Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 901

Exploring wormholes, there may be too many unknowns. And the unknown is often the most terrible. This task is extremely dangerous. If one task is not good, the whole army may be destroyed. What's more, in their whole class, only Liu Feng's ability and spatial attribute have a sense, which is not a control class but a sensitive attack class. Their accomplishments are not enough.

LAN Xuanyu has an idea in mind that the safest way to explore the wormhole is that the Dapeng ecological warship on Senluo star is the most likely. Why is Yinjia Dapeng selected as the flagship of the ecological warship jointly manufactured by Tangmen and senluoxing? It is because of its powerful spatial properties. It should be a very safe choice to use it to detect wormholes. Even if there is danger, it should be able to get out.

After denying the first task, LAN Xuanyu looks to the next task.

This task is also very wonderful. It's very difficult at first sight.

Mission display, auxiliary operations.

Go to the unknown galaxy and assist the federal fleet. Will face the unknown and powerful alien creatures.

Yes, the introduction of this task is so simple, there is only one sentence, and there is no detailed introduction.

There is no doubt that this task is related to federal secrets, and can serve as the team's five level Tiandou task. Its difficulty can be imagined. Like the task just now, the unknown is the most terrible. The uncontrollable situation is the one LAN Xuanyu is most reluctant to face.

Unknown galaxy, unknown enemy, even mission purpose are unknown, just say auxiliary operation. To what extent is auxiliary operation a success? Didn't make it clear.

At least ask the college if there is more detailed information.

LAN Xuanyu has recorded in his soul guide communicator. This task needs further confirmation.

Keep looking down.

There is no easy task in the five level team task. In the third task, he saw the assassin of the God level strong.

Then the fourth task is to hunt a pirate group and seize an important resource in the hands of the other party. This task is selected as an alternative by LAN Xuanyu. However, in this pirate group, it is estimated conservatively that there are more than three powerful people with the title of Douluo. And it's a large Pirate Group with battleships.

Are battleships easy to deal with? That's a powerful warship in the third tier. But relatively speaking, the introduction of this task is very detailed and can be targeted. So LAN Xuanyu was chosen as an alternative.

All afternoon, LAN Xuanyu stayed in the task Hall of doutianzhe and made a detailed study and record of the five level team tasks. In the end, he selected three of a dozen tasks as alternatives. Of course, all three tasks are very difficult. But it's relatively suitable for their entire team.

The task of five level sky fighter will not change easily. You should study it further after you go back. Finally, it is confirmed that we should wait for all partners to come and let them decide together. It's related to whether everyone can pass the examination and enter the inner court. No one can be arbitrary, even LAN Xuanyu, the recognized monitor, can't.

Rest, cultivate, wait.

On the eighth day of the completion of the assessment of the seven Shengyuan by LAN Xuanyu, the other members of wing returned on the 13th day, bringing good news. On the level of character assessment, everyone passed. This was originally the easiest test for graduation under normal circumstances.

Go back to the college and have a rest. The college has given the time for the final assessment. Within three days, they will decide to carry out the task of doutianzhe. After five days, start!

After receiving the notice, LAN Xuanyu immediately called the whole class to have a meeting!

Tang Zhenhua and Xiao Qi are here. But it was LAN Xuanyu who presided over the class meeting. As a head teacher, they can only attend, which is the rule of graduation examination.

LAN Xuanyu saw two teachers for the first time after the assessment of qishengyuan. To his surprise, his teacher Tang changed a lot.

The original untidy look disappeared, with long, messy hair cut short and very neat. The clothes are clean and tidy. What's more, that spirit. With bright eyes and a smile on his face, I can only use four words to describe it: happy spring!

When LAN Xuanyu saw him for the first time, he almost didn't recognize his teacher. Or carefully looked and looked, by Tang Zhenhua to scold with a smile, this just dare to confirm.

"Teacher, what's the matter with you? Are you stimulated? " LAN Xuanyu asked tentatively.

Tang Zhenhua said angrily: "what's the stimulation? I'm proud of your teacher! Your teacher's mother is back. Hahaha! " He couldn't hide his pride.

Then LAN Xuanyu found that Tang Zhenhua's eyes had been sweeping on the students who had come to the class, as if looking for something.

Tang Zhenhua and Ying Luohong are reunited. They know that they have a son. It's strange that they are in a bad mood. After discussing with Sakura, he decided not to tell Ding zhuohan for the time being, so as not to affect his graduation examination. After the exam, tell him the truth.

But Tang Zhenhua can't help but want to see his son more! This is the son who owes more than ten years! Now he wants to take off his head and play as a toy for his son."Teacher's mother? Do I have a teacher's mother's? " LAN Xuanyu looks at him in surprise.

"Hum! I'll show you when you come back from your graduation exam. " Tang Zhenhua said triumphantly.

He didn't plan to tell LAN Xuanyu that the final item of the graduation examination was coming soon, and that the previous examination result was excellent, and the Seven Saints yuan also passed. At this time, he would not want anything to affect the mentality of these children.

At this time, people are almost there. Ding zhuohan is the last one to come in. Although he is not late, he usually arrives at the last moment.

At the sight of him, Tang Zhenhua felt that his heart had melted, and his soft eyes made Ding zhuohan feel cold.

"Miss Tang, am I not late? No mistake! Don't look at me like that. I'm scared. " Ding zhuohan hurried to his seat.

"Well, take your seat." Tang Zhenhua stammered a little bit, trying to adjust his own mentality before there is no gaffe.

"Well, when everyone is here, we'll start." LAN Xuanyu stood up and went to the front. Open the projector and project the data on the front projection screen.

"We've passed two-thirds of the final exam, but it's not time to relax. The final assessment will also be the time to decide how many of us will finally be able to enter the inner court. We are all our own people, so I'll be right on the point. There is a limit to the number of graduates who can enter the inner court. There is no doubt that I am quite sure that the number of people entering the inner court in our class has been the largest in the past. But even so, there are limits. Because the college needs to balance all grades and control the number of students in the college. And what we have to do is to make the number as large as possible. There is only one way to get more places in the inner court, which is achievement. In the implementation of the mission to fight heaven, get better results. "

We are all partners who have studied, cultivated and fought together for at least six years. LAN Xuanyu said directly.

"There are more than ten five level team tianzhe tasks. I have made a list here. I also screened them. Now I'll tell you the details of these tasks and the reasons for my screening. "

At present, LAN Xuanyu starts from the first wormhole exploration task and makes detailed description and analysis one by one.