Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 614 Nine Nether Regions

Chapter 614 - nine nether regions

Xiao Lin resides in this Nine Nether Pavilion, so during the process of his guard, you would occasionally come over to talk to him. Of course, there were also times when Long Chen was here alone. Long Chen realized that every time he interacted with Xiao Lin alone, it was always a chance for him to use Soul Controlling Technique!

But Long Chen was not in a hurry. He needed to be absolutely familiar with Xiao Lin, and only when Xiao Lin was not wary of him did he truly begin to control his soul! Otherwise, even if his martial spirit was strong, he could still fail in the end. If he failed, then not only would it be dangerous, but all his previous efforts would have gone down the drain!

Coming to the nine nether regions was already quite a thrilling thing to do. But in order to save Long Yue, he was willing to give it her all. He knew that there were still a lot of people standing around waiting for his good news, so he definitely could not retreat!

A total of seven days had pa.s.sed. In these seven days, half of the time Long Chen had been guarding the place, and during this period, Xiao Lin had come by several times, but he would always chat a little with Long Chen.

In actuality, Xiao Lin was already old. In his entire life, no matter how much he trained, he wouldn't be able to make any more breakthroughs, so he basically didn't cultivate anymore.

This was the only one of the three great Martial King that Long Chen had a bit of a favorable impression of. Furthermore, in the Martial Imperial City, she was not an evil being. For example, this moxa was a pitiful woman.

Seven days of time had pa.s.sed and Long Chen and Xiao Lin had become completely familiar with each other. Usually, during the process of defending, Long Chen would not waste his time, but rather cultivate. When he was disguised as the first stage of Earth Martial Stage, when Xiao Lin came over, he was also practicing the second stage of the fist technique. In fact, he had long since become familiar with the second stage.

However, with his abilities, he could pretend that he wasn't familiar with it.

Thus, when Xiao Lin saw this, he could not help but give some pointers.

Time flew by quickly, and Long Chen knew that this time, the conversation would be rather long. It was a rare opportunity, and right now, he had completely obtained Xiao Lin's trust. If he missed this opportunity, he did not know when it would come again.

During the conversation with Xiao Lin, Long Chen talked while using the soul-controlling technique of the Spirit Devouring Demon Pupil. His words started off with a random chat, the time he had used the soul-controlling technique was especially long, Xiao Lin's consciousness had condensed into a Martial Spirit, it was extremely st.u.r.dy, and was not someone that Long Chen could take down easily.

Thus, he could only spend a long time to kill time.

Until finally, when Xiao Lin was in the middle of a conversation with him, his eyes revealed a perplexed look, only then did he realize that he had succeeded. Of course, this was only the initial success of soul control. The process of asking the questions was still rather thrilling!

There was no limit to how much one could control.

With Long Chen's current cultivation level, he could not even compare to Xiao Lin, so the chances of failure were high, and he had only managed to approximately hypnotize his. If Long Chen suddenly used his true essence to kill him, or cause him to feel some energy fluctuations, he would immediately wake up.

At that time, Soul Control would fail.

Only those who were weaker than would be able to completely control their thoughts, and could even cause them to commit suicide.

"When did you reach the Earth Martial Stage?" In the beginning, in order to prevent the other party's train of thought from fluctuating greatly, Long Chen had to choose a relatively simple question. These questions, in the current Xiao Lin's opinion, should be considered quite normal.

"When I was twenty-seven years old …" Xiao Lin said subconsciously, his eyes blank.

The questions that Long Chen asked were more and more related to Xiao Lin's privacy. He had already planned these questions beforehand, and it would gradually increase. That way, he wouldn't need to suddenly involve Xiao Lin in the deepest secret, and would wake him up.

In the end, Long Chen suddenly asked, "According to the rumors, if nine nether regions goes in or out, he won't be able to come out. But I seem to have heard that you knew of a method to get out of there, and I really want to know if Martial King can tell me."

Xiao Lin was at a loss, and said: "Of course I know, do you want to know?"

"I humbly request Martial King to tell me." Long Chen said with a begging tone. The other side could easily accept this sort of tone.

"In the nine nether regions, you must first find a small mountain that is ten meters tall and dig one hundred meters down from the top. You must find a compa.s.s and follow the direction indicated by this compa.s.s to the end."

"Mo Feng greets Martial King!" At this time, Mo Feng walked over, and when he saw Xiao Lin here, he hurriedly greeted him.

Long Chen's heart was already in his throat.

