Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 604 Gale Type

Chapter 604 - Gale Style

As for Long Chen, who was being targeted by Yang Ningfeng, he wore an arrogant smile on his face, and didn't even take a step back. He stretched out his finger, hooked it, and said: "Little mutt, get over here!"

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you're courting death!" Yang Ningfeng felt like his entire head was going to explode from being humiliated by Long Chen despite his high status. After he finished roaring, regardless of whether Long Chen had the qualification to be his opponent or not, he had already gone berserk.

A fist instantly struck towards Long Chen's face!

"So fast!" Yang Ningfeng's speed simply reached an extreme, and it was even faster than Huangfu Fengchen's gracefulness!

"Liu Suifeng!" At this time, Long Chen's leg had already left the other side. Under Yang Ningfeng's punch, his footsteps rapidly changed, and in that instant, it was as light as catkins!


Yang Ningfeng's punch stirred up an invisible whirlwind and that enormous power instantly appeared in front of Long Chen. He had originally wanted to blow Long Chen's head to pieces with one punch, but suddenly, Long Chen was as light as a piece of paper. Under the force of his fist, Long Chen's fist was actually blown away before it could even reach him!

"catkin with wind!" Everyone present revealed a shocked expression. Everyone knew that the catkin with wind belonged to the Huangfu Family, so how could Long Chen learn it? And how could he learn it so proficiently in such a short period of time?

It had to be known that the catkin with wind was a medium level king level battle skill, the same level as the Soulcatcher claw. Unless one had the Earth Martial Stage, it was basically impossible to learn it.

"Why would the Huangfu Clan's catkin with wind appear in your hands? That guy Huangfu Fengchen gave it to you! " Yang Ningfeng pushed Long Chen away and asked quickly.

"He gave it to me? Why don't you give me your Wind G.o.d Leg Art as well? Can you be so generous? " Long Chen succeeded in using it on the first try, and said while laughing. Of course, this was just a facade. He knew that there was no possibility of him defeating the other party if he were to really become one.

"You mean, did you steal it?" Yang Ningfeng frowned.

"Hey old man, when we're fighting, can you talk less nonsense?" Long Chen didn't want to waste his breath on words. He only had one way out, and that was to win, otherwise, it would be death!


After Long Chen was blasted away, under the watch of everyone present, he did not advance, but instead retreated, suddenly transforming into a ray of blood light and rushing towards Yang Ningfeng!

"Devouring Blood Realm!" Long Chen's current primeval essence was equivalent to the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage. Under Long Chen's Devouring Blood Realm, a warrior at the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage would have to use at least close to normal primeval essence to suppress their blood energy and resist the terrifying Devouring Blood Realm. Furthermore, someone like Yang Ningfeng would also need at least two stages of primeval essence!

In this blood red s.p.a.ce, Yang Ningfeng's true essence was directly reduced by twenty percent!

20% was actually already very high!

Any of the inherited divine abilities of the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragons that had progressed to the pinnacle were all heaven-defying divine abilities!

When the Devouring Blood Realm appeared, Yang Ningfeng suddenly felt a change in his body, his expression slightly changed. This kind of boiling blood energy was constantly suppressing his true essence, and made him have to split his focus to resist the strong power of the Devouring Blood Realm, which caused him to be distracted!

In the Devouring Blood Realm, Long Chen's quickly moving blood-red figure was extremely well hidden, but Yang Ningfeng could still easily detect him. An expert of the Earth Martial Stage, being able to touch the ground at will, was extremely sensitive to any movement on the ground.

Just by standing on this land, Long Chen could possess an unending stream of attack power!

"Soulcatcher claw!"


The Soulcatcher claw was a combo attack of a close combat technique. Long Chen had instantly closed in on his opponent, and with the release of his berserk claw technique, he was like a blood dragon, slashing towards Yang Ningfeng's direction!

The Soulcatcher claw, combined with the Devouring Blood Realm, was the best attack that Long Chen could do!

Cha chcha!

The sharp dragon claws, turned into b.a.l.l.s of claw marks, enveloping Yang Ningfeng from all directions. Long Chen's attack speed, was much faster than everyone's expectations!

"How is this possible? The first stage of the Earth Martial Stage actually possesses such tremendous power?"

"The strength of his true essence, should be at the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage, right?"

At the beginning, the people of the Martial Alliance only thought that Long Chen was a joke, they really did not think that when Long Chen really started fighting, he would actually be so terrifying. Other than Yang Ningfeng and Zhao Danchen, no one present dared to say that they could definitely defeat Long Chen!

"In time, this kid will definitely be the same as the other Long Chen, an extraordinary young genius!" Even the people from the Martial Alliance had no choice but to praise Long Chen in such a manner.

"Die!" That berserk Soulcatcher claw, one move at a time was closing in on Yang Ningfeng!

