Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1298

More knowledge needs to be understood after the contact, not now, but at least from the current situation, the supervisor is relatively easy to accept.

"Well, now that you know each other. Take the time to start. If necessary, the seventh fleet will be ready to cooperate with you. " Bai Ling said in a deep voice.

Blue Xuanyu and the original en light army together to him a military salute, white Ling general back to the military salute.

The original en Guangjun followed LAN Xuanyu to leave the headquarters. LAN Xuanyu walked in front of her, and she followed behind. At this time, her eyes showed a little curiosity.

Compared to LAN Xuanyu's surprise at her situation, in fact, she is more interested in LAN Xuanyu.

According to the data, this one is only 19 years old. Level 8 fighter, major general rank, one of the seven Shrek monsters of the new generation of Shrek academy just announced. It's only now known by the top federal officials.

Because she wants to be a supervisor, she knows more about LAN Xuanyu and tianlongxing.

At the age of 27, Yuanen Guangjun became a major general and the 18th God of war. You can imagine talent. She has always been full of confidence in herself, but when she saw LAN Xuanyu's resume, especially the meritorious service made for the Federation, she still felt extremely incredible.

Seeing her today, she felt more deeply.

First of all, he is young. LAN Xuanyu is too young. He was tall, tall and straight, and his handsome appearance could not find any fault with Yuan en Guang Jun, who was used to young talent. Although young, he is very reserved and profound. There is no impetuous young people will appear, the face always with a smile. In the face of themselves, the supervisor can also treat them with a normal mind and can not see whether they accept or reject them.

There are two main tasks given by the federal government to Yuan en Guang army. One is to supervise LAN Xuanyu and his partners and record what they have done. The other is to hope that she can become another lurker, from her perspective, to obtain more data belonging to the Dragon Star and the dragon horse system. As a confirmation of the materials brought back by LAN Xuanyu.

Therefore, her mission this time can be said to be of great responsibility.

Moreover, she has a potential task, which is even more special. On the federal side, she hopes that she can have a good relationship with LAN Xuanyu and try her best to win over this one.

Although not too clear, but the original en Guangjun still can see the deep meaning from the eyes of his boss.

To be able to reach such a position at her age has been exposed to and faced with a lot of situations. Naturally she knew what she was allowed to do. After receiving this supervision task, she also inquired about LAN Xuanyu from the family. The evaluation is extremely excellent. If you can, the family also hopes that she can develop further with LAN Xuanyu.

In this regard, Yuan en Guang Jun was originally dismissive. She is twenty-seven years old this year. She has spent her 27 years of life in various practices, experiences and tasks. She has a unique soul Titanosaurus, she was trained as a guardian within the family. For the guardian, that is to be able to have equal status with the owner of the family.

The owner of the Titan family must be the owner of the Titan ape spirit. So she can't be the owner of the house, but her Titan dragon spirit is recognized as a powerful existence. The family had high hopes for her. She also has high goals for herself. Hope to be able to touch the realm that the family has never touched before. Therefore, for men and women, there is no excessive thinking.

With her appearance, people who have pursued her are naturally loaded with cars, but most of them voluntarily retreat. The reason for retreat is simple. She is so excellent. No one could keep up with her.

And when she read LAN Xuanyu's information, and was secretly arranged for this task, her first feeling is to sniff. A little boy who is less than 20 years old let me approach him actively?

He's still wet.

However, when she really saw LAN Xuanyu today, the idea in her heart seemed to solidify.

Although she has never admitted that she is Yan Kong, she pays more attention to her inner strength and strength. However, when she saw LAN Xuanyu, she suddenly felt that if her face looked so good-looking, in fact, other things didn't seem to be so important

At this time, Yuan en Guang Jun suddenly felt a black in front of her eyes. She had already approached the back of blue Xuan Yu and stopped quickly.

LAN Xuanyu turned back and said, "general yuan en, if you need to, you can go back and pack up some things. I'll see you later on the eighth stop at the shipyard."

"Ah? That's OK. I have nothing to clean up. You can start at any time. I'll go with you and meet your partner first. And you don't have to be so polite, even though we are major generals. But you are a level 8 fighter, I'm just a level 6 fighter. You can call me by my name. Call me Yuanen. I don't really like the name Guangjun. My parents wanted me to be a boy. So it was named in advance. " Yuan en Guang Jun said with a smile.

At this time, only she and LAN Xuanyu, two people are less than a meter away, she can clearly see blue Xuanyu that pair of beautiful big eyes, and long eyelashes.LAN Xuanyu said with a smile: "I'm afraid this is not very good. You are Huihui's sister-in-law and my elder. How can I address you by your first name? "

Yuan en Guang Jun's mouth twitched. The boy

LAN Xuanyu said with a smile, "I'll call you sister-in-law with Huihui." With that, he continued to turn and move forward.

Yuan en Guang Jun stopped for a moment, looked at the back of LAN Xuanyu, clenched his fist, and then followed him.

Her ability to supervise all aspects of the federal operation is natural. How can it be easy to become the 18th God of war in your twenties?

At this time, she has completely seen that LAN Xuanyu is not a good deal. Although it is only a simple title, it has multiple purposes.

The division of generations has opened the distance between them and themselves. And the elder appellation, and from another level to close the relationship between each other. As our elder, if you supervise us, will you pit us?

I'm afraid it's not a simple thing to accomplish this task!

LAN Xuanyu didn't know what yuan en Guang Jun was thinking, but he admired the Union in his heart. There is no doubt that the Federation sent in a relatively good candidate. The Titan family, who are closely related to Shrek college and Tangmen, are relatively easy to get in touch with because they are closely related to one of their important members. All aspects can even be described as impeccable.

However, the more so-called, the more careful you have to be! And there are secrets that she can't tell for sure.

On the way back, LAN Xuanyu has informed his partners to get ready.

The 33rd day wing warship has been ready for a long time, and people are transported by special rail cars to board the warship, which is towed by the guidance ship of the mother ship and returns to space.

This is the first time that Yuan en Guang Jun came to the warship belonging to Tangmen. When he followed LAN Xuanyu to board the warship, he could not help but look left and right, which was quite a novel feeling.

The warships of Tangmen are quite different from those of federal standard warships. Whether in operation mode or internal layout, the differences are quite large. Relatively speaking, it is much simpler. All aspects of control are obviously simplified. On the warship, there were only LAN Xuanyu, 33 of them and shulao. There was no one else.