Xiao Lin's gaze instantly recovered its clarity under Mo Feng's loud shout. He looked at Long Chen with some suspicion, and just as he was about to speak, Long Chen gratefully looked at him and said: "Many thanks to Martial King for your guidance. I feel like I've advanced another level towards the second level of the Earth Martial Stage!"

"Guidance?" Xiao Lin felt that his mind was in a mess, he had just slept for a while and was just waking up.

Of course he would not think that there was actually such a thing as soul control in this world, allowing him to ask about the deepest secret in his heart. Therefore, he shook his head and bitterly laughed, "I'm old, and my mind is in a bit of a trance. You guys go ahead and chat, I'll go back and take a good rest. "

After that, Xiao Lin left.

That was close.

Long Chen's heart was thumping hard. Fortunately, at the last moment, he had asked for a method to leave the nine nether regions, otherwise, all his preparations would have been for naught.

"Brother-in-law, why is the Martial King so weird?" Mo Feng asked curiously.

"I don't know either. He was instructing me just now." Long Chen said casually as he continued to practice his fist arts.

Mo Feng did not ask any further. After chatting with Long Chen for a while, Long Chen finally left the Nine Nether Pavilion and returned to his residence.

"I just found out about this news and can't immediately enter the nine nether regions. I'll look for another opportunity to enter after a day or two."

After another day or two, Long Chen finally decided to make his move. Previously, he had controlled his soul to control the moxa one more time and made his think that Long Chen was his husband. This way, he wouldn't cause any trouble when Long Chen entered the nine nether regions.

On this day, it was Long Chen's turn to guard the entrance of nine nether regions. He could stand in front of the entrance of nine nether regions without any worries, and use the Spirit Devouring Demon Pupil to look around.

Before he could even react, a huge force directly pulled Long Chen into the wooden house. The door of the wooden house slowly closed and once again, the Hundred Warring Martial Kings Long Chen acted as disappeared from this world.

Towards that moxa, Long Chen could only apologize, her husband's death was not related to Long Chen at all. Long Chen had only saved her life once, and this woman still had a cousin who was a Martial King, so her life would not be too miserable. There must be a lot more people in this world who were worse off than her.

A powerful suction force directly sucked Long Chen into the nine nether regions!

A grey light flashed, and Long Chen discovered that he had already arrived in this little world. He opened his eyes, raised his head to look, and was immediately shocked.

This was an empty, grey wilderness, with not a single blade of gra.s.s growing. Grey rolling clouds filled the sky, spreading across the horizon. Traces of desolate, cold wind swept through this endless wilderness.

"Is this the legendary nine nether regions?" Long Chen looked around, and sure enough, he found two important questions. The first one was to look around, and seemed to find that the scenery in every direction was the same. This nine nether regions seemed to be a huge maze.

The second reason was that the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth here was extremely scarce. Even a place like White Yang Town couldn't be compared to this. After arriving here, Long Chen discovered that his Quintessential Essence circulation had become much slower.

From Martial King Yang Ningfeng, Long Chen obtained about a thousand king crystal, adding his own over eight hundred, Long Chen now possesses approximately two thousand. king crystal s contained a tremendous amount of nature spirit energy, perhaps even in this Martial Emperor, they wouldn't have this many king crystal.

Most of these king crystal came from the Li Huo Jing!

Fortunately, Long Chen had these king crystal s so he didn't have to worry about later.

However, he could imagine, for those people who did not have king crystal, if they came to this place that was lacking in spirit energy, their bodies would definitely weaken very quickly, and he heard that the nine nether regions could not find any direction at all, and most people would probably die in despair here.

This was probably the reason why the Martial Emperor had made this place into a prison.

This place was too cruel.

It was desolate.

"First, I have to find my big sister, and then I have to find that compa.s.s!"

Long Chen set his target, but still laughed bitterly, in this desolate land, there was nothing. He wanted to find Long Yue there, where would he find the hill? If it was a small mountain, then this place would be a flat wasteland, and it would be easier to find her. But if it was Long Yue, then where would she be?

Long Chen did not waste his time. After establishing a direction, he started to display his own speed and sprinted towards that direction. A grey shadow was moving forward in this gray wilderness.

Because he didn't know if he still had to use the ident.i.ty of the Hundred Warring Martial Kings, Long Chen hadn't changed his appearance back yet.

"Huh?" Long Chen had been on the road for a long time, but he had not met a single person. As if he was the only one in this world, he suddenly discovered a few footprints in front of him.

He frowned at once.