Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1290

The golden and silver lights are just looming now. But LAN Xuanyu is very clear, they are not really integrated. At present, the so-called fusion in his body is only a preliminary combination. His blood is still the king of gold dragon plus Silver Dragon King, not the real dragon god blood.

Qi and blood are thick and condensed. When he concentrates on looking inside, an invisible breath of blood also comes out.

Around the outer ring of the plant animals are naturally the first time to feel, one by one sitting straight body. I feel the fluctuation of the Dragon Spirit in silence. This is the highest level of blood breath! And there is no malice against them. It is of great benefit to the spirits and beasts of these plants to understand the mystery of this blood breath.

The next moment, they see, blue Xuanyu's body light up. A faint halo of color began to light up from his chest. Pieces of colorful scales covered the whole body. In an instant, he seemed to have become a dragon man. All of his body was covered by colorful scales.

The circulation of elements in the body, the six elements under the control of LAN Xuanyu began to move up slowly. The six elements in the air circle around, here, not too many elements, after all, is in space. Therefore, the six elements are more from lanxuanyu itself.

Starting to master the combination of six elements, LAN Xuanyu immediately felt the pressure. Although it seems that there are only two more elements, his original four elements of water, fire, soil and wind are a whole, which has already made him control extremely balanced. As long as he needs, he can use the four elements to display the extinction thunder produced by element stripping or element fusion.

And at this point, everything is starting to change. After that, the four elements immediately become unstable with the other two elements.

Six elements immediately began to appear disorder, LAN Xuanyu is also a little confused, if the four elements are mutually generated, then, how to arrange two more elements? This is the first problem he has to face.

This is not the same as the five elements. If it is the attribute of five elements, the five elements are mutually complementary and mutually exclusive, they all know how to arrange them. But where are light and space arranged?

At this time, the voice of Gu Yuena rang out in LAN Xuanyu's mind, "Xuanyu relax, feel the elements."

In the next moment, a soft divine consciousness quietly penetrated into his body. LAN Xuanyu naturally trusted Gu Yuena. He relaxed his body, recovered his mental strength and let the force of elements disperse.

The forces of those elements did not dissipate, but were quickly adjusted with the help of the infused divine consciousness.

When the divine consciousness enters, the two elements of light and space, which are integrated into the four elements of water, fire, earth and wind, are stripped out at the first time. Just let the four elements merge there.

The next moment, a dark breath suddenly separated from the sea of blue Xuanyu spirit. LAN Xuanyu immediately saw that the God of the beast, the God of the black dragon, appeared. Rich dark elements burst out of its body, into the blue Xuan Yu body, quickly came to the six elements around.

With the circulation of divine consciousness, Gu Yuena easily controlled the inflow of the dark element. She still did not contact with the four basic elements, but came to the light element and the space element.

"In a sense, water, fire, earth and wind are the four basic elements, and all the other elements are derived from them. The evolution process is very complicated and almost impossible to use. Then, the control of the three elements of darkness, light and space must be carried out separately, instead of being directly integrated with those four elements. "

"Water and fire are incompatible, and light and darkness are absolute opposites. In this case, water and fire need the harmony of wind and earth, and the harmony between light and dark is space. "

Gu Yuena said, while controlling the light elements and dark elements to quietly contact together. What's more strange is that the extra dark elements are swept by a touch of silver, and return to the spirit of blue Xuanyu, which is recovered by the God of beasts.

Gu Yuena can accurately judge how much dark elements LAN Xuanyu needs and can borrow. This is extremely wonderful.

When the light and dark elements are about to collide with each other, a touch of silver halo appears between them, and the three elements instantly fuse together to form a light sphere.

Gold, silver, black, three colors of light, light gold is the element of light, silver is the element of space, black is the natural dark element. The three complement each other, but there is no improper change in the rotation.

LAN Xuanyu's mental strength is also quite strong now, he feels the change between the three in silence. He found that spatial elements play an important role in isolation, and in the process of isolation, space elements produce wonderful changes.

Under the folding of space, the light element seems to be transforming towards the dark element, and vice versa.

"Our world is divided into day and night. Light comes by day, and night comes to take over the light. This is the law of nature. Where did the change between them come from? It is the change of time and space. Therefore, under the adjustment of the force of time and space, light and darkness can also transform each other, so as to complement each other"Many people believe that after the Dragon God is divided into two parts, the Silver Dragon King inherits the power of elements, while the Golden Dragon King inherits the physical strength. But it's not exactly right. The king of the Golden Dragon actually inherited the power of elements, but it was very abstruse and an unknown ability. That is, time control. Tang Wulin has it, so do you. It's just that your timing is not the same. Relatively speaking, because you are the inheritor, you are not as good as him in this respect. His time control is time and space retrospective. And you are still. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Comparatively speaking, it is more difficult to go back to time. Unless you really awaken the Dragon God's blood, otherwise, you can't surpass him. But back in time, all the risks become manageable. With your accomplishments, his time and space retrospection can reverse all mistakes. "

"Almost everyone thinks that light and space can only be antagonistic because they can't control the power of time and space at the same time. But you can. Therefore, with the help of the changes in space and time, light and dark are like the alternation of day and night, and they can be replaced and integrated into each other

Gu Yuena's voice is very serious and clearly imprinted in LAN Xuanyu's memory. This kind of narration immediately makes LAN Xuanyu have a great eye opening feeling. Even in Shrek college, which is known as the first university in Douluo, it is impossible to impart such knowledge!

In fact, few people know the secret. Even if they do, they can't try it. Who can possess the four attributes of darkness, light, time and space at the same time?

Time and space are regarded as the most abstruse and also the most difficult ability to control. The space is better, and most of the gods are involved in it, but the time attribute is absolutely rare.

At this moment, under Gu Yuena's narration and demonstration, LAN Xuanyu gradually felt the mystery.

If water, fire, earth and wind are the four basic elements, then light, darkness, space and time are the four advanced elements. This is a change that has risen to another level.

Time itself is not a part of the elements, it should be said that it is derived from the spirit.