Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 930

"You I seem to know each other. You... " Tang Yue's voice trembled a little. Now he is more and more sure that he should have belonged to Shrek.

The woman chuckled and put on her hat again. "Yes, you don't even recognize her. How can you still recognize me? It doesn't matter. I'm stupid. After all these years, why can't you see through it? But when you come back, I'm tired. I don't want to go on like this. Take a chance, give you everything back. You have your own responsibility, and you will take it on your own in the future. "

With that, she turned around and walked out. She opened the dormitory door. Just before she left, she suddenly turned around and her mouth quivered.

"There is a saying that I always wanted to say to you, but I never said it. While you still don't remember the past, while you haven't installed her in your heart, I'll tell you now. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future. "

"Human beings have many love stories. Between men and women, they often say something about love. They love you for ten thousand years and so on. But, you know what? I really love you for ten thousand years. "

With that, her body suddenly became unreal, and then disappeared. Only the slowly closed dormitory door seemed to mean that she had come.

Tang Le stood in the same place with some dullness. The woman came suddenly and walked quickly. During the whole process, he said something he didn't understand. I don't know why. When she said that last sentence, Tang Yue was shocked. He wanted to say something subconsciously, but he didn't know what to say at all.

Ten thousand meters high, she sits in the air quietly, the hat on her head has been taken off, let that long hair fly in the air.

Looking at the bright moon, she smiled happily. "One day, really, let me say this to him. It's so relaxing. It's so good. I wish he could come back. At least, he is still alive. What else am I not satisfied with? Even if he will like me, what can he do? He is still the one he used to be, but I am not the one I used to be. This is my love. Well, this is it. It's good. "

Tears, flowing down her cheeks, her eyes, just staring at the bright moon. Some things can be forgotten in a moment. Some things are eternal and unchangeable.

When LAN Xuanyu returned to the dormitory, his eyes were full of tiredness. From Tangmen to Shrek, go to find the first war god. At every moment, his spirit is kept in the most concentrated state. His inner worry makes his spirit tense all the time. Finally back to the dormitory, he was able to breathe a little.

"Xuanyu, you are too tired. Don't force yourself too much. " Tang Le's brow was slightly wrinkled, and a soft soul force came into his body.

LAN Xuanyu smiled and said, "I'm ok, uncle le. There are eyebrows. General Yu promised to help us explain to the Federation that he would apply for federal fleet rescue on the basis of teacher Nana's achievements. Both doutianbu and zhanshendian will support the rescue. General Yu will accompany us personally. But he said the best way to rescue is to have more powerful people to participate in the better. I'll go to the college and Tangmen tomorrow to see if I can ask some powerful gods to help us. "

"Well." Tang Le's face was also slightly relaxed. "I've already thought about it. If it doesn't work. If I can't move the Mothership, I'll go by myself. There are accurate coordinates, a warship is replenishing in the distance, and I should have a chance. This is the fastest way. "

"No, No. It's too dangerous. " LAN Xuanyu was shocked. He understood the meaning of Tang le. Tang le was going to search for Nana in the star with his own power.

"Besides, you can't find teacher Nana! I can feel her presence in a certain range only when I have an induction with her. How do you find it? "

Tang Le shook his head and said, "no, I should be able to. I have a feeling that as long as I am close to her within a certain range, I should also have the possibility to find her. Of course, if you can persuade the Federation to send a mothership, it's the best. It's much more manageable. But time can't be too long, we have to do two things. "

"No, uncle le. Teacher Nana has left me. I can't let you take such a big risk anyway. I can't lose you any more. " One day down the mood fluctuation, in this moment can no longer control, blue Xuanyu's tears came down.

Men's crying is mostly silent, but it does not mean that men will not be sad.

Feeling his mood fluctuation, young master Le put his arm around his shoulder, "don't worry, I understand your mind. I will definitely save her on the premise of my own safety. We work together. "


Take a bath, go back to the room, but LAN Xuanyu can't meditate. His heart is full of missing Nana, how can he be quiet?

What he hopes most now is that the federal side can approve the mothership to rescue people earlier. Otherwise, he really has no way.

Although he persuaded Yu Muchen with his talent, the more he did, the more powerless he felt. I am not strong enough. If you are strong enough, how can you ask others?

He wrote a letter to Bai XiuXiu about today's situation and gave it to her at the same time. Bai XiuXiu tells him that if she is going to save Nana, she must go too. LAN Xuanyu agrees. At this time, he needs someone around him. A person who supports spiritually.I don't know when I fell asleep. When the next morning, the vibration of the soul guide communicator woke him up, the whole person of LAN Xuan Yu was still a little hazy. His head was a little heavy. With his accomplishments, this is a situation that has never happened before. It's really because the mood fluctuation is too big. It will lead to such a situation.

At a glance, he woke up immediately. Yu Muchen called.

"Xuanyu, federal overnight emergency meeting, agreed to rescue." Yu Muchen's voice came.

At the moment of hearing his words, LAN Xuanyu felt that the whole world around him seemed to have changed into color. He jumped out of bed almost instantly and said in a trembling voice: "thank you, thank you, General Yu. I...... "

Yu Muchen said: "don't be too happy too early until someone is saved. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. And it's not my own influence on the union. We and the doutian department support the rescue. Tangmen and Shrek college have both sent news to the federal government and played an important role. Otherwise, there will be no overnight decision. I'm afraid that the recognition of the college and Tangmen is deeper than you think. It seems that we can't rob people. "

From Yu Muchen's call, LAN Xuanyu knew that Shrek college and Tangmen had sent a clear message to the Federation yesterday. If the Federation did not rescue Nana this time, Shrek college and Tangmen would no longer allow their colleges and members to participate in the mission of doutian.

For the federal government, doutian department is already a very important department, with many top-level strong players. Although the management of doutian department is loose, it is released in the form of tasks, and also has very rich rewards. But the problem is that the mission of doutian is a very difficult problem for the federal government to solve. Even some things that are not easy to deal with.

Tangmen, Shrek college, chuanlingta, zhanshendian, the four strong organizations are the root of doutianbu. If Shrek college and Tangmen quit, the loss of doutianbu would be too great to be estimated. This is not comparable to the deployment of a space fleet.

Moreover, this time's request is also reasonable, and doutianbu itself and zhanshendian also expressed their support for saving people. After all, it was for the sake of completing the mission of doutian department. After an emergency overnight meeting, the federal government made a logical decision to move the carrier forward to try to save people.