Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 615 Grey-Clothed Teenager

Chapter 615 - The grey-clothed youth

"It's really strange. I've been running in one direction all this time, but I've returned to my original place. If this goes on, I probably won't be able to find the exit even if I go around to the end. It seems like I have to constantly change directions to go somewhere else!"

Long Chen was very smart. He knew that if he continued walking in this direction, he would circle back to the original place, so he decided to just run around randomly.

Half a day later, Long Chen no longer saw his footprints, which meant that he had already left that place.

No wonder a compa.s.s can find the way out. It's very likely that that compa.s.s will change along with the direction that compa.s.s is going. Although I can leave the place if I run around randomly, it's still very difficult to find an exit! "" It's not like that.

Long Chen continued to advance.

"Newbie!" Suddenly, he finally saw a figure in front of him. Long Chen immediately rushed over, and that person saw his clothes from far away. He immediately cried out in surprise and charged towards Long Chen.

From the shout, Long Chen felt that this person seemed to have found a prey. He immediately stopped and could be sure that this person was not Long Yue, but he was indeed an expert at the second level of the Earth Martial Stage.

Long Chen carefully sized this person up and was immediately a little overwhelmed with shock.

His clothes were tattered and messy, his hair was a mess, it was filled with filth, his face was covered in soil and sand, he looked like he had just come out from the soil, and more importantly, his eyes were filled with panic, it was only when he looked at Long Chen that he revealed his original beast form.

"After staying in the nine nether regions for a long time, would humans become like this?" Long Chen guessed.

With a whoosh, the person stood in front of Long Chen, panting heavily as he looked at Long Chen with blazing eyes.

"Newbie!" Hand over the Heaven and Earth Pouch, hand over the king crystal! I can let you live! Fast! "Faster!" The man roared at Long Chen.

king crystal?

The king crystal s were the key to every person's survival. Without the king crystal s, the power in every person's body would gradually fade and they would know that not a single bit of it was left. Then, they would gradually age and die.

Looking at this man's crazy face, Long Chen suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful.

"How many years have you been locked up in here?" Long Chen asked.

"How many years? How do I know how many years? Quick, king crystal! " The man roared crazily. It was obvious that he did not want to fight with Long Chen anymore, she would waste a large amount of energy fighting against him!

Long Chen frowned, took out two king crystal s from the Great Void Realm, threw them at the man and said: "This is for you, answer a few of my questions, is that okay?"

The man did not reply him. He accepted the king crystal, his hands trembling, as if he had seen the most wonderful treasure in time. A look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Answer a few of my questions." Long Chen emphasized.

The person acted as if he didn't hear anything, and maliciously smiled as he put the king crystal away. After that, the gaze he looked at Long Chen with, had already turned blood-red.

"Newbie!" I want all the king crystal! I want to live forever! Give me all of the king crystal, or you will lose your life! "

With the two king crystal as support, he seemed to have become more crazy. Right after he finished speaking, he pounced towards Long Chen.

"A greedy snake devours an elephant." Long Chen shook his head. The other party had already become so weak, yet he still dared to act like this. It could be seen that the temptation of the king crystal here was greater than anything.

When the opponent attacked, Long Chen waved his hand, and the strong power directly pushed him away.

After rolling a few rounds on the ground, the man crawled up in waste. With a roar, he pounced towards Long Chen once again: "Newbie! You have a lot of king crystal! Sooner or later, you will be killed and your king crystal will be split between us. Sooner or later, you will all die.

"Is that so?" Long Chen rushed forward, with just a few moves, he had completely subdued the man. The other party's cultivation level was the same as his, and their resistance was very strong, so Long Chen's Soul Controlling Technique was very difficult to achieve, which was why he did not use it.

"Strong?" What's the use of being strong? When I first came in, I was also very strong, at least much stronger than you. "Go to h.e.l.l!" That man roared. Even though he was subdued by Long Chen, he had been struggling with all his might.

Looking at this crazy person, Long Chen felt a kind of sadness. At the same time, he also felt the terror of this nine nether regions.

Moreover, he didn't know if that method would work.

"Let me ask you! A while ago, did you know that a female warrior came in? She is at the third stage of the Earth Martial Stage! " Long Chen asked.

"A warrior? Female? Third stage of Earth Martial Stage? Haha, if she was injured by Martial Emperor, then I am afraid that she would have already been dismembered long ago. The man laughed.

