Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 605 Death Battle Martial King

Chapter 605 - Death Battle Martial King

Amongst the Wind G.o.d Leg Arts, the storm type was obviously a whole level higher than the Gale Style!

The attack from before and the countless shadows of his legs were like a gale of wind that rushed over, and now it was a gale of wind!

Hu hu hu hu!

In front of Long Chen's eyes, Yang Ningfeng could not even see a shadow clearly. His speed was the fastest one Long Chen had ever seen, whether it was the speed of his legs or the speed of his attacks, they were all top-notch!


Long Chen's heart was only filled with fighting spirit at this moment. He sneered, and even though the opponent's attack was strong, his eyes did not reveal the slightest hint of fear. When Yang Ningfeng attacked him, he did not hesitate at all and pounced!

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Its sharp claws were like blades that stretched forward as the blood red flames spread out in Long Chen's hands. Within the flames, were numerous small but terrifying dragon silhouettes!

"Soulcatcher claw, Five Dragons Breaking the Heavens!"


A total of five dragon roars could be heard, under Long Chen's control, they crazily surrounded Yang Ningfeng, wanting to kill him!

And Yang Ningfeng's storm type, had also arrived with a loud rumble!

Suddenly, the entire ground trembled for a moment. The Earth Martial Stage's true essence had been restrained, and its control over its power had reached an astonishing level. The two people's attacks collided into each other, and only a m.u.f.fled sound was produced!

Long Chen's claws and the fire of Golden Crow's claws directly clashed with Yang Ningfeng's Wind G.o.d Leg, clashing head on. Long Chen's advantage was that his claws and the fire of Golden Crow's claws were able to cause damage to Yang Ningfeng.

Yang Ningfeng's attacks, however, focused on speed and strength. To Long Chen, this advantage was quite a fatal one, and in the clash between storm type and Five Dragon Sky Breaking Dragon Blade, it once again ended with Long Chen's defeat!

Under Yang Ningfeng's final whip kick, Long Chen saw that he was completely suppressed by the other party, so he could only retract his arm and block that whip kick. Yang Ningfeng's attack, once again sent him flying!

This time, he rolled a few rounds in the air before finally crashing into the ground. The opponent's powerful attack had already caused him to bleed profusely, and it had been a long time since Long Chen had suffered such heavy injuries!

Within his internal organs, Yang Ningfeng's true essence was violently attacking within his body. After Long Chen fell to the ground, he spat out another mouthful of blood!

"Seventh Brother, forget it." They understood Long Chen, so their predictions were correct. Long Chen was a person who would not give up, and he would not retreat before the matter that he had decided on was completed!

Just like how he pursued Ling Xi.

Just like how he was standing in front of everyone, fighting for the survival of the Warring Clan!

Everyone's eyes turned red as they looked at the tenacious youth who stood up once again while trembling in fear. This young man's firm spine was deeply engraved in their hearts!

"He's not dead?" Kid, your life is really big. " Yang Ningfeng taunted while smiling, but he was slightly shocked in his heart. Long Chen had already left a few wounds on his thigh, and when he had attacked Long Chen previously, his leg had seemed to have been stuck in a fire. It was extremely scorching, and it still didn't feel comfortable.

If it wasn't for the protection of his true essence, then his leg would have been burnt to ashes!

Furthermore, the other party was only at the first stage of Earth Martial Stage, which was a huge gap of two levels! Generally speaking, his second move of the storm type, was basically enough to kill a martial artist at the second level of the Earth Martial Stage. But today, he hadn't even killed a single person at the first level of the Earth Martial Stage!

All of these proved Long Chen's heaven-defying strength.

On the Martial Alliance's side, everyone whispered.

"Why is this Long Chen, actually so abnormal? the first stage of the Earth Martial Stage, can actually survive under the Yang Wu Emperor's Wind G.o.d Leg! "

"Within the Long family's camp, Long Yue and the other Long Chen are both at the third level of the Earth Martial Stage, while this Long Chen, although only at the first level of the Earth Martial Stage, is so fearsome that his battle strength is close to theirs!"

"Rumor has it that a long, long time ago, the Long family was the number one power in the Holy Martial Empire. From the looks of it now, it is true …"

They thought that Long Chen was Long Yue's blood related brother or cousin. After all, his current battle form was exactly the same as theirs!

Yang Ningfeng held onto the thought of playing around, and did not pursue after Long Chen's victory, he planned to slowly grind Long Chen to death.

"You son of a b.i.t.c.h, getting old like this, what strength do you have? Even if I stand there and get beaten up by you, you still won't be able to do anything, right? " After Long Chen stabilized his body, he chuckled, he did not seem to be injured at all.

In actuality, he wouldn't be able to sustain the injuries in his body for long.

