Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 909

"The fog looks like this. The fog is formed by metal debris, which is also integrated with a strong magnetic field. It is the power of the magnetic field that controls these metal debris suspended in the air to form the fog. There are a large number of strong source dragons in the fog. Under the effect of magnetic field, these fog will affect our electronic control system to a great extent. It needs soul force to cover the fighter to make the fighter fly normally, but it consumes a lot of soul force. At the same time, when entering the fog range, not only the invisibility effect will disappear, but also will be locked and attacked by the source dragon at the first time. To sum up, the secret of Yuanlong must be hidden in the fog. Otherwise, it will not be so tightly protected. It's not realistic to go directly into the fog from the air with our current capabilities. It's too easy to be found and besieged. "

LAN Xuanyu described his investigation and judgment to everyone through the team channel and recorded them at the same time. It's part of the exploration.

After this brief exploration, he had some understanding of why the previous exploration team, after entering the fog, either had no gain or disappeared.

The fog is like the reconnaissance radar of Yuanlong. After entering, it will be locked. Teams that can sneak into the fog must have their own way. Those with strong concealment ability can return. Once trapped in it, it will be attacked and killed by Yuanlong. There is no doubt that there must be many powerful Yuanlong in it.

"Yuge, analyze the metal elements on the ground near the fog. I've just tried the earth element control. I can hardly feel the earth element in the air to be controlled by me. It's completely my own soul power. "

"OK. Just a moment. "

It's not easy to find out that the aircraft is invisible at high altitude. Tang Yuge controls his Tianyi fighter to fall down, beyond the fog of course.

Time is not long, Tang Yuge's voice rings again, "Xuanyu, the metal element here is very strong. Even the earth's surface is almost formed by metal elements, with the concentration of more than 80%. It has even surpassed the metal element strength of the low-level source dragon itself. "

LAN Xuanyu's heart moved, "that is to say, the ground is like the dragon's gold?"

"It's the ground around the fog, so to speak," said Tang Yuge. "I feel the interior through contact with the ground. On the ground in the fog, gold is likely to be stronger. "

LAN Xuanyu's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "can you sneak in through Jin Dun?"

"Yes. I'll go in and have a look? " Asked don Yuge.

LAN Xuanyu said, "how many people can you take to enter through Jin Dun?"

Tang Yuge said: "there should be no problem with the three people. More consumption will be greater. And speed is not guaranteed. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded and said, "OK, zhuohan, I'll give you the command of the 13th wing. I, XiuXiu, Mengqin, follow Yuge to infiltrate the reconnaissance. You are ready to meet us outside. "

"I see." From Ding zhuohan.

It is obviously impossible to enter the sky. There is a big killing device called fog. As soon as it flies in, it will be besieged immediately. If God can't, he can only hide. At this time, Tang Yuge's golden evasion method can play the most important role.

Of course, she can't only take three people to dive in. Even if all the wings are in the 13th day, she can also take them in. However, if there are fewer people, she can maintain the fighting capacity without affecting the movement speed. Moreover, this kind of penetration is undoubtedly very dangerous and is not suitable for all personnel.

Blue Xuanyu, white XiuXiu and blue Mengqin three sky wing fighters flew to the ground and found a vacant lot to fall. Put up the sky wing armor and join with Tang Yuge.

In the fog area, due to the interference of magnetic field, the mecha is no longer suitable for use. It is the best choice to enter only by virtue of the ability of soulman.

LAN Xuanyu made a coordinate at the place where he fell, which was to guide them and the sky wing fighters in the air.

Bury the coordinate homing device on the ground, and confirm the special channel contact with your homing communicator and air companions. LAN Xuanyu said in a deep voice, "zhuohan, when I'm away, the wings of the 13th day are under your command. The waiting time is 50% of Tianyi's energy. If we don't return when 50% of Tianyi's energy is left, you should withdraw immediately and return to the base. Please come to support us. After entering the fog area, we will lose contact. No matter what is going on inside, don't enter without my clear instructions. "

"I see!" Ding zhuohan's voice was also a little nervous. He has no problem with the command team, but at this time, he can't help worrying. It's the most troublesome thing to be able to block all kinds of signals in this fog area.

LAN Xuanyu didn't hesitate too much. He couldn't waste his time when he came. They have Tang Yuge's golden evasion method, which is a unique condition. The most difficult part of the five level sky fighter mission is probably to infiltrate.

Check the time on the soul guide communicator, corresponding to the progress of energy consumption of Tianyi aircraft armour, and roughly calculate it. They can go out for up to three hours in internal activities, and get in touch with their partners.

"Yuge, let's go!"

Tang Yuge raised his right hand, and the light golden halo expanded, covering LAN Xuanyu, Bai XiuXiu and LAN Mengqin. Four people stand in one place, the next moment, they have quietly sunk to the ground.Even if the earth here has earth elements, it doesn't matter. Tang Yuge also has the method of earth hiding. The combination of Jin Dun and Tu Dun did not affect her in any way.

"After entering, keep the mental detection within a certain range to avoid being detected by the magnetic field. It's not clear that the magnetic field can only find metal devices, or that any living body can find it after entering. Including whether they can be found below the ground. " LAN Xuanyu reminds me.

"Good." Once again, don Yuge promised, quietly with them began to infiltrate.

Under the light of the light golden mask, you can see that the surrounding soil is obviously very hard, just like melting, and it is arranged on both sides. Tang Yuge stands at the front, the body surface has become a piece of gold, with three people, but the speed of moving forward is not slow at all.

The reason why LAN Xuanyu chose to bring Bai XiuXiu and LAN Mengqin is that LAN Mengqin has the ability of control and treatment, and that Bai XiuXiu's explosive power in the instant range and the corrosive ability of abyss ice demon dragon have great destructiveness to the source dragon.

All four of them are excellent in attack and defense.

Ten minutes later, tangyuge slowed down and said, "it's in the fog. It's on the edge. "

LAN Xuanyu said in a deep voice: "stop for a moment and see if there is a dragon attacking us. Everyone is ready to fight. "

Four people's battle armor are released outside, pause in place waiting quietly.

It is not known where the magnetic field came from. If it is released from below the ground, and any existence outside the source dragon can be detected, they will also be found even if they dive underground. Before we go deep, we can escape at any time.

Before entering from the air, they were attacked at the first time. What about entering from the ground?

As time went by, they could even feel the vibration on the ground. That should be a huge source dragon.

But their luck is undoubtedly excellent. Although the magnetic field here can affect the electronic facilities and even detect the fighters flying in the air, they are not found. No attack from the original dragon.

Tang Yuge gives LAN Xuanyu a look of inquiry, and LAN Xuanyu compares her thumb. "Do you have any discovery?"