Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 944

These include combat units, research units, command units and so on. The division of labor is clear and each has its own role.

Many times, it takes years, even decades, for a spacefleet to carry out a mission. Some people can't even come home for half a lifetime.

Therefore, love is not forbidden in the space fleet. In fact, in order to maintain the mood of the officers and men, we should keep a certain balance. The number of women in the fleet has never been small. Therefore, the number of female commanders is quite large.

The interstellar Command Department of the college even has preferential treatment for the admission of female students. But it is more important to investigate the image and temperament than to recruit male students. Therefore, in the fleet, there is no shortage of beautiful women.

There are even schools of all levels in the mothership. Once a woman is pregnant and has a baby, she can get the best education. A cosmic fleet is a world of ecological balance. Many children have never left the Mothership from birth until their teens. All subconsciously think that this is their home.

Bai XiuXiu looks at LAN Xuanyu from time to time. She can feel the eagerness in LAN Xuanyu's eyes.

"Want to be a commander? Command the ship? " Bai XiuXiu asked softly.

LAN Xuanyu nodded, "this is my childhood dream. It's a bit more intense to really see the cosmic fleet. It's a wonderful feeling to travel in the universe. "

Bai XiuXiu smiled, "yes! Every time we fly in the universe on the 13th day, we have a special sense of freedom. I like it, too. "

LAN Xuanyu said with a smile: "anyway, if I join the army, I will definitely hold you. Before Yu Muchen put forward, I hope I can go to the fleet for a period of time, to be honest, I'm a bit moved. After going back this time, take a look at the opinions of the college. "

Bai XiuXiu said: "where you are, I will be. I have no other family. "

Touching her long hair, the smile on LAN Xuanyu's face could not be concealed. This experience can be described as ups and downs, but it also makes his relationship with Bai XiuXiu further.

What LAN Xuanyu didn't expect was that they were no longer on the original warship ares 17, but a battleship. A battleship belonging to the seventh fleet and escorted by four meteor class assault ships.

In fact, there is no need for such a situation when there are six gods in power. In doing so, the military is showing an attitude, an attitude of importance.

There is no doubt that this emphasis is not for Shrek college and Tangmen, nor for LAN Xuanyu. It's for the Dragon King who has been identified, the Golden Dragon moon language Tang Wulin.

With his influence on Shrek college and Tangmen, his return to the United States is very important. Now it's not clear what's going to happen to this man, whether it's the federal or the military. Therefore, it is necessary to show good will first.

You should know that Tang Wulin's prestige, even after ten thousand years, still has a huge influence in the Federation. What's more, at the beginning, it was he who solved the contradiction between human beings and animals. It was his command that gave the beast its own habitat.

No matter it's Senluo or the spirit beast on the spirit star, there's no doubt to be grateful for him.

What's more, there is the return of the silver dragon dancing Lin Gu Yuena. Scientists unfreeze guyuna, but they still don't know her identity, which embarrasses the federal Academy of Sciences. This one will undoubtedly have more influence on the beast.

In the beginning, she was even the greatest enemy of mankind. But the situation is clearly different now. At the beginning, Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin had to stand against each other in their ethnic positions, and finally they fell in love and killed each other. Because human beings have coexisted peacefully with the spirit beast, and even given the spirit beast two administrative stars to survive. The fundamental contradiction has disappeared.

Therefore, both of them are highly valued by the federal government in terms of influence and personal strength. The point is, the Federation doesn't know what they want to do next.

According to the information already known, no matter the Nana teacher of Gu Yuena or the yuegongzi of Tang Wulin, they all seem to have lost their previous memories. They have no intention of doing anything for more than ten years, just a peaceful life. If it wasn't for this time, they would even live peacefully in the union.

And that's why another goal has come to the attention of the federal government: LAN Xuanyu, a student from Shrek college!

Gu Yuena's appearance was just to rescue LAN Xuanyu. According to the information collected from the 13th Tianyi, Gu Yuena finally told LAN Xuanyu that she might be his mother. This information is very important.

Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena used to be lovers, Gu Yuena's children, naturally also Tang Wulin's children! In other words, LAN Xuanyu is probably their son. There are all kinds of information about LAN Xuanyu, which was put on the table of the top federal officials at the first time.

LAN didn't know how much the rescue would affect him. But even if he knew, he would still do it. There is nothing more important than saving teacher Nana. No matter what pressure he will face in the future, he thinks it is worth it.It is true that the comfort of the battleship is much greater. There are various facilities on the huge battleship with a length of more than 2000 meters. There are special rest areas, entertainment areas and living areas. It's almost the same as a small town.

LAN Xuanyu, of course, was arranged in the best place. Tang Wulin continues to meditate and rest with the silver dragon egg. LAN Xuanyu returns all the way, and meditates with Bai XiuXiu. There was a strange change in mental power, which he knew was a rare opportunity. The reason why there is no field is probably because he is in a state of breaking through to the spirit realm and not completely.

Spiritual realm is an important threshold for spiritual breakthrough. If the spiritual power can reach this level, it means that the possibility of the soulman's future promotion to the ultimate battle will increase to a great extent. It is also the only way to achieve God level.

Although the rescue of Nana succeeded, it also made LAN Xuanyu's desire for strength break out again. Among the gods, he can feel that he is so weak. It's impossible to be an influential fighting force without reaching the divine level.

After the graduation examination, he should have been relieved and relaxed, but driven by the sense of urgency, he was determined to work harder to improve himself. Start the next breakthrough as soon as possible.

The battleship's flight in space is so smooth that it can't even feel it in space. The internal mimicry system can even make people feel that they live on land.

Four days later, under the escort of five warships. They came out of the atmosphere of the parent star. Warships belonging to the 7th Fleet will not stay on the parent star, but will return to the 7th Fleet directly. LAN Xuanyu and his crew transferred to the warship ares 17, returned to their mother star, and returned to Shrek city directly.

The air system opens the external circulation, and the rich breath of life immediately flows in. LAN Xuanyu opened his eyes and looked out of the window at the familiar scene. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had grown up. No longer the original youth, but the youth who really want to take responsibility.

The sun was shining on him through the porthole, and the white XiuXiu who sat beside him looked at his long eyelashes clearly, and under the sun, his body seemed to be shining with golden light. For a while, he could not help being a little crazy.

They came back. After rescuing teacher Nana, they came back successfully.