From his words, Long Chen could feel the cruelty of this place.

Obviously, he did not know anything about Long Yue.

The nine nether regions was so big and it had no direction, so finding something was easier said than done.

However, Long Chen did not feel disheartened, he felt that he could not waste any more time, and coldly asked: "I have no intention to kill you, so I gave you two choices. "Second, if you die, I will be at peace!"

The person's eyes were still blood-red. After hearing Long Chen's words, he roared: "I have a third choice, and that is for you to die. I'll obtain all of your king crystal!"

Crack. Crack.

Long Chen immediately broke his neck.

"You reckless fool, I will give my life for you." Long Chen was speechless. He threw the man's body down, frowned and looked around at his surroundings in a daze, then thought to himself: "Not only is the pressure physically stronger, the pressure on the spirit of nine nether regions is stronger. If he stays here too long, he will lose his consciousness sooner or later.

After abandoning the man, he continued on his way.

Continuing on without any rules, Long Chen realized that as long as he followed it in a straight line, after a while, he would definitely return to his original place. If he randomly walked around, he might even be able to go to another place.

"Where is it?" Time pa.s.sed bit by bit, and two hours pa.s.sed by hour by hour. In the end, one day after another, three days had pa.s.sed by. During these three days, Long Chen had met another two people, but the situation was the same. In the end, the two madmen also died in Long Chen's hands.

It was four of the warriors, who were currently chasing after a grey-clothed youth. The grey-clothed youth had his head down, and judging from his clothes, he looked a little better than the other four. It was obvious that he had not been here for very long.

There were a total of five people. He should be able to get some clues from these five people.

"Don't run!"

"Brat, hand over the king crystal you have dug up, or else we will take your life!"

These few people already had extremely low levels of spirit energy, to the point where even Long Chen was unable to see through their true strength. However, no matter how strong they were, if they were here without king crystal, their fighting strength would probably be the same as ordinary people. Any one of their Heavenly Completion Stage would be able to kill them.

Beneath his messy hair, his clear eyes were filled with a murderous aura. He said coldly: "If you force me any more, I will absorb this king crystal's energy and kill you all!"

He had originally thought that the four fellows would be scared, but the grey-clothed youth discovered that he was thinking too much. One of the large men laughed loudly and said, "Then you can kill us. We don't want to live anymore anyway!"

Sometimes, the people here were very afraid of death, and at other times, they weren't afraid of death. The reason they wanted to obtain king crystal to extend their lifespans was because they were worried that they would slowly die from exhaustion. Furthermore, if they committed suicide, they didn't have the courage, so it was a good thing that someone would kill them.

He hurriedly got up and used all his strength to stand. At this moment, his eyes were filled with helplessness and pity, and a king crystal appeared in his hand. Then, under his circulation, it was quickly absorbed by him!

Seeing that the king crystal had disappeared just like that, the few fellows were already prepared to die. They looked at each other in dismay, revealed crazed expressions on their faces, and then pounced towards the grey-clothed youth!

The grey-clothed youth's body moved. One by one, rays of light from his claws turned into dragon shadows as they swept past the four people. Within a short period of time, the four corpses that could not be more dead fell at his feet.

The grey-clothed youth swayed and almost lost his balance.

"Soulcatcher claw?" This time, it was Long Chen's turn to be shocked. The gray clothed youth was actually using the Soulcatcher claw, which meant that his ident.i.ty had already been clarified. It was the other Long Chen!

In other words, the grey-clothed youth was Long Yue's little brother, the genius at the third level of the Earth Martial Stage.

"Wait." Long Chen took a few steps forward and arrived in front of the grey-clothed youth, blocking his path. The grey-clothed youth's expression was originally very cold, but after seeing Long Chen's appearance and clothes, he was a little stunned. "Newcomer? And he is a martial king of the Martial Alliance? "

Right now, Long Chen was still dressed like a Hundred Warring Martial Kings.

Long Chen laughed, then said: "I am not from the Martial Alliance, you should know Lan Ling'er, this is something she did for me, I know your name is Long Chen, you are Big Sister Long Yue's brother, I don't know if you recognize me or not."

Long Chen's words made the grey-clothed youth's dim eyes light up a little, especially after Long Chen mentioned someone else. He stared at Long Chen and sized him up, and only after a while did he speak.