Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 957

LAN Xuanyu even wanted to ask, aren't you Mr. Tang's son? You don't know. How could I know.

Ding zhuohan blinked, and suddenly he had an ominous premonition. My father, who has not known me for many years, has been in a bad mood for me since I recognized him! But today's attitude is a bit wrong! He didn't even look at himself.

But most people don't realize what's wrong. They seem excited. They are full of yearning for the coming life in the inner court and in the military.

Qian Lei is now proud to chat with Liu Feng. "Lunatic, we should have quite a lot of points converted into military skills. I think it's the minimum for me to be a major. Maybe I can be a colonel. We will be officers in the future! "

Liu Feng glanced at him, "what's the use of that? In fact, I hope to start from scratch, from the ordinary soldiers. "

With a big wave of his hand, Qian Lei said, "that's impossible. We're high school graduates of Shrek college. Brother, this ability will not be allowed to start from scratch! Have you ever seen a soul from scratch? Ha ha ha. In the future, I will be a man of God level

"Your eyes are on top of your head. Shut up. " Lanmengqin gave him a bad kick.

Qian Lei smiled and touched his head. "My daughter-in-law, am I not happy? Teacher Nana was rescued. She was relieved at last. I am in such a mood recently! Flying every day. In other words, if we join the army this year, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with the meeting. When we get back, I'll tell you again at the blind date meeting. I've heard for a long time that the sea god affinity meeting in our college is very interesting. "

"Who is your daughter-in-law? Shut up! " Blue dream Qin kicked him again, pretty face is tiny red.

Qian Lei laughs and comes to her side. No matter how LAN Mengqin fights and kicks him, he is not upset at all. His face is full of happiness.

Since I helped lanmengqin solve the problem of her mother's vitality at the beginning, the relationship between lanmengqin and him has made great progress, although on the surface, she often said the same thing to him. In fact, lanmengqin didn't resist Qian Lei's occasional cuddle. This makes Qian Lei feel happy to fly. Especially after graduating successfully, this sense of happiness has been further enhanced. Now he only feels that he is the winner of life!

Just then, Tang Zhenhua, who was walking in the front, stopped. Qian Lei found that they had been taken into a small alley. There is a door in front of Tang Zhenhua. Strangely, it is dark red. Just at a glance, it's like blood running down the door.

Tang Zhenhua took out something and pasted it on the door. The dark red door opened quietly. A faint chill seeped out of the door, and LAN Xuanyu and others walking in the front couldn't help shivering.

Tang Zhenhua didn't let them enter directly, but turned around and faced the whole crew of the 13th wing. "Enter this door, each of you will be sent to a separate place for trial. No team, no mecha. You can only rely on yourself. You will face all kinds of enemies. The way to pass the trial is very simple. When you kill enough people, you can come out of it. If you don't kill enough, you can't come out. By the way, there is a lot of controversy within the college because of the fact that your whole class came into the inner court together. Think your assessment is not enough. So this time, if anyone can't walk out smoothly, but finally breaks down and leaves the trial, then he will not be allowed to enter the inner court. All right, now

The people who were still happy at the back were stunned by Tang Zhenhua's words.

Isn't this surprise training? How did it become a trial? What's more, the losers will be eliminated from the inner court?

"Mr. Tang, is it true? Aren't we allowed into the inner court? How can it still be assessed? " Asked Qian Lei.

The other students around were all the same.

Don't you think it's stable to enter the inner court? To tell you the truth, the inner court also has a high elimination rate. Entering the inner court does not mean that you can graduate from it. This is your first examination in the inner court. Losers, knock them out. The completion time of the trial is your evaluation of this assessment. It's also about what kind of identity you will have in the military. After the seventh fleet test, you will still be broken up, not together. Now, let's go. Those who do not enter within one minute shall be regarded as giving up. "

Listening to Tang Zhenhua's cold voice, everyone felt as if they had been splashed with ice water. The first trial in the inner court came suddenly. Although the world of Douluo is only a simulated time, it is not real. But if it is eliminated, all previous efforts will be in vain.

LAN Xuanyu didn't say anything more. He didn't even encourage his friends. He was the first one to step into the bloody gate, and his figure disappeared in the gate.

He can't always help his classmates. Everyone needs to go their own way. What he can do has been done. Whether they can stay in the inner court depends on their own. This test, more important is to test their individual ability, as well as individual willpower.At this time, he can't help others. Everyone needs to come out on their own.

Kill ten thousand! Thrill test!

The second one is Tang Yuge. Her expression is calm, even a little indifferent. Stride in without hesitation. Since her life experience was revealed, her mood has not been very good, including when she was in the graduation examination. After the graduation examination, she never even went home. Because she didn't know how to face them.

Other people step into it one after another, some of them have understood it, and their expressions are calm. Some of them are still in a state of some muddleheaded circles. But they all realized that the test was not so simple.

Tang Zhenhua watched all the students enter the gate all the time, and then closed the bloody gate. The cold expression on his face also came back. He murmured to himself, "the college is a bit cruel! Let these children participate in the blood test. This should be one to two years of study in the inner court. It seems that their mission to the front is not so simple this time. "

The blood test does not belong to the world of Douluo itself. To be exact, ordinary people cannot enter this place through the simulation cabin, because it is too difficult for ordinary people, and it is easy to cause psychological trauma. It is specially developed by the scientific researchers of Shrek college and Tangmen. It is just like a plug-in hanging in a region of Douluo world. Only people approved by Shrek college and Tangmen can enter.

In areas like this, all major forces actually have their own, and they are all exclusive. As long as a certain fee is paid to the federal government, it will be approved.

In fact, the world of Douluo itself is the existence that the federal government can obtain huge benefits.

After Tang Zhenhua sent them in, he quickly quit Douluo world and went straight to cherry blossom office.

At this time, many people have gathered in the office. If LAN Xuanyu is here, he will find that only a few of these people he knows. He didn't know more.

Among them, Wang Tianyu, yingluohong, Xiao Qi and Tang Zhenhua, who are known by LAN Xuanyu, and the rest are all fresh faces for them. There is no doubt that these are from Shrek college.