Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 971

Xiaowu raises her head and looks at the blue haired man with dim eyes. The blue haired man lowers his head and kisses her lips. "Are you still making clothes for her son? To be bigger, he should be about my size, a little taller than me. "

Tears kept falling from the face of Xiaowu. She raised her hand and gently stroked Tang San's face. "It's really nice to find her son. I can rest assured of his presence. "

"Don't worry! OK, I'm going back as soon as possible. Recently, I need to take less rest, so that the speed of regression can be faster. The coordinates will still shift due to the impact of wormhole shuttle. I need to adjust constantly, so as to save time. "

"Well, good." Xiaowu nodded her head cleverly.

Just then, all of a sudden, Tang San's body shook and turned to look at Xiaowu.

Xiaowu's heart tightened and her face was a little pale. "What's the matter?"

Tang San looked at her in shock. "I, I feel it."

Xiaowu holds his hand tight for a while, lowers her head and says, "what do you feel?"

"New life, I feel new life." Tang San said excitedly.

"Bah, you think beautiful. I'm not pregnant. " The little dance spat and pushed him away.

"No, not you." Tang San said in a hurry.

"Well?" Xiaowu suddenly raised her head and raised her eyebrows. For a while, the cold in the room was so strong that Tang San, who was the God King, was shocked. "Who is it? Don three, how dare you cheat? "

"What do you think?" "What's wrong with me?" said Tang San! No matter in this life or next life, I only love you, and I will only love you. I'm not talking about our new life here, but about our son. We, we seem to have grandchildren. It's still weak, but I can't feel wrong with my son's breath. It seems to touch my divine sense. We should have grandchildren! Wulin, you can do it! Hahaha, I'm going to be a grandfather. "

Xiaowu is also stunned, and her murderous spirit suddenly drops, "have a grandson? Any grandchildren? This, this is really very good! "

"Hahaha, today is really a beautiful day. I'll hurry back and try to meet our baby grandson earlier. Hahaha! "

Xiaowu rolled her eyes. "Just now you said you would see your son earlier." When she said that, she coughed softly and covered her mouth with her right hand. It seemed that she was laughing. But Tang San didn't notice that in her palm, there was a flush.

Tang sanhehe smiled, "if you have a grandson, what else do you want? His task is done! "

With that, he turned and walked out. Just at this time, a woman with long pink and blue hair was walking in. Seeing him, she said in surprise, "Dad, I said how Yuhao suddenly ran. It turned out that you called me to take the place of the class. Why don't you be lazy

Tang San said angrily: "it's really a big mistake for a woman to stay. She forgot her father with her husband. By the way, try your best to give me a grandson as soon as possible. " With that, he strode away.

Tang Wutong watched Tang San leave in surprise, turning to Xiaowu and saying, "Mom, what's wrong with dad? Why do you rush me to have a baby? "

Xiaowu chuckled, "he's stimulated. Your brother has news. " As she spoke to her daughter, she quietly put her hand behind her, which had previously covered her mouth. The faint glow flickered, and the flush disappeared.


"Thousands of people. Reduce complexity to simplicity! " LAN Xuanyu mumbled the same sentence.

In front of him, Tang San held the trident of the sea god and stepped out step by step. The Trident turned into countless lights and shadows in an instant. The lights and shadows overlapped in the air and finally turned into noumenon. And the whole space is compressing and shaking in the process of its dispersion and fusion.

This is not a simple skill, but the perception and control of space. The Trident stabbed out, making people have a feeling of no hiding.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu has also released his own heaven holy split yuan halberd. He learns from Tang San and stabs it.

The light and shadow seemed to have a sense of empathy with him. When he pricked the halberd of the heavenly sage, the light and shadow had already flown behind him, overlapped with his body. The blood force in his body flowed naturally, the soul force was injected and naturally pricked out.

The track of soul power operation, even the mobilization vein of spirit power, clearly appears in LAN Xuanyu's memory.

When the halberd is pricked out, its own blood whirlpool seems to be its power source, while the spiritual force makes him feel completely integrated with the halberd.

Before he used the halberd, he totally relied on the halberd to ignore the characteristics of defense, and as long as he hit the opponent, he would certainly be able to inflict heavy damage.

With the improvement of his strength, he can't keep up with his ability just by using it. This pattern is just right.

Just one drive, the whole operation process has been engraved in the memory of LAN Xuanyu, and the sea god Tang San also disappeared.

LAN Xuanyu looked around. He couldn't find his grandfather. Then he looked at the halberd. He closed his eyes and remembered the feeling when he had just stabbed the halberd.After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, stepped out step by step and stabbed in front of the halberd.

Light and shadow appear, and the moment is one. The general shape is right, but compared with the feeling when the three spikes of the sea god Tang Dynasty came out, it's still far away.

But LAN Xuanyu is not disappointed at all. The improvement of skills requires constant cultivation. No matter how savvy you are, you can't sublimate without hard work.

In this virtual space, he stabbed the halberd of the heaven Saint again and again, feeling the mystery of that attack again and again. Gradually, his blood whirlpool merges with the wave of elements. Every time I prick it, it seems that I have a different understanding. Like meditation, unconsciously, he has been integrated into the process of continuous practice.

LAN Xuanyu's accomplishments have made a great leap since he broke through the five rings. Five hundred thousand year soul rings have helped him a lot. What he lacks is actually a comprehensive process.

It's not that he doesn't have enough control over the elements, but the combination of two different abilities of golden blue silver grass and silver blue silver grass.

This is a problem that Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena did not encounter at the beginning. But LAN Xuanyu has to face it.

Gold Dragon King Jiayin Dragon King is not equal to Dragon God, but to perfect integration of gold dragon king and Silver Dragon King, that is the Dragon God.

This fusion process is not only the continuous fusion of the blood whirlpool in his body, but also in the spiritual world. When you use your own power, you should have a sense of integration. The transformation of Dragon God is just a state of simulated fusion, and the real fusion depends on himself.

Integration, promotion and breakthrough. That's what he should do now. Qianfu pointed out that it was in this situation that he was given such an opportunity.

Therefore, he will have a wonderful feeling that every time he pricks out his hand, he will feel different. In this feeling, he can clearly feel his own promotion. And the different abilities from the king of Golden Dragon and the king of silver dragon are constantly overlapping.

This is also why Tang Wulin didn't continue to teach him about the ability of the Golden Dragon King, such as the Golden Dragon nine style of Tang Wulin. Because it's only for King Jinlong alone.

However, thousands of people pointed out different things. This was taught to Tang Wulin by Tang San, the God of the sea. It came from the war skills of the God King. The purest fighting skill.

Use war skills to mobilize their own capabilities, and feel the mystery of integration in the process of using war skills. LAN Xuanyu has started this opportunity. For him, this is a real leap. A leap in combat power.

The following week, LAN Xuanyu closed. He was completely immersed in the cultivation that he had pointed out.