Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 457 Gu Qing San Ji

Chapter 457 - Ancient Clear Three Seals

Thus, Long Chen followed the Jiang City out of the auction place, and under the lead of the Jiang City, they circled around the huge Huangwu City.

"Brother Yang, in a little while, we will reach the west side of the city. My friends from the Martial Alliance are there." Jiang City turned around and laughed heartily.

Long Chen also nodded with a smile.

He observed his surroundings and noticed that it was the west side of the city. However, the further he went, the more desolate this place became. The earth vein spirit in the west side of the city was extremely dense, so there were less people living here. In reality, there weren't that many people in the Holy Martial Empire, it was just that the population of a city like the Huangwu City was probably not more than the number of people in the Source Spirit City.

After all, the more experts there were, the easier it was for the weak to prey on the strong.

Very quickly, Long Chen and Jiang City arrived in front of a slightly dilapidated courtyard. It seemed like no one had lived in this courtyard for a very long time, so a lot of dust had been left behind.

"We're finally here. Are you in a hurry?" They're in there. " Jiang City gently pushed open the door, then brought Long Chen in.

Long Chen laughed coldly in his heart. At this time, the Jiang City had already exposed herself, because they had not lived in this courtyard for a very long time. How could there be people from the Martial Alliance staying here? Furthermore, the Martial Alliance was high up in the sky, why would they live in such a desolate place like the west side of the city?

Long Chen reckoned that the Jiang City was about to return to normal.

Following Jiang City, Long Chen quickly entered the center hall of the courtyard. This hall was very large and s.p.a.cious, whether it was the ground or the tables and chairs were all covered in dust, one could tell with a glance that no one had lived here for at least ten years.

"Brother Jiang, is the Martial Alliance friend you spoke of here? Why does it seem like dust is everywhere? " Long Chen said while standing at the door.

At this time, Jiang City stood at the center of the hall, he slowly turned around, and the gaze she used to look at Long Chen had already become somewhat playful. He shifted her gaze onto the little wolf beside Long Chen, and said with a greedy look in his eyes: "Yang Qing, don't be anxious, they should be out soon, I think they will be back soon, how about I discuss a matter with you during this period of time?"

"Brother Jiang, what is it? Please speak." Long Chen pretended to be a little doubtful.

Looking at Long Chen's silly expression, Jiang City laughed coldly in his heart. To think that Long Chen did not discover anything even here, it could be seen how foolish Long Chen was. He looked at the wolf cub and impolitely said: "I would like to ask Brother Yang, all the way here, I have introduced you to the various aspects of the Holy Martial Empire, and have even gifted you with the Fiery Fiery Lion's beast core. I will even make a gold medal for you in a while, am I nice to you?"

"Brother Jiang has indeed treated me very well. I will remember this great favor. However, what is Brother Jiang planning to discuss?" Long Chen asked.

Jiang City looked at the wolf cub with a pa.s.sionate gaze and laughed: "The first time I laid eyes on this demon beast, I felt that there was a special relationship between us, and I truly loved it. I wonder how much Brother Yang would give me to this demon wolf, if possible, how many Tongtian Pill s would be no problem."

"That's impossible, Little Wolf is my brother, how can I give him to you casually? Even if you give me ten million Tongtian Pill, that won't do." Long Chen decisively rejected. As he expected, this guy was after the wolf cub, and he had even prepared a soul lock ring.

It was because he did not want to take the risk and fight here, so he was prepared to use this kind of peaceful method to settle the problem. However, since Long Chen refused to drink the penalty wine, it was not his fault.

Therefore, the Jiang City said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, honestly, I must have this demon wolf today. Brother Yang is so determined, are you not going to give me a chance?"

Long Chen suddenly laughed.

"Alright, Jiang City, I won't be messing with you anymore. From the moment the soul lock ring came out of the auction, I already knew that you were up to no good. When you got close to me, you probably knew that he was a Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, right?"

Long Chen said directly.

Jiang City was startled, hshethought that she had plotted against Long Chen, he never thought that Long Chen knew all about his tricks, and it was just a form of humiliation to him, causing him to immediately become angry, her face immediately becoming gloomy, he coldly said: "So that's the case, but Yang Qing, you are too bold, since you know I plotted against you, you actually dare to follow me here?"

"Why would I not dare?" Long Chen said directly.

Long Chen's indifferent att.i.tude caused a strong killing intent to rise up from the bottom of Jiang City's heart. He angrily laughed and said, "Alright! Good! Good! I originally wanted to give you a way out, but now that you yourself are seeking death, you can't blame my Jiang City. You brat, you can be considered to be a pretty good genius.

Long Chen didn't have the time to bulls.h.i.t with him.

Since the other party wanted to kill him, Long Chen would naturally not let him go. With his personality, he would not let any of the enemies that wanted to kill him live in this world.

