhat gloomily.

"That's right. Other than these dark gray clouds and this gray land, there's really nothing else." Long Yue said somewhat helplessly.

"There is another strange stone scorpion that I have never seen before, but I heard that it is extremely scary. This stone scorpion is not a demon beast, its appearance is similar to stone, it is very hard and strong, and most Earth Martial Stage warriors would find it difficult to kill it, and with its immense strength, they would give its tail a slap, or even a pincer to pinch, and it is estimated that we would all lose our lives. What is even more terrifying is, every time this kind of stone scorpion appears, there will be thousands, and wherever it goes, no one can survive." This sentence came from the grey-clothed youth. He had stayed here for a relatively long time and knew quite a bit about it.

"Oh? There's actually such a thing? " Long Chen and Long Yue were both surprised, hearing him say that, it seemed that the stone scorpion was really powerful. This kind of magical thing, even people didn't know if it was life or not, and its combat power couldn't be measured by ordinary demon beasts.

"This stone scorpion is like the death G.o.d of the nine nether regions. Every time it appears, many people die. No matter how strong an expert was, without enough king crystal, they would still die if they fell into the group of stone scorpion! Fortunately, we have enough king crystal, and you guys don't have to worry. This stone scorpion will only appear once every few years, if not, there would be no one left in nine nether regions …

When he said this, he suddenly froze.

"What?" "The earth is shaking?" The grey-clothed youth's mouth grew big.

Long Chen and Long Yue frowned. Long Chen carefully felt it and sure enough, the earth started to shake. They had a bad premonition and immediately looked around!

"Aren't I still a jinx?" The grey-clothed youth said somewhat gloomily.

"Yes." Long Chen and Long Yue said at the same time, because they had already seen that at the distant horizon, there was a large cloud of dust rising right now. That gray sand connected the earth to the gray clouds in the sky. Suddenly, Long Chen saw a lot of tails raised high!

Long Chen estimated that the length of this scorpion tail should be at least ten meters.

Ten meters was still the most conservative.

"Oh my G.o.d, it's really a stone scorpion, my crow beak!" The grey-clothed youth's expression was extremely wonderful. Just as he mentioned stone scorpion, he did not expect that this stone scorpion had really come.

The earth rumbled as they thought about it. That terrifying vibration was getting stronger and stronger, and from that, it could be seen how powerful those stone scorpion were. It was unknown what material the stone scorpion's body was made of, but it was definitely extremely hard!

The three of them looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

The stone scorpion did not know what it was, but if it was surrounded, then it was done for. In the nine nether regions, it was better to not cause any trouble, and so they all took their leave, escaping once again!

In order to save the king crystal, they only had to maintain a speed that was about the same as the stone scorpion. This was also because they had enough king crystal. If it was anyone else, they definitely would not be able to outrun the stone scorpion.

It could be seen that they seemed to be staring closely at Long Chen and the others. No matter how Long Chen and the others changed their direction, these tens of thousands of stone scorpion s were chasing after them.

"I understand. This nine nether regions is really a prison born of nature. The combined primeval essence of the three of us is probably the strongest here, so these stone scorpion will automatically come here to clean us up."

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why they were chasing after Long Chen and the others.

Fortunately, they had enough king crystal.

Of course, this would delay their search for the hill.

Along the way, Long Chen and the others tried their best to find a place with fewer people to run to, but those stone scorpion continued to chase relentlessly, always chasing with all their might. Their army of thousands of men, was simply another person's nightmare.

Three days pa.s.sed.

They were all exhausted, but the distance between them and the stone scorpion was much closer. When Long Chen turned around, he could roughly see their appearances. It was a huge stone scorpion, its entire body was formed from grey and white weird stones, every single stone scorpion was huge, their raised tails were not only ten meters tall, they were also at least twenty meters wide, and a pair of gigantic pincers were also raised high, just like their tails, they were their most terrifying weapons.

"We can't go on like this. They've already killed a lot of people along the way, but they still have no intention of stopping. Could it be that they'll keep chasing us until we're all dead?" Long Chen asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. In the past three days, we have exhausted a lot of king crystal. Furthermore, if this goes on, we probably won't be able to find any hills, and will die in the hands of these d.a.m.n things. " The grey-clothed youth said somewhat exasperatedly.

Long Yue also laughed bitterly as she shook her head.

There was nothing she could do.

Another two days pa.s.sed.

Five days had pa.s.sed and the three of them were completely exhausted. The stone scorpion still had not retreated, and these stone scorpion were still more than 100 meters away from Long Chen and the others. As long as any of them stopped, they would quickly rush over!

Long Chen and the other two were feeling anxious in their hearts.

That small mountain didn't have any plans, he didn't expect to run into this d.a.m.ned thing first.

"They stopped!" Long Chen suddenly heard Long Yue's surprised voice and he hurriedly turned around. As expected, at this moment, those stone scorpion actually stopped walking in a neat row, and smoke and dust that filled the sky began to fall.

Tens of thousands of stone scorpion lined up neatly and stopped more than a hundred meters behind Long Chen and the rest. Finally, Long Chen could stop and take a good look at these stone scorpion.

In that moment, Long Chen could see clearly that the stone scorpion's grey rocks were actually not anything special. It was just that in their armor, there were circles of strange black runes.

It was because of these runes that these items were able to have such a large movement.

"Both of them stopped? No more chasing?" The grey-clothed youth shook in front of the stone scorpion a few times. Those stone scorpion did not have eyes at all, as if they could not sense the grey-clothed youth's movements.

"They haven't killed us in the past five days. I'm guessing they'll need energy to sustain themselves. Now that their energy is exhausted, they shouldn't have any more strength left." Long Chen said calmly.

"This is great, we can finally throw off these birds. Let's go." The grey-clothed youth laughed.

"Wait a minute, they're going to dig underground. This nine nether regions is so strange, aren't you guys curious? Where the h.e.l.l did all these stone scorpion come from? What's so special about them? "Since we haven't found the hill, why don't we follow them and check it out. If there's any danger, why don't we come back?" Long Chen suggested.

At this time, these stone scorpion had already begun to dig on the grey ground. Although their bodies were huge, it seemed like they could easily burrow into the ground.

Long Yue hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, let's follow in and see, if there's any danger, come out immediately, you can't keep fighting!"