Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 456 It's Your Mother's Fault

Chapter 456 - Your Mother's Division

"Next, I will auction the inner core of a demon beast!" At this moment, the pretty young girl was smiling. Under the convergence of all sorts of lights, someone was carrying a red tray to the young girl. At this moment, the tray was covered with a red cloth, making it impossible to see what was inside.

The girl pointed at the item on the tray and said, "Everyone, guess what it is?" I believe that everyone can already feel the rich fire attribute energy. That's right, this is a kind of demonic core of a fire attribute demon beast! "

As she said this, the young lady stretched out her hand and gently pulled open the beast core on the tray. Immediately, a fiery-red beast core that was still burning with flames appeared in the tray.

"Did everyone guess? This Spirit Demon Core is extremely beneficial to the cultivation of Beast Fighters. If there is enough Tongtian Pill, maybe it can let the Heavenly Completion Stage Level 1's warriors reach the Second stage of the Heavenly Completion Stage. Of course, Xiao Qin recommends that everyone refine it slowly, otherwise, the Fiery Lion's Spirit Demon Core might burn them! "

"Alright, Xiao Qin, cut the c.r.a.p. Now I announce the starting price for the Blazing Lion: fifty Tongtian Pill! Everyone can raise the price now. "

After the young lady finished speaking, the rest of the people started increasing the bid, from 50 all the way to 80, and at the same time, Jiang City saw Long Chen's interested look and said: "Brother Yang, you want the Fiery Lion's beast core? That's right, Brother Yang is Beast Fighters, so this Fiery Fierce Lion's beast core is useful to you.

As he said this, he subconsciously glanced at the wolf cub.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang." Long Chen said.

"No worries, Brother Yang just came to Holy Martial Empire, it's normal for you to not have any Tongtian Pill. I'll bring up Brother Yang to buy it. " Jiang City laughed heartily.

At this time, the price outside had already increased to about one hundred Tongtian Pill and no one was calling out a price anymore. After all, a third level Heaven Stage beast was only worth this price.

It was at this time that Jiang City shouted, "One hundred and twenty Tongtian Pill."

The young lady immediately revealed a look of pleasant surprise, because the price had already exceeded the Fiery Lion's market price, and the market price was also around a hundred or so. Without raising the price further, she announced that the Tongtian Pill of the Fiery Lion belonged to Jiang City.

The auction continued, and very quickly, someone brought out the Intense Flaming Lion's beast core. Then, the Jiang City gave the beast core to Long Chen, who obviously didn't want it for nothing, and took it.

"I hope Brother Yang can use this Demonic Core to raise your strength." The Jiang City said with a smile. His mood seemed to be extremely good all of a sudden, Long Chen didn't know why either.

"The Jiang City was still so happy even after being slaughtered by me. It seems like there are quite a few Tongtian Pill in the Cosmic Bag." Long Chen thought that if Jiang City had any ulterior motives, he would make a move sooner or later. Long Chen did not mind taking away his Tongtian Pill.

Following that, the auction continued and it was soon the end of the auction. The previous auction of a Heaven Stage Medium axe caused a huge sensation, and in the end, it was auctioned off for two thousand Tongtian Pill. And now, the final item had appeared. Under the influence of the beautiful young girl, the crowd was filled with antic.i.p.ation.

"Everyone should be aware of the last item. There might be a portion of people who came here because of admiration. This is the final item of this auction. Come, hand over the mysterious treasure."

At this moment, another person brought a black tray over. This time, it was wrapped in a black cloth. The beautiful little girl maintained her smile as she gently lifted up the black cloth. In the middle of the tray, there was a bright neck ring with a diameter of about twenty centimeters, this neck ring was not normal, it was completely bright, but there was a strange aura coming from it, and at the same time, it had a bloodied scent. Long Chen looked carefully, as though there were a lot of spirit beasts roaring within the ring.

"This name: soul lock ring, is a spirit treasure of Heaven Stage Medium! Everyone knows its heaven-defying abilities, which is, only those demon beasts below the sixth level of heaven stage, including those below, can use this soul lock ring to control this demon beast, making it completely submit to you, forever submitting to you, this means that everyone can have a powerful battle strength at the sixth level of heaven stage! Who would want to miss out on such an advantage? Even if they were to go bankrupt, everyone would have to buy it! Hehe, Little Zither is just joking here, but soul lock ring are really precious, if we miss this chance, then we won't have another chance in the future. Everyone hurry up and increase the price, now I announce that the starting price of the soul lock ring is five thousand Tongtian Pill! "

Five thousand Tongtian Pill, that was already a lot, but it was just the starting price.

