Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 900

The original en Hui Hui eyebrow tiny Cu way: "elder sister, you now this condition, can still participate in the examination?"

Tang Yuge said: "yes. I'm not as vulnerable as you think. After so many years, I just know the truth. Our emotions, in fact, are magnified by that terrible seven holy abyss. Now the truth is clear. Although everything is so unexpected, it is finally settled. My mother was accompanied. I may not be so easy to put down, but I will never affect you because of me. "

"That's good." Yuan en Huihui breathed a sigh of relief, and his face finally showed a smile of the past.

Tang Yuge took a deep look at him and said, "Huihui, thank you very much today. I'm glad to have you with me. "

Finish saying, she does not wait for the original en Hui to say anything more, walked into the dormitory, closed the door.

Looking at the closed dormitory gate, Yuanen Huihui scratched his head. He knew that from today on, the relationship between him and Tang Yuge had become quite different.

All the seven members of the Star Wars junior class passed the seven holy abyss, and it took only such a short time to pass the seven holy abyss. Naturally, it was soon learned by the sea god Pavilion.

In particular, the seven holy yuans also informed the sea god pavilion that they would never let LAN Xuanyu near the seven holy yuans again. Although I don't know why, the evaluation of the Seven Sages is totally positive.

The second item in the assessment is also the most important and difficult one that Haishen Pavilion thinks to pass. Next, they complete the final assessment together. And some funny thing is that it should have been LAN Xuanyu's seven people's assessment for a longer time to let the whole class wait. Now it's seven of them waiting for the other 26 to return. After the return, we also need to have a rest before we can carry out the final assessment.

Therefore, LAN Xuanyu and his family have a long rest time, which is undoubtedly good news.

The next day LAN Xuanyu called Tang Yuge and asked her about yesterday. Don Yuge didn't hide it. He told the story roughly.

Although this is her privacy, as a member of the team, she will also worry about influencing everyone in the subsequent assessment.

She didn't sleep all night and kept thinking about what happened yesterday. Although the process is painful, the final result is still good.

She had her father, and her mother found her lover, though I don't know if she would forgive him. But that's what she doesn't want to care about. It's better than she thought when she first came out of the Seven Sacred pits.

Moreover, she also felt it necessary to let everyone know that she was not related to Yuanen Huihui. Of course, this is only limited to seven of them. For the closest partner, the oldest in the team, she didn't hide it.

Reality is really more novel than fiction. LAN Xuanyu was shocked after hearing her story. Is Miss Tang Yue Yuge's biological father? It's just eye popping!

He didn't know how to comfort Tang Yuge, but at least he was stable emotionally.

After all, Tang Yuge is a girl. He can only ask Bai XiuXiu and LAN Mengqin to comfort her.

That afternoon, LAN Xuanyu, alone, went to the task Hall of doutianzhe.

Next, the final item of their graduation assessment is to carry out a high-level task of fighting for heaven. He has seen the task of five level sky fighter before, which is extremely difficult. At least for them now. But with the improvement of our strength, the overall completion of the team should not be a problem.

Of course, it is much more difficult for a team to fight against the sky than for an individual at the same level.

The completion of this final assessment will also determine how many people in the 13th wing will be able to enter the Shrek Academy. As the monitor, it is also the first wing of the 13th day wing. He is duty bound. Of course, he hopes to lead more people into the inner court.

The Star Wars experimental class has come all the way. Everyone is united. Up to now, no one has left behind. He really wants everyone to keep going like this. But the rules of the college do not allow it. Although we have left a five level sky fighter mission, if we can break through the seven level difficulty, we can let the whole class pass this statement. But it's actually impossible. Although LAN Xuanyu doesn't know the difficulty of level 7 skyfighter mission, I'm afraid that the intensity of the whole planet level is right.

And the higher level of the eight level, or even the nine level fight against heaven task, LAN Xuanyu even suspected that it was possible to save the Federation and other tasks.

Because other partners haven't come back yet, they have enough time to rest and adjust. LAN Xuanyu decided to study the existing task of the five level sky fighter team first and start to select now. Find the one that suits them best.

Through the accumulation of meritorious deeds, he has become a three-level fighter. The whole class is at this level. This is already a very good result for the graduates from other schools. If it is converted into military merit, they can at least have the rank of major.

At the age of 18, this is only possible among the top graduates of several military academies. But LAN Xuanyu did it by performing team tasks, not highlighting their personal abilities.LAN Xuanyu has no plan for joining the army in the future. At least he will not decide his future direction until he graduates from the inner court.

With the continuous cultivation and strength improvement, the particularity of his own ability began to become more and more obvious. He was aware of the problem himself. Perhaps, staying at Shrek college is the best option. Although he has the heart to command the fleet, it should also be determined according to the actual situation.

Today's doutianzhe mission hall is a bit cold, only a few people are checking the doutianzhe mission.

LAN Xuanyu went directly to the big screen of the team task doutian five.

At the level of level 5, the number of tasks for the sky fighter is not large, only one page, about a dozen tasks appear.

The biggest difference between team tasks and personal tasks is that in addition to team completion, many team tasks can be accepted by multiple teams. And personal tasks usually disappear after a person takes them, until the person who receives the task confirms whether the task is completed.

Therefore, the number of team tasks is much smaller than that of individual tasks. What's more, it's a five level mission.

LAN Xuanyu looked down from the first, and the first task in the fifth level of difficulty made him jump his eyebrow: To explore the insect hole No. 363.

It seems to be a very simple title, but LAN Xuanyu knows that exploring wormholes is an extremely difficult task. In the wormhole, there are layers of spatial waves. A bad one will get lost. Once lost in a wormhole, it's possible to be teleported anywhere. If you leave too far away and lose the coordinates, you will drift in the universe completely.

Click to view the task, which has a detailed introduction. Wormhole 363, located on the edge of the galaxy where they are now, is the gateway to another unknown galaxy. At present, the unmanned spacecraft that has been sent for exploration has not been able to return successfully. So this task will be released to doutianzhe. It is hoped that the strong in space department can go to explore. At least a four character warrior with spatial attribute ability is required. It was originally a personal task, but it was too difficult. Changed to team task. To carry out this task, the federal government will give full material support.

Here are many details about this wormhole.

LAN Xuanyu probably swept it for a while and then rejected the task.