The Devouring Blood Realm gave Yang Ningfeng the initial shock, but Long Chen's powerful attack gave Yang Ningfeng the second shock!

From the shock, he then realized that he needed to take it seriously in order to defeat or even kill Long Chen and dispel the hatred in his heart.

"d.a.m.n brat. No matter what angle you look at it from, you have a reason for me to kill you today." Yang Ningfeng's face became gloomy, the Wind G.o.d Cult's most famous technique was the crowning of the Holy Martial Empire's leg, the strength of the legs was much stronger than the arms, and it even possessed martial veins and martial cavities. If one could truly train the leg, it would actually be even more terrifying than hand techniques!

"Wind G.o.d Leg Art, Gale Style!"

When Long Chen was using the Soulcatcher claw, Yang Ningfeng did not hold back at all. Long Chen was like a huge beast pouncing towards him, but he was like a sharp blade, thrusting towards Long Chen all of a sudden!

Hu hu hu hu!

Yang Ningfeng's long legs suddenly turned into nimble whips as he crazily competed with Long Chen's Soulcatcher claw. The dragon claw and his feet met each other again and again, and the two fought in close combat crazily, as if they were ready to attack at any moment. In terms of reaction and moves, Long Chen was not inferior to Yang Ningfeng in the slightest, and the only loss was his true essence!

Every time they collided, Yang Ningfeng's legs would smash into his body like a mountain. Long Chen painfully endured it, because he knew that he absolutely could not fail!

"Roar!" With an explosive roar, Long Chen's fearless claw directly broke through Yang Ningfeng's leg shadow and instantly slashed towards Yang Ningfeng's neck. The reason why he was taking such a risk was because Long Chen wanted to kill the other party!

No matter the cost!

"Die!" A voice that was like a wild beast came out from Long Chen's mouth!

"Die?" When he attacked, Yang Ningfeng laughed complacently. He had to admit that Long Chen was an abnormal existence, but compared to him, Yang Ningfeng, the difference was huge. One was a super strong warrior from the older generation, and the other one was a rising rookie.


Just as Long Chen was about to strike his eyes, Yang Ningfeng's leg was like a torrential storm, heavily kicking towards Long Chen's abdomen, the tyrannical force directly sending Long Chen flying! Puchi!


Fresh blood uncontrollably flowed out and the immense power caused Long Chen to roll on the ground for a very long time, drawing out a long trail of blood. In the midst of struggling, Long Chen's claws had suddenly latched onto the ground, stabilizing his body!

"Seventh Brother!" His face became pale, and was about to run up to Long Chen. But who knew that Long Chen would actually stand up so decisively at this moment, and raise his hand high, signalling for Lei Zhen and the others to return!

Looking at this youth who was covered in blood but was still standing upright, looking at his resolute back, everyone felt their eyes moisten.

They only hoped for Long Chen to win a thousand times in their hearts, but the Martial Alliance was still the Martial Alliance.

"Seventh Brother!" That strong standing youth had everyone's heart in their throats.

Long Chen's move was obviously not weak. After being struck head on, if not for the divine dragon's powerful resistance and recovery ability, he might have already gone west, enduring the pain with great difficulty, Long Chen would have stood up and gritted his teeth as he continued to walk toward Yang Ningfeng. With a cold laugh, he said, "Yang Ningfeng, as expected, you are worthy of being one of the three great Martial King s.

Yang Ningfeng licked his tongue. He admired this youth's ability to stand up, and the more he admired him, the more it meant that Long Chen was going to die!

The Devouring Blood Realm, under Long Chen's control, once again spread throughout the battlefield between the two!

"I was reckless just now. I wanted to win so badly, but I never thought that this old man would take advantage of me!"

Long Chen knew what the problem was.

However, there was still no way to kill him!

Death was approaching.

Long Chen stopped in his tracks. The other party's strength had made him think of Ling Xi. He knew that the girl was definitely waiting for him, so he definitely could not die!

"Brother, I, Long Chen, will not abandon you no matter what! My woman, I cannot abandon her! So, I only have one choice, and that is to kill Yang Ningfeng! I have no right to choose death! Anyways, didn't I, Long Chen have two lives!? "

The blood in his heart started boiling.

Separated by the dragon's scale, the thick meridians on Long Chen's body were still visible, one by one. They were sinister and terrifying, the baleful aura of the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon suddenly erupted from Long Chen's body.

A claw that was like a blade, once again unhesitatingly extended towards Yang Ningfeng!

The blood red claw image was like a ferocious blood red dragon, once again sweeping across Yang Ningfeng's head!

Long Chen's will to fight made Yang Ningfeng's heart turn cold!

"This kid is simply a natural born battle machine, I have to get rid of him!"

Yang Ningfeng thought, and the powerful attack started once again!

"Wind G.o.d Leg Art, storm type!"