Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 929

Yu Muchen smiled contentedly, waved and said: "sit down first. If I can really save your teacher, I'll give you a suggestion. With your talent, you can learn a lot in Shrek college, but you don't need to rush. Eighteen is the best age to be a soldier. I suggest you go to the front to see, really be a warship commander, to feel the real interstellar battlefield. Not much. One to three years. One is to build your influence in the military and accumulate military skills. The other is a better experience for you. This is not a mandatory requirement, but a suggestion for you. After the honing of the front line, I believe you will grow faster in the future. "

"What's more, through this event, you should also feel how threatening the Longma system is to us. After we solve the problem of Longyuan crystal, the war with Longma galaxy is inevitable. You have a deep hatred with them. Just take this opportunity to get familiar with them and lay the foundation for your growth. In the future, when you are strong enough, clean them up. I'm afraid this war will last for a long time. "

"Well, I'll take your suggestion seriously." LAN Xuanyu nodded, then asked: "General Yu, if you go to the surface of the star to rescue Nana, do you have any suggestions?"

Yu Muchen's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice: "the stronger, the more powerful the divine, the better. In fact, the star detector carried by the planetary carrier can only be detected within a distance of about 10 kilometers from the surface of the star. The problem of gravitation is not easy to solve. Our mother ship's gravitation chain is strong enough. The more important threat is temperature. "

"The surface temperature of a star is not constant. In fact, it is accompanied by unstable fluctuations on the surface. The temperature will fluctuate accordingly. The first moment is only a few thousand degrees, the next moment the surface surging, it is likely to become tens of thousands of degrees. The star detector should not be too close, otherwise it will be damaged soon. Therefore, the soul power of the God level strong has a great effect at this time. It can protect the star detector as much as possible and make it closer to the star surface. "

"What's more, when we get close to the surface of the star, someone has to help us. It is a great risk to find out that she is not dead. In case of a stellar energy explosion, it is likely to fall. This is not what ordinary gods can do. At least the real gods can have a greater assurance of staying on the surface of the star for a period of time to save people. At the same time, it can resist gravity and bring people back. "

"The gravity of stars is not so terrible for our level. Your teacher must have been seriously injured at that time. At the same time, in order to save you, he was inhaled. But your judgment is possible. She is good at fire element control. The real God level fire element control is really enough to raise the fire element to the temperature near the star surface. So, she doesn't have to die. At least for a while. The question now is, how much of her injury we don't know. According to common sense, if you are seriously injured and then fall down the star, it is not likely to survive. Unless she's carrying a protective treasure. Or there's a six character armor. "

Blue Xuan Yu deep breath, "Nana teacher should have a treasure, can help her protect." The core of the Dragon God, of course, is the treasure. The treasure hunting beast has told him, but obviously he can't tell.

"If that is the case, there should be some assurance. It's worth a try. " Yu Muchen nodded, "OK, I know you're worried. Go back first. I'll go back to the army immediately. Negotiate as soon as possible to get the federal approval to rescue your teacher as soon as possible. What you need to do now is to go back to Shrek college and get more powerful gods to help you. Come with us. "

"Yes. Thank you, General Yu. " LAN Xuanyu's eyes were slightly red. The chance to rescue Nana finally came.

When LAN Xuanyu and Yu Muchen were communicating, a guest came to his dormitory.

When Tang Le heard the knock, he was still a little surprised, because LAN Xuanyu didn't need to knock when he came back. Generally speaking, he wouldn't have any guests here.

Opening the dormitory door, Tang Le saw a woman with a hat and a drooping veil covering her face.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being slightly shocked, because he knew this.

At the time of his concert at Shrek college, he was sitting in the middle of the first row under the stage. Obviously, it's the absolute top of Shrek college.

"May I come in?" A sweet girl's voice sounded.

"Come in, please." Tang Le takes a step back and opens the door.

The woman entered slowly, walked into the living room, glanced around, and nodded, "is the college dormitory OK?"

Tang Le nodded. "It's good."

The woman sighed, "when you were still there, the college was far from the scale it is now."

"Back then?" Tang Le's body shook. "Do you know me?"

The woman said lightly: "if you don't know each other, do you think any outsider can enter Shrek at will and enter Shrek at will? Even the speaker of the Federal Parliament and the Lord of the war god hall are not qualified. You can do this because you belong to Shrek. This is where you areDon Le frowned. "You mean, I was from Shrek college?" Subconsciously, he suddenly recalled the statue in Shrek.

The woman did not speak again, but pulled a chair and sat down.

"You're here because of Nana. I've heard about it. You want to save her? " The woman's light way.

"Yes. She's Xuanyu's teacher, and I'm just like that. Xuanyu is in a hurry. Of course I will help him. Besides, I seem to have known her before, had an impression on her, and was deeply impressed by myself. I have a feeling in my heart that I have to save her. "

"Is that so?" The woman's voice was a little strange, "yes! You really have to save her. Before the change, it is even more so. It's hard to forget. Why do you have to remember? If you really save her and come back, maybe you can remember it. "

Tang Yue frowned, "what do you want to say?"

The woman shook her head. "What if I don't let you save her?"

"You won't let it? Why? " Tang Yue's voice increased a little.

The woman shook her head again. "If I don't want to, there's no one in the world who can help you. I can stop the union. Stop all rescue operations against her. "

Tang Le's eyes were cold, and there was a faint golden light on his body. He said coldly: "I can feel that you should be the top of Shrek college. Isn't Shrek a neutral and good place? Why are you targeting Nana? Did she offend you? "

"Offend me? Of course, she offended me. Without her... " At this point, the woman's voice pauses. Self mocking smile, "forget it, even without her, I don't think it's my turn. I'm just here to vent. Shrek will help Xuanyu. After all, it's yours... "

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, stood up again, faced Tang Le, and slowly took off her hat.

Tang Le's pupils contracted instantly and he looked at the face in front of him.

"Do you still know me?" Said the woman softly.

It was a beautiful face, with long, fiery red hair scattered behind her head, but what she could see was that from the position of her neck, she was covered with pink metal armour, all the way down.