Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1291

Gradually, LAN Xuanyu has begun to understand the mystery of the transformation of light and darkness, and the whole person is completely immersed in it.

What can be seen from the outside world is that the halo of his body is constantly flowing, and there are strange changes. Every time the light changes, the surrounding elements will become strange.

The big men of the plant family who sit around feel that although they are on the warship, they still seem to be constantly experiencing the changes of day and night, and their breath is also constantly emerging metabolism, and the cultivation speed is actually greatly accelerated.

Although they can't absorb the extra life energy here, the feeling of speeding up the cultivation still makes them open their eyes. What's more, the level of breath emanating from the three members of lanxuanyu's family is too high. The benefits to them are not just to increase their accomplishments. After all, they are going to break through the divine level in the future. It is a rare opportunity for them to feel and understand the law fluctuation from the super God level strong.

At the beginning, they were completely prepared to make a sacrifice to help LAN Xuanyu. Now they clearly feel that it is their own who can really benefit.

A faint smile appeared on the face, the time passed by. Under the guidance of Gu Yuena, LAN Xuanyu focuses on the control of light, darkness, space and time. Gradually, out of guyuna's divine consciousness, he was able to make these four elements form a whole.

He had a vague feeling that if the element thunder robbery was born with these four elements, it would be much more powerful than the element thunder robbery formed by the four basic elements. And because they are four elements, they are more controllable. At least it's easier than fusing seven or eight elements.

However, the appearance of the fusion of different elements is also different. The four elements of water, fire, earth and wind merge into a vortex, which can condense into thunder in the tail after continuous compression. The four elements of light, darkness, space and time merge into a sphere of light. LAN Xuanyu did not dare to squeeze them, so that they rubbed out thunder. Relatively speaking, it is more important to throw the energy ball itself out.

"Do you feel it? Different elements have different characteristics. After all, the four elements of light, darkness, space and time do not complement each other like water, fire and local customs. Relatively speaking, their powers are much larger, but they are also much more unstable. If one is not good, he will set himself on fire. Naturally, you can't produce the elemental thunder you want. That's why our God level strongmen will not encounter this kind of light and dark thunder robbery when they are crossing the robbery. "

Gu Yuena gives an explanation, which makes LAN Xuanyu feel more enlightened. There are so many mysteries in the cultivation!

Gu Yuena smiles and says, "so, you can't directly transform these four elements into thunder to refine your blood. However, it can be quenched with its body. "

Blue Xuan Yu is surprised to ask a way: "use noumenon? This four element sphere

Gu Yuena said: "yes, you can call it the light dark god thunder. There are many kinds of functions. It can be released directly to bombard the enemy, but only if you can release it. Far more powerful than your elemental thunder. Of course, it was impossible for me to exchange it for others. Because once you can't control it, if it explodes, it's absolutely fatal. But for you, you can try with me and Tang Wulin. "

"Because time goes back?" LAN Xuanyu how clever, immediately understand the meaning of his mother.

"Yes, if you make a mistake, you can pull it back." Guyana confirmed his idea.

LAN Xuanyu curiously said, "what should I do?"

Gu Yuena said: "it's very simple. You dredge your meridians with the light and dark thunder, and let it run in the inner body for a week according to the way of Xuantian Gong. The effect is certainly much better than you use elemental thunder to quench. "

LAN Xuanyu is a little speechless. Such a big energy ball dredges meridians? Mom, are you serious? Is this really not going to kill you?

Feeling his doubts, Gu Yuena said: "the process will certainly be more painful, but this is the only way for you. Do you think it is so easy to rob your body with heaven and earth? If you can't bear the light and dark thunder, how can you talk about the disaster of heaven and earth? First of all, we must use the light and dark god thunder, then we can try to condense the heaven and earth. This process must be gradual. Originally, this should be done after you become a God and have the dark element. But the emperor is right. If you want to pass the test of two thunder robbers to become a God, you must be prepared in advance. Of course, the benefits of doing this are also great. Once you succeed, after you break through into God, the later practice will be smooth, and you can control the God level ability in a short time. And it may even be that there will be more evolution than just ordinary deities. "

"When you went out to invite the animals of the plant Department to come, I thought about it carefully and discussed with Tang Wulin. I still support you to practice in this way. Once successful, the payoff will be huge. And if you don't, you're more likely to be in danger. When you break through the Dragon Star in the future, there will be very big movements. It may even arouse the suspicion of the dragon people. In this case, it is only necessary to let the movement be bigger, so big that they dare not deal with your situation easily. Even I don't know what will happen if the Dragon God's blood is really born. But with the energy of the dragon pillar and the core of the Dragon God, it should be ensured that you are safe. Since we want to do it, we should do it thoroughly. More accumulation, waiting for the opportunity. When you can mobilize heaven and earth, even if you don't become a God, you won't lose the battle with ordinary gods. ""Yes, I'll take your advice." LAN Xuanyu no longer hesitates. He believed that parents would not harm themselves.

"Then how can I make this light and dark ray run in my body?" LAN Xuanyu asked.

Gu Yuena said: "compress. The smaller you compress it, the easier it will run in your meridians. Just like a scavenger, let it flow through your channels as a whole. "

"OK." LAN Xuanyu concentrated his mind and began to try to compress the light and dark thunder.

This compression doesn't matter, he just started to move, the light dark god thunder surface immediately more a wipe of electric light, has not yet waited for LAN Xuanyu to react. Everything is still.

In his mind came Tang Wulin's voice, "silly boy, can you directly compress it? All four elements are very unstable. Compression as a whole, even your mother may not be able to control, let alone you

Gu Yuena's voice also sounded, "yes, the compression of the light God thunder is different from that of the elemental thunder. You need to compress the four individually, and you don't change the way they transform during the compression process. It requires very fine mental manipulation. "

Blue Xuanyu suddenly some speechless, "Mom, can you help me compress, and then control them to dredge meridians?"

Guyuna said, "No. In that case, you will not be able to perceive the changes in the meridians. Moreover, the meridians of human body are very complicated. I'll harden it for you. If it's not good, there will be problems. You have to adjust and repair yourself constantly along with the quenching process. Only you can do it yourself. "

"I see." LAN Xuanyu also has some helplessness. The cultivation of the light and dark god is really not ordinary and difficult!