Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 925

"Thank you." Blue Xuan Yu takes a deep breath and nods hard.

Tang Miao said: "Xuanyu, I have another thing to remind you. I know you're smart, and it's obviously important to you, but don't mess up. Both the college and Tangmen attach great importance to you. You also show more and more ability. You have a long way to go. Don't make any wrong choice because of this. "

LAN Xuanyu's eyes moved. "Are you worried that I will join the war god hall for this matter? No, you can rest assured. Let alone my personal strength is far from enough, even if it is enough, I will not do so. I must have a way. "

Don't forget the identity of the successor of your school of life. This matter, you can find the tree old. Your identity will be an important chip for you. "


After leaving Tangmen, LAN Xuanyu returned to the college. In the process of returning, he received Bai XiuXiu's information, and everyone has returned. At the end of the inquiry, the war shrine and the military were gone.

How to deal with this matter in the follow-up war shrine and the military is not what LAN Xuanyu needs to be concerned about now. He directly dials yingluohong's soul guide communication number.

He is not qualified to enter the inner court. He needs to ask for the support of the college through President Sakura.

Sakura told him to go straight to his office.

When LAN Xuanyu came to cherry blossom office, it was not only cherry blossom, but also Tang Zhenhua.

Without waiting for blue Xuanyu to open his mouth, Tang Zhenhua said in a deep voice, "Xuanyu, don't worry. We are duty bound to save your teacher. Do your best. What do you think, just say it. "

LAN Xuanyu looked at his teacher Tang in surprise. Inside, a warm burst out. What he didn't know was that Tang Zhenhua said this not only because of their teachers and students, but also because their son was saved by Nana this time! Nana is the salvation of the whole Star Wars experimental class.

"First of all, are you really sure that your teacher is still alive?" said Sakura

LAN Xuanyu nodded his head hard. Whether he was sure or not, he would do it now. Because only in this way can teacher Nana live.

Sakura said: "well, I'll go to the inner court and ask for your instructions. Tell me what you think. "

LAN Xuanyu said the news he had just received in Tangmen, and then said: "Dean, Mr. Tang. Teacher Nana not only saved us this time, but also gave us the chance to deliver the news. I think I can persuade my classmates that we can let out the merit. Let's ask the federal government to accompany us to search for teacher Nana. This is the core approach and the reason for the federal fleet. Now the most important thing is to get the federal agreement to use that argument. This requires military support. In this regard, I would like to ask the college to help me. Then, there is that teacher Nana does not belong to the college, nor to Tangmen. She teaches in the sun moon Royal soul tutor college, and should have a certain relationship with the God of war temple. Wasn't she with anpeijiu God of war before? I want to go to the war shrine. If we all give this credit to Zhanshen temple, they may help Nana talk. If Miss Nana comes back, I can persuade her to join the hall of war, as long as she can come back alive. "

Sakura looks at blue Xuan Yu in surprise. In such a short time, he can think of these points, which is quite good. Especially on the other side of the war god hall, this can be said to be the work of God.

Cherry red nodded and said: "this is a way. On the college side, it's up to the cabinet leader to decide. But this time your class can come back safely. Thanks to your teacher Nana, I will do my best. Besides, Wang Pavilion leader is coming back soon. He should be on your side. Let's work together to persuade the cabinet leader. "

"That would be great. Then I'll contact the God of war hall now. Do you think it's better for me to contact the first God of war today directly or anpeijiu God of war? " Asked LAN Xuanyu.

Next to Tang Zhenhua said: "contact Yu Muchen directly. Yumuchen is one of the most important senior officers in the military. He is a real God and the first God of war in the God of war hall. In a prominent position. From top to bottom, the effect will be better. Anpeijiu can be used as evidence to support your statement. If you can persuade Yu Muchen, the chances are great. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded and said, "OK."

Tang Zhenhua said: "it's not too late. Take advantage of Yu Muchen, who is still in Shrek City, and go to find him. I'll give you the address. "

"Thank you, Mr. Tang."

"We should thank you." Sakura said heartily, "in this way, let's separate our efforts. I'll go to the inner court now to try to meet the cabinet leader and report this matter. Go to find Yu Muchen. It's not convenient for the college to go to the war god hall, so as not to have a negative effect. It's up to you to convince him. "

Although LAN Xuanyu didn't quite understand the meaning of Cherry Blossom thank you, he didn't have much time to think about it at this time. After recording the address, we set out immediately and went back to Shrek city.

At this time, he is really unwilling to delay for a second. The earlier he can start to rescue Nana, the earlier he can save Nana.Shrek city. On the top floor of a simple building, Yu Muchen just hung up the communication with the military department.

Looking at the information on the electronic screen in front of him, he could not help frowning. Judging from the summary of the questions from the students of Shrek college, it is highly possible that this matter is true. That is to say, longyuanjing, which is regarded as an energy substitute by the federal government, has a big problem.

It's probably not produced by Longyuan star. Longyuan crystal is made by Longma galaxy, which is to infiltrate this energy into the Federation. Once most battleships in the space fleet use this kind of energy, it is equivalent to burying time bombs on every battleship. Such consequences are immeasurable.

Fortunately, the discovery is timely, and the other side should think that the federal government has not yet found it. There is no harm yet.

The military department's current advice to the federal government is to keep still, including the mining of longyuanxing, which cannot be stopped and is discovered by the other side. Then make full preparation, and solve the problem once and for all. This is the best way.

The most important thing is that before that, you can't go further and look at Longyuan crystal, otherwise it may be found and exposed by the other party. But because of this, it is impossible to really confirm the information. Therefore, there are no other voices in the military department, including the federal government, especially the senior level of the Ministry of finance, who do not approve the intelligence this time. It's because the benefits brought by longyuanjing are so great that the federal government can save a lot of resources to continue to build space warships.

You know, the resources needed to maintain a fleet's supply are astronomical! Only by occupying more resource stars can we replenish consumption. But with the blocking of the Longma galaxy, the speed of the federal exploration of the universe has been greatly reduced, and it is more necessary to be on guard at all times. Naturally, the speed of resource star acquisition is also greatly reduced.

If we abolish longyuanjing, the exploration of the universe will probably stop. The consequences are unpredictable. For example, if there is a war in the Longma system, it will be a lot of trouble.

However, if the problem of longyuanjing is true, it may bring about devastating disaster, which the Federation can not afford.

Yu Muchen's own attitude is to support the replacement of longyuanjing. This time, the news is very practical, and some unclear influence data are brought back to prove it. And the satellite over Longyuan also detected huge energy fluctuations. What's more, Wang Tianyu's testimony is also in cooperation. Although Wang Tianyu didn't find out the fault of longyuanjing, he was absolutely true to the twelve strong. But the other side didn't think that he knew the real situation, coupled with the rush to kill Nana and sanyianyi at that time, there was no chance to kill him.

But there are signs that the news is true.

Now it's up to the Federation to decide.

"Report." The voice of the messenger came.

"Come in." Yu Muchen recovers his thoughts.

"Lan Xuanyu, a student of Shrek college, asked for an interview." The messenger said respectfully.

"Well? Is that the little guy I asked today? What happened to him? Bring it to see me. " Yu Muchen's heart moved. Is there any inner feeling in it?

Soon, LAN Xuanyu, led by the comms, came to General Yu Muchen.

Seeing this young man again, Yu Muchen's mood is a little complicated. Frankly speaking, the first time he met, his impression of LAN Xuanyu was OK. It's because this little guy is so good.