Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 924

"Brother Deng, apart from this way, do we have any technological means to explore stars in Tangmen?" Asked LAN Xuanyu.

There are only seven planetary carriers in the whole Douluo Federation, which are the flagship of the seven cosmos fleets. Let alone him. Even if the commander-in-chief of the Federation wants to move, it is not an easy thing!

Dunbo shook his head and said, "I can tell you for sure, No. The research direction of Tangmen is not in this field. What is it? With your current authority, you still don't know. But we have never studied star exploration. So, I know, the most reliable way to detect stars is the planetary carrier. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded slightly and said, "I'll wait for the Tang hall leader here. I'd like to ask you to report it to me when he comes back. "

Deng Bo's words are just his own opinions. LAN Xuanyu still wants to ask the top of Tangmen. Tang Miao has just been accompanying them to inquire about the war god hall and the military. I should be back later. Comparatively speaking, this is the one he is most familiar with.

"OK. Then wait for me first. I'll call you when the temple master comes back. "

LAN Xuanyu sits on the sofa in dunbo's office, closes his eyes, and echoes what dunbo just said in his mind. It's obviously not easy to rescue teacher Nana. If we are going to use a planetary carrier, how can we do it?

What's more, I'm afraid that the strength of that star is also very important. Miss Nana, you must hold on! In any case, no matter how much I pay, I will definitely save you.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously touched the halberd ring on his hand. He is now quite sure that his halberd is a divine weapon. If we use artifact as chips to exchange, can we use planet class motherships?

If you want to use the Mothership, you can't rely on your own student. First, you need the support of the college, then the support of Tangmen. Teacher Nana saved the 13th wing warship, which also means that they have the opportunity to transmit important information back. This is a great contribution to the Federation.

All kinds of ideas constantly come to mind. LAN Xuanyu outlines in his mind how he should use resources step by step, and finally let the Federation agree to use the mothership.

It was in this confusion of thoughts that he fell asleep unconsciously.

He was so tired. Since Nana fell to the star, he came back all the way. He was so tired that he kept thinking about what to do when he came back. Or are you thinking that teacher Nana is really her mother?

At this time quiet down thinking, brain fatigue let him gradually sleep.

I don't know how long it took, but LAN Xuanyu felt that someone was pushing his shoulder and subconsciously opened his eyes. He found himself covered in a blanket, and it was dunbo who pushed himself. Not far from Deng Bo, Tang Miao stood there.

"Ah! I fell asleep. Temple master. " LAN Xuanyu hurriedly stood up and saluted Tang Miao.

Tang Miao pressed his hand. "Sit down and talk. It's hard for you to come back all the way. "

Deng Bo pulls a chair to Tang Miao, who sits down in front of LAN Xuanyu.

"Dumbo, I'll talk to Xuanyu alone." Tang Miao beckons to Deng Bo. Deng Bo nodded, gave him a glass of water, and gave LAN Xuanyu a glass, turned around and walked out.

Tang Miao looked at LAN Xuanyu and said with deep eyes: "he has told me the questions you asked Deng Bo. I know. You want to save your teacher. "

"Well." LAN Xuanyu nodded hard. "The temple master, Nana teacher has a strong control of fire elements. She will not die."

Tang Miao said: "but it's just your judgment. We all know how hot the stars are. Xuanyu, you should be prepared mentally. This time, you have undoubtedly made great contributions to the Federation. If the final confirmation is true. So, this is a great feat to turn the tide. It will be good for you and your friends in the future. "

"Meritorious service is not important to me, temple Lord, I just want to rescue teacher Nana. Do we have any scientific and technological means to detect stars in Tangmen? " LAN Xuanyu said eagerly.

Tang Miao sighed and said, "I gave you the answer that Deng Bo gave you. We Tangmen have not studied this aspect in depth. Moreover, the area of a planet is too large. If you want to explore the surface of the planet, the time you stay is also very important. Even if our warship can stay on the surface of the star for a short time, it is very difficult to return under the influence of strong gravity. Our dynamical system is not strong enough to resist the gravity of the star's surface. So, dunbo is right. Only the gravitational chain on a planetary carrier can resist the gravity of stars. Planetary probes are the only way to explore stars and be able to detect them for a long time. "

Tang Miao's words confirmed Deng Bo's statement, which also let LAN Xuanyu gradually calm down. In fact, this is not the worst result. At least, there are still ways, not no way at all.

"I see. Temple Lord, what kind of situation is needed to persuade the Federation to send planet class carrier to search? " LAN Xuanyu asked directly."It's hard." Tang Miao shook his head and said: "if from the point of merit, you have made great contributions this time, your teacher. But you can't convince the Federation that she's alive. As long as the Federation says that it is impossible for humans to survive on the surface of stars, it will not send out motherships. What's more, once the planetary carrier is moved, it's a fleet. The Mothership must have a complete Fleet Escort. Because the strategic significance of the mothership to the Federation is too great. "

"It's like the supernatural power in the Longma system you're facing this time. With his strong cultivation, why do we have to use the method of surreptitious calculation? Instead of just fighting? It's because we're afraid of our cosmic fleet. Planet class Mothership, it's really easy to destroy the existence of planets. The Longma system has many civilizations with a very high level of life, and it is also our biggest rival at present. But in terms of technological level, they are much inferior, so both sides are rat repellents. We dare not take the initiative to attack, but we are afraid that the top strongmen over there will come to us recklessly for sabotage. They didn't dare to come because they were afraid that our fleet would give them the planets a devastating blow. Both sides have tried to collide, and both have lost. Four of our seven fleets are now stationed near the Longma system. You should understand how much the federal fear of the Longma system is. I didn't expect that they would find another way to deal with us. If they do succeed, the damage to the federal fleet will be unimaginable. "

"Therefore, our cosmic fleet is the greatest guarantee of federal security. Any fleet has its own mission. It's not easy to move. This time's merit is really an important chip, but it's not enough. Do you know what I mean? Moreover, in this matter, only relying on the pressure of the college and Tangmen is not enough. It's even counterproductive. You're smart. You should understand what I mean. "

LAN Xuanyu said to himself, "is there no other way?"

Tang Miao said: "I suggest you go to the college first, tell it to the college, and have a look at the attitude of the college. If the college is willing to support you, there is still a chance. Although the college is feared by the federal government, its influence in the military cannot be ignored. But you'd better have another way. You have to think about it. "