Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 908

He promised Lei Junze to turn it over again, and then sent him away. Lei Junze is still very interesting to them. All of the longyuanjing obtained directly gave them full amount of points of doutianzhe. Of course, there is no increase in completeness for this mission.

Lei Junze has his ideas. Wang Tianyu's attention to LAN Xuanyu surprised him. He also has the idea of making friends intentionally with this student. Therefore, within the scope of his authority, he opened one eye and closed the other.

The initial harvest is quite rich, enough to let LAN Xuanyu and his family rise to level 4. They are also likely to be the lowest age four level sky fighters over the years. Next, we will enter the main stage, and the most critical moment is coming.

This time, LAN Xuanyu let his friends rest for 12 hours, and filled up all the supplies of Tianyi armor. That's why I left Longyuan base again. Thirty three days later, thirty-three fighters gathered and headed for the fog area.

The fighters are flying in the sky. They are not flying straight to the fog area, but they are wandering around the periphery under the guidance of LAN Xuanyu. Look below.

As LAN Xuanyu predicted, although the number of Yuanlong near the base has decreased dramatically due to their cleaning, there are new Yuanlong in the area being cleaned far away.

The source of dragon is really endless!

"Everyone, turn on stealth mode." LAN Xuanyu ordered.

A layer of light appeared on the surface of Tianyi fighter. Suddenly, the air around began to twist slightly. Tianyi fighter continued to fly in the air, but only a light shadow remained.

This is the technology of Tangmen. It's a new function of Tianyi mecha after several adjustments and evolutions.

The stealth of a fighter plane is similar to that of a warship. It is all produced by the special refraction of light. In addition, a special coating is added to the surface of the armour. With the cooperation, it can shield certain degree of spirit detection, radar and visual observation.

This is the technology used by the latest federal ghost fighters. It is natural that the 13th wing fighters are equipped without stinginess. Compared with ghost fighter, Tianyi fighter is more excellent in noise reduction. From the sound level, we can also disguise ourselves as much as possible.

After the stealth mode is turned on, the 13th wing will no longer circle and go straight to the direction of fog.

The fog area is almost at the other end of Longyuan relative to the base. Even at full speed, it took them nearly five hours to get closer.

They didn't go so far when they fought. At this time, a large number of source dragons can be found by scanning the radar downward. There is no lack of strong existence.

The benefits of invisibility came out at this time. In addition, they were flying at an altitude of 8000 meters from the ground. The source dragon below did not find their existence.

LAN Xuanyu is flying his sky wing fighter in front of everyone. From afar, he can see the gray sky in the distance. It didn't seem to be foggy or anything, it was just gray and black. According to the information from the base, the gray is composed of metal dust, so it can isolate all kinds of detection.

As for how these metal dust forms, and what they are covering up, it is the purpose of their exploration.

As the distance got closer and closer, LAN Xuanyu ordered other Tianyi fighters to hover and wait outside the fog. He had to go into the probe himself first.

The internal situation of the fog is unknown. His aircraft control is the strongest among all people, and his whole body and back control is the biggest. The partners are outside and ready to support.

He and Tang Yuge are the best candidates for exploration. As the monitor and the first wing of the 13th day wing, LAN Xuanyu is duty bound.

Thirty two sky wing fighters spread out to all sides. LAN Xuanyu's Tianyi fighter plane also slowed down and slowly approached the fog.

Just as his sky wing fighter entered the fog, the shrill alarm rang. LAN Xuanyu was shocked. With the connection between the armor and the mecha, he and Tianyi are now as one. He immediately felt the data of the mecha fluctuated unsteadily. And there seemed to be a repulsive force in the fog that slowed his flight.

This is

The unstable fluctuation of Tianyi fighter seems to have the risk of falling at any time. LAN Xuanyu didn't dare to neglect. The soul power was released to the outside. It was turned into a layer of shield to guard the outer part of Tianyi machine armor and isolate the fog.

The sky wing fighter just stabilized, but LAN Xuanyu found that his soul power consumption was very fast.

Magnetic field!

There is a strong magnetic field in the fog formed by these metal debris. All electronic systems will be greatly disturbed as soon as they enter the magnetic field. That is to say, it is almost a forbidden area. Mecha will be greatly disturbed here.

Just then, a sharp scream sounded, and then, in the middle of waving, a ray of light went straight to the direction of Tianyi fighter.

The light covers a large area, so LAN Xuanyu can't dodge.The roar of the dragon was heard. The sky wing fighter suddenly deformed in the air and became the shape of the sky wing armor. A layer of golden scales appeared on the surface of the fighter. At the same time, the double fists were fired. The Golden Dragon Energy collided with the beam.

"Boom -" the powerful impact force makes LAN Xuanyu's skywing armor fly back. In the fog, a flying dragon with a length of more than ten meters has been drilled out, and a beam of light constantly shoots at LAN Xuanyu.

LAN Xuanyu frowned slightly and was found! There is no doubt that it is the cause of the fog. Entering the fog, not only the stability of the electronic system is affected, but also the stealth effect is lost, which is discovered by Yuanlong.

But the fog did not affect his mental perception. He immediately felt that there were a large number of unidentified creatures in the fog approaching in their own direction, and the sense of danger appeared in an instant.

Without half hesitation, a group of earthy yellow light condenses and spreads out, turning into a wall like existence behind. He himself is controlling the sky wing armor to change back to the shape of the fighter in an instant, turning around, accelerating with all his strength, and rushing out into the fog.

There is no doubt that the fog is Yuanlong's home court. The abundant metal elements in it make Yuanlong's fighting power soar. Just now, the first seven level Yuanlong has threatened him. In addition, the control of the fighters will be seriously disturbed. The number of enemies is unknown, and they will be detected. Exit first.

Although it's only a short time to get into the fog, LAN Xuanyu has got a lot of useful information.

Skywing aircraft speed up, he entered the original not much, almost a fierce acceleration, has rushed to the fog outside.

Rushing out of the fog range, you can see the situation below. LAN Xuanyu found that a large number of source dragons had gathered here. Dare not neglect, the fighter accelerated again, rocked up, rose to the sky, and in the process of climbing up rapidly, re opened the stealth device.

In his rear, more than 30 flying source dragons roared out and followed him closely. These source dragons are all above level 6, of which level 7 still accounts for the majority.

The invisibility effect gradually appears. When LAN Xuanyu accelerates with all his strength, it is the energy of soul force and machine armor that is speeding up. As the distance is gradually extended, those source dragons lose their lock on him.

LAN Xuanyu opens the team channel, "can you hear me?" He's not sure if his communications have been disrupted by magnetic interference.

"I can hear you." Soon, a voice came back to confirm that his communication had become normal after leaving the fog.