Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1299

The animals and spirits of plants are naturally in the ring of fate. Now the ring of fate is in the hands of the old tree.

Before going to pick up the garrison, LAN Xuanyu had already communicated some coping strategies with shulao and his partners. So I don't worry about yuan en Guang Jun going to see it.

The warship enters the cruising state, the ghost mode is turned on, and flies in the direction of Dragon Star at high speed.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu clapped his hands and focused all the attention on himself. Take off the master helmet from your head.

"Let's return to Dragon Star again, and this time we have a guest with us. The 18th God of war from the federal war god hall, the former Eugene army. Let's welcome you. " LAN Xuanyu said with a smile, taking the lead to clap.

In fact, people have seen yuan en Guangjun for a long time, and have guessed her origin. But she is a beautiful woman, which attracts people's attention, especially the male in the thirty-three day wings.

LAN Xuanyu said with a smile: "Yuan en Guang Jun has a special identity. You should have noticed her surname. Yes, she is Huihui's sister-in-law. There is no outsider here. In the future, we all like Huihui, just like the elder sister-in-law, so it seems more intimate. "

Hearing what he said, everyone could not help laughing. Collective loud voice way: "sister-in-law is good."

Yuan en Guangjun's mouth twitched. Even yuan en Huihui looked at her curiously. Although it was a relative, in fact, Yuan en Huihui had not seen yuan en Guangjun many times since she was a child. Yuan en Guang Jun is ten years older than him. Her growth trajectory is different, and she can have such excellent achievements. Naturally, she has devoted herself to cultivation, and she is rarely seen in her family.

"Hello, everyone. I'm yuan euguang Jun. In fact, the title of sister-in-law is not necessary. Just call me my name. We can go our own way. And I'm not much older than you. This time I came here mainly to follow the attitude of learning and also as a messenger. Our Titan family also made friends with the academy and Tangmen. So you can rest assured that I am not the kind of person who betrays friends just for the sake of the union. " At the same time, Yuan en Guang Jun also waved to the people with a smile on his face.

This is very frank, even sell such a word used. LAN Xuanyu's first reaction to this was that the federal government sent this person to come. I'm afraid the supervision is still the second. What's more important is to win over? If this is the case, it will be much better, at least it will not cause too many constraints on the actions of all of us.

In addition to LAN Xuanyu himself, almost no one knows what his ultimate goal is in tianlongxing, even Bai XiuXiu is not completely clear. No one's holding back is the best. This is what LAN Xuanyu would like to see most. Besides, this sister-in-law is really smart. It's just a little closer to each other.

However, LAN Xuanyu still said: "sister-in-law, you are welcome. You're right. We are all our own people. But because of this, this generation can not be chaotic. Otherwise, isn't it disrespectful to Huihui? We'd better call you sister-in-law, so it's more kind. "

Yuan en Guangjun glared at blue Xuanyu, but he couldn't refute his words, "whatever, you're happy."

LAN Xuanyu nodded to her with a smile, and then put on the master helmet again, ignoring this one.

Yuan en Guang Jun himself sat in the corner, looking at the various assembly of the warship. She had served in the army and was quite familiar with warships. Although the difference between Tangmen warships and federal warships is not small, but with her experience, after looking at them for a while, she can still identify most of the functions of warships.

The more she looked, the more she was impressed by the technology of Tangmen. Tangmen technology is really advanced! Convenient and effective operating system, and then look at the main screen over the various flight parameters. I don't know how much more powerful than the ordinary meteor class attack ship. This is only what we can see in the current field of vision.

She knows quite a lot about the thirty-three days wing. Some come from the Federation, some from the family.

This is the only one out of school class at Shrek college who has been admitted to the inner school. It's even unprecedented. In particular, as a monitor, LAN Xuanyu, who is now thirty-three days old, is an absolute talent. Whether it is personal strength or leadership, it is the top choice.

From other people to see his eyes, Yuan en Guangjun knew that this team was completely owned by LAN Xuanyu. No one can take his place. Although the eyes of people looking at him were peaceful, they were absolutely convinced. Even some people have some worship in their eyes.

This kind of personality charm can't be achieved simply by appearance. She also wants to see with her own eyes, the blue Xuan Yu, can be excellent to what extent.

After a short time of improvement, trimming and upgrading, the speed of the ship is faster than before, especially in the ghost mode, the stealth effect is better. It's the best protection for them.

From the seventh fleet to the Dragon Star, it was not long. Two days later, the Dragon Star was already in sight.

LAN Xuanyu's voice sounded, "the whole ship is ready to start the silent mode. From now on, we'll leave two people at a time to take charge of the warship, so that we can cope with the situation at any time. Zhuohan, you stay this time, you and Lao Bing. We rotate every half a month and bring back the news of our meeting and some resources. ""Boss, can I not be with him?" Ding zhuohan said helplessly.

LAN Xuanyu looked at him, and then looked at the ice sky beam beside him, and said: "how? You two have a problem? "

Ding zhuohan said, "that's not true. Just, can I have a girl? Working with men and women is not tiring! "

LAN Xuanyu didn't get angry and said: "others are OK, you? No way. "

Ding zhuohan took a puff at the corner of his mouth, "boss, do you believe in my character?"

Bing Tianliang said, "do you have character? Don't insult these two words. Don't worry, boss. I'll take good care of him. "

LAN Xuanyu ignored Ding zhuohan's bitter eyes, "it's settled. The others are ready to go. "

As he spoke, he turned to Yuan en Guang Jun and said, "sister-in-law, do you have mecha? I'd like you to go with us in mecha later

"OK." Two days later, Yuanen Guangjun also admitted his life. I'll be my sister-in-law. After two days of observation, all of them were in an orderly way. Obviously, they have just entered the army, but it seems that they are not only full of emotion, but also look forward to this operation. You know, this is a dangerous operation to sneak into the enemy's rear! Once found, life is in danger.

It is LAN Xuanyu's decision to leave someone to guard the warship after careful consideration. Of course, he also hopes that all his partners will follow him to practice in tianlongxing. However, the rear should be stable. There are guards on the warship, and if they need to evacuate in case of danger, the warship can go to receive and support. At the same time, LAN Xuanyu also left some taboo weapons from the Tang clan taboo Arsenal. These things need to be manipulated.

Of course, he will not treat the left behind. Before leaving, he left Bing Tianliang and Ding zhuohan with some rare fruits of life brought from the college to supplement enough life energy for them to practice. Anyway, everyone is on duty in turn. When they get to Dragon Star next time, tilt them when they harden.