Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 970

"In those days, they were swept away with the gods. But your grandfather left me a lot of power. The Golden Dragon spear in your hand was left by your aunt. She's my only sister, and you must have heard of her. She is the dragon and butterfly Douluo ten thousand years ago. My brother-in-law, your uncle, is the founder of the hearsay tower, lingbing Douluo, Huo Yuhao. Your grandfather left me his golden Trident. The golden Trident, also known as the sea god Trident, is your grandfather's supernatural weapon. But I didn't give it to you this time because of the hatred between them. "

"Your grandfather is the wisest man I have ever met. In the historical records, it is recorded that your mother and I fought back the whole abyss. In fact, the process of defeating the abyssal plane is in your grandfather's calculation. It's your grandfather's design that makes the abyssal plane become the nutrient of the continent of Douluo, so that we can win the final World War I. "

"Under normal circumstances, our soulman only possesses weapons. Later, there was a soul guide, but for a really powerful soul master, he always thought that the soul guide was just a foreign thing. But in order to fight against the soul guide, the soul master created the battle armor. It's different from machine armor. It's part of our body, but it's also loaded with foreign things. And among the foreign things, the real thing that can greatly enhance our combat effectiveness is the artifact. "

"There are many artifacts i know. But there are only two things that can really be called supernatural weapon. They are the trident of the sea god that your grandfather passed on to me, and the halberd of the heaven holy Chayuan in your hand. This is a top-level strong person, can have. The halberd comes from the surface of the abyss. That's how many years of accumulation it took the emperor of the abyss to form it. The power is very powerful, and up to now, even I can't really find its mystery. At the beginning, after I got this halberd, I condensed it into a ring and gave it to your mother as a proposal ring. Although I don't know how I got to your hands, I think she should have sent you. Feel the mystery of the halberd. If you can really develop all the secrets, you may even surpass the Dragon God in the future. Become a king of gods, and really open up the world of gods. "

"In the Golden Dragon spear, there are some skills that your grandfather taught me. You study and understand well, but you don't really need to simulate completely. Every soul teacher is different. At the beginning, my teacher once told me to find my own way. Your growth speed is very fast, and you also have the blood of the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King at the same time. Their final destination must be to condense into the blood of the Dragon God. In this process, you need to make your own path more stable, but you must also find your own one. What I teach you is only my way to learn from you, but it doesn't need your complete learning. Only by finding your own way can you become a real strong one. "

"Well, it's your grandfather's turn. At the beginning, when I first met him, I was also in this place. Now I will show you the spiritual space. However, your grandfather's figure is the formation of my divine sense, which has been unable to communicate with you. But you should study hard. Your grandfather is the king of gods, the real top power. I dare not say that I have mastered all the magic skills he taught me until now. "

This is the end of the sound, and just in the depth of the hall, a figure gradually condensed into shape.

LAN Xuanyu quickly wiped away the tears on his face. After hearing Tang Wulin's words, he realized that the legend was true. The Golden Dragon and the moon talk about Tang Wulin. It turns out that he is really the son of Tang Sanzhi, the God of the sea. And I am the grandson of Tang San, the God of the sea!

Light golden halo around the figure, when he fully appeared, his eyes subconsciously looked to blue Xuanyu.

It's an indescribable sense of familiarity and amiability. Judging from the appearance alone, Tang San and Tang Wulin are six or seven points alike, but Tang Wulin is definitely better looking. As you can imagine, it must be that my grandmother is more beautiful and helps the Tang family improve their genes.

But in this sea god, there is a special temperament. It's not superior, but a very peculiar temperament that makes people unconsciously feel kind to him.

Four eyes are opposite. Although lanxuan Yuming knows that this is a simulation of Tang Wulin's divine sense in front of him, he still has the feeling of seeing himself in his perception.

"Hello, you." LAN Xuanyu bows.

The sea god Tang San smiled and waved his right hand lightly. The trident of the sea god had fallen into his hand.


Far away in space.

A soft and colorful light is flying slowly. In space, its shuttle can't recognize the speed.

Its breath doesn't seem to be strong, but when some cosmic creatures feel its existence, they are subconsciously far away from it.

If you look carefully, you will find that the color halo is as strange as gas. The color halo even pulls out the tail flame during the flight, but in the inner core, it seems to be a strange planet like existence.

It's just that the planet doesn't seem to be a complete entity, but it's formed by many beings relying on those colored halos.

At this time, it is in this huge colored light cluster, a palace.A man with long blue hair suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange golden light flashed through his eyes.

In front of him is a solid color crystal, emitting nine colors of light. Besides him, there is a circle of people sitting around. They are all in a state of meditation like him.

"Yuhao, you can help me." The blue haired man stood up and whispered.

"OK." In a flash of light and shadow, a figure appeared beside him. He bowed to him first, and then sat down cross knee in his original position.

Blue hair man step out, as if hiding into the general void disappeared.


On the huge bed, a gorgeous lazy woman is sitting on the bed, her hands seem to be knitting something. Long pigtails of scorpions hang on one side.

The light flashed and the blue haired man appeared in front of her bed.

"Why did you come back so early? Isn't it time to change shifts? " The woman looked up at her husband in surprise.

Blue hair man's eyes exuded excited luster, "found, dance, found."

The little dance "whoosh" jumped up from the bed, directly jumped to the blue hair man's arms, and trembled: "don't lie to me! Really? Did you really find it? "

"Well, just now, I feel it. Yes, it's our son's breath. He is still alive and stronger than before. There should be a sense of God denigration. I said, my son, how easy to fall. Great, it's really great. I can't feel wrong. That's our blood! "

"Whoops!" Xiaowu hugged him tightly and burst into tears.

"Don't cry, baby, don't cry! It's a great joy! We should be happy. "

"Wuwuwu......" Xiaowu is crying more and more.

The blue haired man hugged her and said softly: "since we lost our perception of him, we have been flying in that direction. Just once again, I feel that I have adjusted the coordinates. I believe that this time, we will be able to rush back in the shortest time. Although we don't know the exact time, we will be able to catch up. "

"Well, well." Xiaowu buries his head in his arms and points it hard.

Blue hair man long breath, "our family, finally will be reunited!"