Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 956

Now he has given up the idea. If we let this boy master the forbidden Arsenal, we don't know what he dares to do.

This kid seems to have an unusual passion for the powerful contraband weapons.

However, although LAN Xuanyu was expelled, there were three more gods' wrath shining yellow halo, a god level metal placed separately, and a pendant in the ring of his destiny.

The inside of the pendant is also made from the core of the God level source, but it is one of the crystallization of the latest technology of Tangmen. It can't produce strong destructive power, but it can release strong defensive power in an instant. The defense area is 10 meters in diameter. Once used, a protective cover will be released in the center of LAN Xuanyu's body and 10 meters in diameter. The shield can last for one minute, and the defense strength is equivalent to that of the Dragon King frigate. And the protective cover of the Dragon King frigate, even the 11th level strong can't be destroyed. Even if the supernatural power wants to destroy from the outside, it will take time. That is to say, it is quite an invincible shield.

This one can be used three times.

Do Mengfei and tangmiao really mean to lanxuanyu? Of course not. This invincible Shield Pendant alone is worth more than the sum of thirty-six fury. Until now, the whole Tang clan has only made three pendants. It's called the guardian of God. That is to say, when LAN Xuanyu is using the wrath of God, even if there is no three meter protection of the wrath of God and there is a defense of the God, it can also ensure his safety. The guardian of God can trigger the display, when the outside world has a strong energy oppression, it will be triggered automatically.

Although LAN Xuanyu did not know the specific value of God's fury plus God's protection, he could also guess that it was not measured by money at all. Its value is too high.

There are not many things brought back, but LAN Xuanyu's goal has been fully achieved. There are so many things that can be done with the wrath of three gods and weapons of mass destruction.

Until he returned to the college, his mind was still full of images of forbidden arsenals. There are so many good things in it. I don't know what they are for. The divine guard on his neck is taken from the innermost. Obviously, the items in the forbidden Arsenal are arranged according to their importance. I really want to know what those things are for! That blue bottle must be more powerful than the wrath of God.

It was not until nightfall that LAN Xuanyu's heart gradually settled down. He entered the meditation room and prepared for meditation.

What he needs most now is to improve his accomplishments and strive for an early breakthrough to a higher level. No matter how powerful the weapon is, it is also a foreign thing. Only if we are strong, we are really strong.

Tang Wulin's rescue of Nana on the surface of the star as a giant dragon of several kilometers left a deep impression on his mind. He made LAN Xuanyu understand that when his personal strength reaches a certain level, it can be completely comparable to science and technology.

Just then, LAN Xuanyu's soul guide communicator rings.

The communication is from Tang Zhenhua.

"Miss Tang." LAN Xuanyu is in communication.

On the other side came Tang Zhenhua's voice, "tomorrow morning, land in Douluo world."

"Ah?" LAN Xuanyu was a little surprised. "Is it star version or ordinary version?"

"Regular." Said Tang Zhenhua.

LAN Xuanyu said curiously, "Mr. Tang, haven't we graduated?" They have graduated from the outer courtyard. According to the principle, they either go to the military or go to the inner courtyard. What is this landing in the world of Douluo?

Tang Zhenhua said, "let's have a surprise training. You will then go to the military, where you will carry out missions in the most dangerous Longma system. That's to the seventh fleet you've seen. There, you're going to have very strong opponents. After all, you were only students before and never really went to battle to kill the enemy. Therefore, it is necessary for the college to test and shock train your killing skills. The battlefield is not a joke. Many times, it will encourage the situation that either you or I die. "

"OK." LAN Xuanyu asked about the time. Assault training on homicide techniques? In fact, it's mainly the mentality of killing people, right?

In terms of ability, it means a lot of things for them to graduate from the outside school. It is necessary to have a mentality to really kill the enemy.

Even the seven holy abyss cannot be cultivated.

One night meditation, the next morning, LAN Xuanyu according to the designated time landing his simulation cabin. In other words, he hasn't entered the world of Douluo for a long time.

The hatch was closed for a short time. The light and shadow were flashing. He had been scanned and entered the world of Douluo.

Soon, he met his classmates in the gathering place.

"Boss." Qian Lei came up and gave LAN Xuanyu a bear hug. Everyone else was there. Looking at LAN Xuanyu, everyone was very excited.

Although they don't know the identity of Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena, they already know about the rescue of teacher Nana. That's their help! At the same time, they were admitted to Shrek College as a group, which was a great joy for some students who were less successful. They didn't dare to think about it before.

So, now the whole class can be said to be jubilant. Just to see them, blue Xuan Yu can feel everyone's excitement.Before Tang Zhenhua came, LAN Xuanyu clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"The college will provide us with shock training, which will not be targeted at nothing. It's about training our killing skills, but more importantly, it's about our attitude towards the enemy. Then we will go to the 7th Fleet, join the army and become a soldier. There are many qualities in the army. Although we are only joining for the time being, we should pay attention to them. After joining the army, we will face a real war. On the battlefield, there is absolutely no room for a little tenderness of heart, so please be strong. "

"Don't worry, boss. Isn't it killing the enemy? We have no psychological burden to kill aliens. " Qian Lei said with a smile.

LAN Xuanyu glanced at him, and he found that most people's mentality was similar to Qian Lei's, excited, expectant and happy.

With a sigh, LAN Xuanyu's eyes swept the crowd with deep meaning, "I hope you can keep your excitement for a long time."

He can find problems. The college can't find them. Now the attitude of the 13th wing is a little wrong, a little over excited. And there's not enough awareness of going to the army. What's more, LAN Xuanyu has already found out that the students in the class depend too much on themselves.

Previously, in order to let the whole class enter the inner court together, he has not deliberately controlled this aspect, but now he has entered the inner court. In the future, the learning process of the inner court will not be simple, and being admitted does not mean that you can graduate from the inner court. They will face many problems in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to let them get some "reminders" at this time.

So, he didn't remind you that the next surprise training will not be easy. We need to practice like this.

Just then, Tang Zhenhua came.

Today, Mr. Tang looks particularly energetic, with his hair cut short, roots standing upright and cold face. He really looks like a soldier with iron blood temperament.

LAN Xuanyu took the initiative to welcome him, "Mr. Tang."

"Well. You all come with me. " With that, Tang Zhenhua turned around and left.

All the people hurriedly followed him. At this time, the more intelligent people have realized that the atmosphere is a little wrong.

Ding zhuohan comes up from behind and touches LAN Xuanyu. LAN Xuanyu turns to look at him. Ding zhuohan gives him a look of inquiry. LAN Xuanyu shrugged and indicated that he did not know the training content.