"In terms of primeval essence, it's a huge wound to my body, and I'm the only one who reached the second stage of Earth Martial Stage!" Long Chen roared crazily in his heart. He needed strength, and without it, he wouldn't be able to live on.

"Where is the key to the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage?" At this time, even though he was facing Yang Ningfeng, in Long Chen's mind, the scene of him cultivating the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage was constantly replaying. His mind was currently extremely clear, and after a huge battle, he suddenly felt as if everything was extremely clear!

The chance to break through came from comprehending it in battle!

The reason why Yang Ningfeng was stronger than him was because of the power of his True Origin, and the strength of her attacks, was also because of the same thing. Every time Long Chen fought with Yang Ningfeng, Long Chen felt that he should have been able to block his attacks on his first try, but the following attack, was followed by another two gravity strikes, which blew him away!

"Is this the third stage of the Earth Martial Stage, the control over the pulse of the earth and its power?" Long Chen seemed to have an idea now.

His thoughts gradually calmed down as he focused on the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage's fist technique. The descriptions in the fist technique, as well as his own figure when he was practising it, as well as Yang Ningfeng's figure from before …

In the midst of battle, Long Chen was actually lost in thought. This was a taboo in the big taboo, Yang Ningfeng suddenly felt like he was not to be looked down upon!

"Yang Ningfeng, let's end it early. Don't waste time." Behind him, Zhao Danchen's gloomy and cold voice seemed to be resounding in his ears. Yang Ningfeng quivered in fear and hurriedly nodded.

Zhao Danchen had been watching their battle the entire time, and he had long since been prepared for Long Chen's shocking performance. Previously, it was the Nine h.e.l.l Devil Ancestral Fire that used one move, Five Dragons Breaking Heaven, and the little wolf that forced him, Zhao Danchen, to leave.

"The first stage of the Earth Martial Stage actually has such combat prowess. This child, is actually so heaven-defying."

Although Zhao Danchen didn't say it in his heart, in reality, he was rather fearful of Long Chen.

This kind of fear, could even be compared to the fear that the other Long Chen gave him.

The other Long Chen was naturally Long Yue's little brother.

That was why he let Yang Ningfeng quickly end the battle. Before Yang Ningfeng heard the order, his expression gradually became sinister, and he clearly remembered that Long Chen had humiliated him with his words earlier. Thus, he raised his head, and laughed coldly: "You are the most respected opponent that I have killed in the past few years.

After saying that, Yang Ningfeng did not stop at all!


It was a very simple kick, and it instantly appeared in front of Long Chen. This kick was simple and direct, without the slightest bit of fancy. It seemed very simple, but actually, it was much stronger than the storm type from before!

It could only be described as mysterious.

Under Yang Ningfeng's kick, s.p.a.ce seemed to have become distorted. Long Chen had an illusion that what attacked him right now wasn't a single kick, but the other half of the world, was pressing down on him!

"Wind G.o.d Leg Art, Divine Wind Style!"

Long Chen had not been able to find that critical point all along, but when he saw Yang Ningfeng's attack, his heart suddenly lit up. It could be said that Yang Ningfeng's kick directly stepped on the barrier wall that was rushing to the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage!


At the last moment, Long Chen was still in a trance!

He could not block Yang Ningfeng's kick, so he was. .h.i.t in real life. The third stage of the Earth Martial Stage's attack could basically kill him!

It was also true that Long Chen's entire body was warped, all of the blood in his body flowed out from his pores, and instantly dyed him into a blood man!

Seeing this scene, Yang Ningfeng relaxed, because he knew that Long Chen was definitely going to die.

The tense heartstrings of the other Martial Alliance s also slightly relaxed.

"When a genius dies, he becomes nothing."

But on the Warring Clan and Dragon Clan's side, every one of their eyes were bloodshot when they saw Long Chen's corpse flying into the air!

They had yet to shed tears, but at this moment, Long Chen's body began to change!

"Reverse Time!"

On Long Chen's chest, the outline of a Great Void Dragon Symbol gradually surfaced. At the moment of his death, Long Chen had used the only ability of the Great Void Dragon Symbol, and also the most heaven-defying one!

At this moment, time had truly flowed backwards, the blood that was spurting out from Long Chen's body had actually flowed back into his body, all of his wounds had healed completely in a short period of time, and at the same time, the part of his chest that was caved in, his internal organs were all shattered by Yang Ningfeng, but at this time, all of them were recovered to such an extent, and were restored to the state where Yang Ningfeng was in before he unleashed the Divine Wind Style!

It was just like how Yang Ningfeng's attack landed on empty s.p.a.ce and did not hit Long Chen at all!

"What!" The speed at which Long Chen flew in the air was simply too fast. In the next instant, everyone saw him flying through the air while covered in blood, but in the next instant, they saw Long Chen steadily landing in that place. In the middle of the Martial Alliance, everyone felt as if their throats had been strangled, as they couldn't say a single word!