Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 986

He turned his head to the big screen. The panoramic projection on the battlefield shows that with the Mothership as the center, four Dragon King class frigates, twelve ares class battleships, all the guns are open, and the huge soul guided gun beam, just like plowing and sweeping holes, instantly attacks and covers the enemy on the opposite side.

At the same time, thousands of warships burst out in various colors and fired at the federal side.

Similar to Yan Xinghe's judgment before, the warship on the opposite side can't stop the fire on the 7th Fleet. One warship keeps exploding, while on the 7th Fleet, a series of brilliant halos erupt on the protective cover system based on the Mothership, but no enemy ray can rush into the protective range.

In the fierce roar, the sound can not be transmitted to the inside of the warship, but the vibration can be. Even with the protection of the protective cover, dragon three is still in constant vibration.

LAN Xuanyu clenched his fist subconsciously. This kind of pure frontal bombardment is absolutely magnificent and powerful. But in his heart, he didn't like this way of fighting. In this way of fighting, there is no tactics at all, that is, fighting hard, hitting hard, bombarding each other and winning with artillery.

"Captain, don't you have any tactics to fight in open space?" LAN Xuanyu asked doubtfully.

Yan Xinghe: "tactics are not without them. It's just that when our shields are strong enough that the opponent can't break our defense, what's the use of tactics? Even if they go around behind us, they still can't break our defense. Why a carrier is so important for a space fleet does not depend on its attack power. The most important thing is its protection power. You see, the Mothership doesn't have that kind of particularly powerful main gun. In fact, it's not without equipment, but it's not easy to use. It's too energy consuming. All the energy is put on the protection. The overall protection cover of the fleet formed with the Mothership and four Dragon King frigates as the core can not be rushed in even by the super gods. This is where we are most powerful. So, the strong in the Longma system came up with a plan to break us down from the inside. "

LAN Xuanyu knew that the internal collapse he said must be longyuanjing.

At this time, the warship group of Longma system on the opposite side changed. Thousands of warships quickly spread out, like a big pocket, and surrounded the seventh fleet.

Just a round of fire, opposite at least lost more than 30 larger warships. This is also because the distance between the two sides is very long and the power of the artillery cannot be fully exerted.

The seventh fleet is moving forward slowly, keeping the power of the artillery fire, and constantly firing forward and on both sides.

As Yan Xinghe said, the attack of the Longma Galaxy fleet can't break the defense of the seventh fleet at all, which makes the war seem boring and seems to be so continuous consumption.

Yan Xinghe smiled and said, "now it's up to them to resist."

LAN Xuanyu asked curiously, "what can I stand?"

Yan Xing River: "I can't help but not use your credit." He also pointed to the star on the shoulder of LAN Xuan Yu.

Hearing this, LAN Xuanyu suddenly understood. Obviously, the federal government has plans for longyuanjing. It's specifically for each other. If the opponent uses the corresponding tactics of longyuanjing at this time, it means that the tactics will be exposed.

A cosmos fleet, I don't know if it can satisfy each other's appetite.

"What if they hold back?" Asked LAN Xuanyu.

Yan Xinghe: "according to the data we have investigated at present, Longma galaxy has about 3000 warships. There are more than 1000 of them here, and most of them are not around the galaxy. One fleet is not enough. Aren't there two wings behind us? The attraction of the three cosmic fleets should be enough. In fact, they don't want to fight with us so early. They want us to develop Longyuan star for a long time and rely more on Longyuan crystal as the power source. That way, more warships will be equipped with longyuanjing. The other side's, really dare to think, and really almost succeeded

The artillery on the battlefield began to become sparse, for the simple reason that the warships of the Longma system expanded their encirclement and broke away from the artillery attack of the seventh fleet. The seventh fleet didn't care about them at all. It continued to fly forward. Its goal was still the direction of Tianma star.

LAN Xuanyu, after all, is the best student in the Star Wars Command Department of Shrek college. He has basically understood the battle plan of the seventh fleet under the explanation of Yan Xinghe. No wonder Yan Xinghe seems so relaxed. This tactic is carried out on the premise that we know the biggest conspiracy of the other side, but the other side still thinks that the conspiracy will succeed.

Yan Xinghe looked at his soul guide communicator. "The third and fifth fleets should have started their operations. For the other side, the opportunity will come soon. "

"Dragon three, dragon three." A low call came from the messenger.

"Dragon three in place." Yan Xinghe steps up to his command post.

The big screen flashed, and the commander of the seventh fleet, general Bai Ling, appeared on the big screen, "the third and fifth fleets have contacted each other. Prepare to implement the source crystal plan. "

"Yes!" Yan Xinghe stands upright and salutes. He didn't explain to LAN Xuanyu any more, but gave orders continuously."All spacecrafts, space fighters are ready to fight. Report the reaction in the induction zone at any time after the start of the source crystal plan. "

LAN Xuanyu's eyes are firmly fixed on the hologram.

At this time, the local warships had basically surrounded the 7th Fleet, but they kept a long distance. They did not enter the range of the 7th Fleet, and the 7th Fleet flew forward, so they also flew forward.

In fact, such encirclement is meaningless in terms of normal tactics, just like escorting. As long as the seventh fleet enters the space jump, the encirclement will be relieved naturally.

At this time, each warship of the seventh fleet had a separate metal room. In the room, there are small machines. Inside each machine, there are various forms of Longyuan crystal, large and small. Among them, there are some large-scale longyuanjing, even lanxuanyu has not seen them.

Extremely surface, glittering, sending out charming luster. The energy of the inner Longyuan crystal is continuously outputting out, just like it is always providing the energy source.

And the separated energy, gathered through special channels, is transmitted to unknown places.

This system is called the energy filtration and conduction system by the scientists of Douro Federation. In the past, it was used to test the energy intensity of the core of the single forward circulating source.

After the outbreak of longyuanjing's problem, the scientists in the Federation sent this thing to the major fleets after urgent consultation.

Their role is very simple, that is, to keep longyuanjing in a state of energy release. And this state, it seems, is always in use.

At the same time, he is only remote sensing the state of these dragon crystals, and can control them in the simplest way. Like LAN Xuanyu, when they found it last time, it was because the exposure was too obvious. In addition, that place is the base of longyuanjing production, and there is a distracted garrison of Tianlong, which makes them fight against him.

After the study within the Federation and with many powerful people, no matter how strong the dragon is, it is impossible to cross the stars to feel the real situation around each dragon source crystal. LAN Xuanyu, they must have met him at that time.