Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 943

When the door closed, Tang Wulin's peaceful expression gradually changed, and a painful color appeared on his face.

Previously, when Tang Wulin was there, he was suppressing his body's response as much as possible. At this moment, however, there was a trend that could not be suppressed.

A stream of evil thoughts constantly hit his head. In his heart, there seemed to be a devil like voice constantly shouting and shouting, trying to break through the last barrier and completely capture his spiritual sea.

His eyes turned blood red again, a fierce air burst out from his body and filled the whole room. His body began to shake violently, and the golden scales on the surface of his body fluctuated extremely unsteadily. From time to time, they would turn blood red and send out strong murderous intention.

At this time, a light silver halo spread on the surface of the egg, which seemed to feel the fierce air. The silver light was cold and soft, and where it passed, the blood red quickly faded.

Tang Wulin's right hand quickly pressed on the silver dragon egg, and his body slightly shook. The silver halo climbed up his palm, and soon spread to every part of his body.

With the help of silver dragon egg, his expression became peaceful again, and he was relieved a little.

"The seventeenth seal burst. The eighteenth floor is also unstable. You can't let it out. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be me any more. " In this way, he put one hand on the silver dragon egg, and the breath gradually stabilized.

There is no doubt that the rescue time will be recorded in the history of the Douro Federation.

The first star rescue in the history of Douluo Federation, successful!

The first supernatural power in the history of Douluo Union has made a breakthrough!

No matter which of these two events is enough to cause a sensation, let alone the combination of the two things.

In addition to LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu, the best mood at this time is general Yu Muchen. The first war God felt that he was a lucky god. He was very glad that he had promised LAN Xuanyu, on behalf of the army, to put pressure on the federal government to carry out the rescue.

LAN Xuanyu will read his good words. What's more, the rescue was once the legendary mission, silver dragon dancing Lin Gu Yuena. What's more, it was the real first person in the Federation ten thousand years ago. In fact, now it should be the first person in the Federation, the Golden Dragon moon language Tang Wulin.

Who could have imagined that these two men were still alive? Let alone their respective positions in the original forces. Their personal strength alone is enough to affect the pattern of the federal God level strong!

There is no doubt that the Golden Dragon moon language Tang Wulin has broken through to the super divine level. The silver dragon Wulin Gu Yuena can block the Tianlong and will not die for such a long time in the star, which is certainly the existence of the true divine level peak level. This time, he will undoubtedly get the favor of the three of them, including LAN Xuanyu. For the temple of the God of war and for himself, it is great good news.

In this regard, general bailing has given him a very high praise in the headquarters.

The rescue situation must not be concealed from the senior federal officials. All information has been quickly collected and reported to the Federal Parliament and the military department.

The military department directly ordered general Bai Ling to send a reliable fleet to escort LAN Xuanyu back to their mother star.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu did not know all about the outside world. He was recovering with Bai XiuXiu in meditation.

His dragon spirit breath is also very beneficial to Bai XiuXiu. It will make her deep ice demon dragon blood appear purification phenomenon and help to consolidate the variant spirit.

In the state of meditation, LAN Xuanyu is affected by his mood, and his whole person is in a very strange feeling. Consciousness lingers in the mind and the sea of spirit fluctuates in the agitation.

The success of Nana's rescue greatly stimulated his spirit. Let his heart more firm one thing, where there is a will things have become!

Nothing is impossible in this world. As long as you think and dare to do it, there will be a foundation for success and a possibility for success.

Therefore, his spiritual will has become unprecedentedly firm. It is in such a state that his spiritual power has been promoted imperceptibly and launched an impact on a higher level.

There are several ways for the evolution of human mental power. The growth of age will make the mental power continuously improve. Until the body grows to the best stage, and then gradually declines. There are also some special spiritual cultivation methods, which can also increase the spiritual strength. Then there is the strong stimulation. If the stimulation is positive, it will also greatly improve the growth of spiritual power, just like the enlightenment in spiritual cultivation.

LAN Xuanyu is in this last state at this time. In a short period of ten days, from great sorrow to great joy, he has experienced the biggest spiritual fluctuation in his life. At this time, there is finally a relatively good ending. In the process of rapid recovery of his mental strength, he has also begun to change qualitatively.

He has already cultivated his spiritual power to the level where the spiritual realm is close to its peak. At this time, he will evolve again and move towards the direction of spiritual realm.

The day passed quickly. When LAN Xuanyu woke up from his meditation, he only felt that everything around him seemed to be clear again.It's not that the room he's in has become clear, it's that in perception, everything that can be felt has become clear.

He can clearly capture the frequency between Bai XiuXiu's breath and feel every tiny fluctuation in her heartbeat. Even alloy can't stop the extension of his thoughts. The sound outside seems to be noisy or quiet with his thoughts. It seems that spiritual power is no longer an intangible force, but a special energy that he can fully mobilize, even if there is no purple magic pupil, it can change according to his own mind. In contrast to soul power, where mental power is mobilized, his will will will appear.

It's a very wonderful feeling. It seems that with the extension of spiritual power, he can control and feel everything in the outside world.

He was vaguely aware that his spiritual level seemed to have entered another realm. Spiritual realm? Should it break through the threshold of spiritual realm?

Normally speaking, if the soulman can reach the level of spiritual realm, he will have a spiritual skill of his own, even the spiritual realm. But now LAN Xuanyu hasn't felt this powerful change. But he was sure that he had made a breakthrough.

The ghost guide communicator on his wrist vibrated slightly. LAN Xuanyu looked down, and there was a message on it, telling him that he was ready to start after the rest. The shuttle was waiting at the door.

At this time, it seems to feel the awakening of LAN Xuanyu, and Bai XiuXiu also opens her eyes around him.

The redness and swelling of her eyes had disappeared with her cultivation. She looked at LAN Xuanyu happily, with a smile on her face.

LAN Xuanyu holds her hand, pulls her into his arms and hugs her.

"If you are light, you will take advantage of me, hum!" Bai XiuXiu thumped on his shoulder. The dark blue hair was spread in front of the blue Pavilion, and a kind of happiness covered them silently.

"It's time to return to the home star. Uncle Le said that to go back early, Nana's recovery needs life energy. "

"Well, good."

They got up, left the room and boarded the shuttle.

The shuttle has already been programmed to move quickly within the carrier.

The event is over. LAN Xuanyu's mood is open at this time, so he has the heart to observe the Mothership more. The Mothership is so big, it's like a city. Although the time of coming was short, he also knew from the words of others. There are more than 200000 people on the mothership.