Moreover, Long Chen knew that this Jiang City was definitely not a lowly person. From his casual move, he had taken out fifteen thousand Tongtian Pill s to buy a soul lock ring, and the amount of Tongtian Pill in his Qiankun bag must be pretty good. Right now, Long Chen needed them very badly, so since the other party had delivered them to his doorstep, he would naturally accept them.

The two sides faced off and were about to make their move.

And it was at this time that Long Chen began her Dragonsoul Transformation. There was no helping it, his current strength was entirely supported by the Dragon Soul Transformation skill, if not for the extremely strong dragon body brought about by the Dragon Soul Transformation skill, Long Chen's insignificant ninth level of the Milky Way Realm would not have been a match for this Jiang City.

He had once seen Long Chen use this Dragon Soul Transformation to kill from a distance, but he never thought that when he got close, he would discover that the aura on Long Chen's body was actually this terrifying. That kind of b.l.o.o.d.y and bloodthirsty aura that came from ancient times, actually made him have the urge to kneel and tremble.

"It must be an illusion!" Jiang City told herself secretly.

At the same time, his Third Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage strength exploded forth.

The Third Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage had already opened up the three great spiritual cavities s, forming the three great centers of true energy within his body. The true energy was surging between the spiritual cavities s and the galaxies in his body, erupting with a strong power that was at least several times stronger than the warriors in the Second stage of the Heavenly Completion Stage. Furthermore, the background of the Jiang City was not ordinary, and there must be many secret techniques in the clan.

However, Long Chen found something else.

"Look at the way Jiang City uses his Zhen Qi, and his att.i.tude when fighting. It seems like she has very little actual combat experience, and although his Zhen Qi is strong, it's unstable. Obviously she relied on a lot of drugs to forcefully improve herself!"

Long Chen carefully sized up the other party as he thought in his heart.

"The ident.i.ty of this Jiang City should be the descendant of a top-notch existence in a great power, but she himself is indeed a rare piece of trash with powerful resources, and she only possesses the strength of Third Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage."

Very quickly, Long Chen had guessed all the secrets of Jiang City's family.

"Let's end this quickly."

Thinking about that, Long Chen dared to be ahead of the other party and instantly rushed towards Jiang City like a ball of blood colored illusion. His current speed was completely supported up by his strong body, so compared to relying on his True Qi, he was much more nimble and fast, he could even display a much stronger strength in this narrow environment!

"Not bad speed!" Jiang City acted tough and roared, seeing that Long Chen was about to attack him, he immediately slid down and rushed towards Long Chen, then used her Roc Spreading its wings instantly, the true energy of her Third Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage was extremely powerful, causing the air to vibrate, the seats in the center of the hall hummed, and they shattered into pieces!

Long Chen made the first move, but it was true that Jiang City made the first move.

"Gu Qing's Three Seals!" His fingers moved extremely quickly, just like the rapid movements of an insect's wings. In an extremely short amount of time, he quickly completed a handprint, and with his help, the handprint whistled as it flew towards Long Chen!

All of a sudden, the air started pressing down on them, causing the previously intact floor to shatter like a huge net.

"It should be a Heaven Tier Low Rank battle skill!" After Long Chen looked at it, he understood in his heart. However, if this Gu Qing Three Seal was truly used, it should be stronger than Devil Dao Supreme Sword s by a lot.

It was just that, when used by the Jiang City, it did seem somewhat suffocating.

Long Chen stomped on the ground, and continued to attack the Jiang City in the air. In the process of rushing forward, the Demon Emperor Sword appeared in his hands!

"The way of the Demon Emperor's Sword, Devil Dao Supreme Sword!" Under Long Chen's command, the raging black sword edge immediately numbered in the thousands, welcomed the Jiang City's Gu Qing San Ying. It was obvious that this Gu Qing San had three changes imprinted on her sword, but Long Chen had directly sliced into his attack in a crazed manner!

"Even under the attack of Third Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage, you still dare to not dodge!" Jiang City was a little shocked in his heart, because Long Chen did not use a common way of thinking to attack him. He did not choose to fight him head on, but to directly attack Jiang City from the side!

In other words, if this continued, Jiang City's attack would definitely hit Long Chen, but Long Chen's attack would also hit Jiang City, causing both of them to suffer, and even both of them would die!

In response to Jiang City's shock, Long Chen only smiled indifferently and continued to use her side attack on Jiang City.

"You madman!" At this critical juncture, Jiang City had no choice but to pull back her attack, and then frantically retreated, wanting to escape from Long Chen's Devil Dao Supreme Sword.

"I really don't have much actual combat experience." Long Chen shook his head helplessly. He could tell that Jiang City lacked experience in actual combat with one glance, so he used this method to fight with his life on the line. He guessed that would choose to retreat first.

And Long Chen was using his retreat as an excuse to kill his enemy!