To the current Long Chen, five thousand Tongtian Pill was an astronomical number. However, what he cared about right now was not five thousand Tongtian Pill, but the soul lock ring. At this time, the Jiang City rubbed her hands together, preparing to start bidding, but Long Chen used Spirit Beast Language and started to converse with the little wolf in a low voice.

"Xiao Lang, you should know that something is wrong with the Jiang City, right?"

"I feel like he is calculating you. It looks like after buying the soul lock ring, he would have to make a move, but Big Brother, what is worth it for him to plot against you?" The wolf cub was also curious.

"A stupid wolf. He was obviously scheming against you, not your big brother!" Just then, the fat cat in the Great Void Realm sighed, looking like the two of them had no future.

"I understand," Long Chen said as he came to his senses and nodded his head: "Before, this fellow kept mentioning you, but I saw that he had done his research on demon beasts. Previously, he also said that he did not know what kind of demon beast you were, and I reckon that he knew that you were a Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, and knew that you had talent, that's why he came here to buy a soul lock ring. Although a soul lock ring is only a Ninth Grade Earth Grade, but as long as he can control you and let you level up, wouldn't it be as easy as obtaining a super helper?"

"This guy is really scheming. If something didn't happen at the city gate, you, big brother, would probably have been tricked by him, right?" You actually want to use the soul lock ring to control me. The wolf cub said with a resentful expression.

"Jiang City is truly not bad, I think he already knew the list of items being auctioned, that's why she told me what they needed from the start and he would help me buy it. After I bought the Fiery Lion's beast core, he is even more sure that you are a Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf capable of devouring fire items to level up. So, even though he was killed, he still looked very happy. " Long Chen a.n.a.lyzed. Honestly speaking, he was also secretly shocked. He had always been thinking about what this Jiang City was planning to do with him, but she never thought that it would be with Little Wolf.

Even Long Chen was shocked by Xiao Lang's talent. In the future, if he cultivated properly, maybe he would be able to become a peak level demon beast. And for him to use just a soul lock ring to exchange for this kind of demon beast, wouldn't he earn a lot?

"This guy probably came to the Huangwu City to auction the soul lock ring anyway, but coincidentally, he met someone who was fighting with me on the road and knew of my origins. I'm afraid that he was only slightly interested in me, but after seeing the little wolf appear, he followed me and even lured me over to the Huangwu City!" Long Chen was already beginning to sneer in his heart. He was originally very grateful to the Jiang City, but after knowing his goal, Long Chen felt a little disappointed.

"Big brother, what should we do?" the wolf cub asked.

"It's alright, he's only at Third Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage, and I am not weaker than him. He has underestimated my strength, and when the time comes, I will do as I please. Let's see who the culprit is, I still want to get some Tongtian Pill from him!" Long Chen said with a cold smile.

At this time, Jiang City also joined the auction. The soul lock ring s were indeed worthy of being the top treasures, and as the price continued to rise, they soon broke through to the ten thousand Tongtian Pill s, amidst the increase in the price of the Jiang City s.

"This fellow is very scheming, but I believe that there are indeed a lot of forces in the family. When ten thousand Tongtian Pill were to speak, they would not even bat an eyelid." Long Chen was secretly shocked. One had to know that the Tongtian Pill in his pocket was only seventy of them, and once he reached the Tongtian Pill, the remaining Tongtian Pill would no longer be enough for him to enter Second stage of the Heavenly Completion Stage.

At the moment, the soul lock ring's auction was nearing its end, only a few people could partic.i.p.ate in it, but it seemed like the Jiang City had the most money, so he was quickly impatient and shouted out a high price of fifteen thousand, immediately killing the others.

As such, the Jiang City obtained the soul lock ring.

After the auction ended, the Jiang City was in a very good mood. He kept the soul lock ring and patted Long Chen's shoulders, and laughed: "Brother Yang, the auction has finally ended.

"Brother Jiang is too serious. How could this be considered as delaying me? Isn't Brother Jiang giving me the Fiery Lion's beast core?" Even Long Chen himself does not know how to repay such a huge gift! " Long Chen said with a smile.

"Long Chen?" Jiang City was startled. He seemed to have heard Long Chen call himself Long Chen.

"What Long Chen? Brother Jiang, is there a problem? " Long Chen said his name tens of thousands of times, but he would definitely misspeak for a moment.

"Oh, oh, it's nothing. But since the auction has ended, I'll take you to get the ident.i.ty gold medal!" Jiang City thought she heard wrong and laughed.

"That's great, I really have to thank Brother Jiang. When I become a Ancient Devil Region and accomplish something, I will definitely not forget to repay Brother Jiang!" Long Chen said with grat.i.tude.

"It's fine, it's fine. Meeting each other is fate." Jiang City snickered.

"Bound to be your mother's share!" Long Chen thought in his heart.