Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1146

Her short dragon wings can still glide. The head is very large, a bit like the Tyrannosaurus Rex on the doulo continent. But the tail is stronger than that of T. rex. There is a thorn ball at the top of the tail, which is two meters in diameter. It's not going to be nice to be hit.

The limbs are very strong, especially the Dragon claws, especially huge.

Climbing the Dragon platform, others are flying, but she is climbing. With a strong body, just climbed up, completed the dragon. And with their own strong strength to stand out, into the cycle phase.

Huang Yuan Long's evaluation is that she must be careful of her tail and breath.

LAN Xuanyu is still human, in front of the other party's huge body, it looks so small.

"I'm not the limp shrimp of yesterday. I will defeat you. " Shaoxiu maliciously looks at blue Xuan Yu, the huge dragon head sinks slowly, staring at him.

Shaoxiu has no horn on her head, but a large lump on her forehead is the heaviest scale in her whole body. The whole body is covered with dark yellow with rusty scales. In terms of appearance, it's not really good. However, her fierce breath is no less than that of the upper dragon clan.

"Start." Ten games start at the same time.

Shaoxiu suddenly roared, the huge scales on his forehead suddenly lit up. The rust on the original body suddenly became transparent, and the whole body emitted a crystal yellow light, which was much more dazzling than before.

A mouth, a dark yellow breath toward the blue Xuanyu cover. In the breath of the dragon, there is an obvious smell of fishy smell, which emits a terrible energy fluctuation.

Corrosion breath, melting iron!

Shaoxiu evolution of the dragon family classification, known as the corrosion of kuilong.

LAN Xuanyu's toes lightly on the ground, and the man has drifted like a wisp of green smoke, and the Dragon Armor transformed by the mountain Dragon King covers the whole body. Passing by the side of the breath.

But at this time, the breath of dark yellow suddenly exploded, countless dark yellow light spots scattered everywhere, almost covering the entire battlefield space. LAN Xuanyu's body is naturally covered in an instant.

This is a move shaoxiu has never played before. Although the speed of LAN Xuanyu is fast, it can not be avoided at this moment.

The explosion of dragon breath not only has a strong corrosive effect, but also has a very fierce impact.

LAN Xuanyu was surprised at the same time, the power of blood bloomed. A layer of golden light diffuses through the mountain Dragon King Dragon Armor.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!" In a series of jarring noises. Although the corrosion effect is largely offset. But the impact of the force is oppressed him from the sky. Fall aside.

Shaoxiu is obviously prepared for this war. In the next moment of the breath of the dragon, her huge body has already turned around, and the tail of the Dragon swept. That huge stab ball, straight to LAN Xuanyu body to hit.

Blue Xuan Yu eyebrow micro Cu, dragon gun jumps into the hand. Behind the wings spread out, in the air to complete a clever disguise. The wings flap, accelerate again, and break out. He avoided the dragon tail in the near impossible.

"Roar!" It is also a breath of dragon breath, covering the only way for blue Xuan Yu to fly. At the same time, shaoxiu's dragon tail spike ball suddenly lit up. Above that a root of crystal yellow spikes burst out, first scattered, and then went straight to blue Xuan Yu to shoot away, obviously under her mental control.

Neither breath nor dragon tail attack has half reserve. A deadly posture.

It seems that LAN Xuanyu has no chance to dodge. At least in shaoxiu's opinion. She felt that the only way LAN Xuanyu could resist was to immediately show her original shape and resist with the dragon shaped body. Therefore, her huge body in the attack, has been toward the blue Xuan Yu rushed over. A pair of dragon claws directly grab out of the void. Once LAN Xuanyu shows his essence, he will be attacked by her head immediately.

Shaoxiu in the dragon clan, belongs to that kind of fighting explosive force type. Especially good at medium range combat. Therefore, this kind of battlefield similar to the challenge arena is most suitable for her.

At this time, all the upper dragon people in the same group could not help but frown slightly, which made them feel intractable. Are thinking, if it is their own face shaoxiu such an attack, how to face.

Xu Yan Mo is concentrating on watching the game, shaoxiu he knows, so he also wants to see, in the face of such a situation, blue is how to deal with. Shaoxiu's explosive attack is very troublesome, even if it is the upper dragon clan, it is very difficult to do it if you want to fight her all over the body. In the course of fighting, this one always has a kind of desperate feeling. So we can stand out from the middle dragon race.

At this time, a dazzling golden light exploded in the third theater. It was hard to see the dazzling brilliance. The golden light explodes and turns into thousands of golden awns. The tiny golden awns are just like a golden light rain blooming in the air, which is magnificent.

The explosive drops of corrosive liquid, the root of the sharp spines, under the cover of the golden light rain, quietly disappeared in the air. Only the corrosive acid which did not cover LAN Xuanyu's body position could fall to the ground.

Is this? Pure gun skill? Xu Yanmo's pupil contracted instantaneously. But at this time, and his pupil contraction together, there is the blooming of thousands of guns.The scattered golden light suddenly overlaps with the center, and finally turns into a point, which is in front of shaoxiu in an instant.

For the opponent who wants to kill himself, LAN Xuanyu naturally won't have any hand. At the critical moment, Shao xiumeng bowed his head and used his hardest skull in front of him, which is also the heaviest place of Dragon Armor, to carry the brilliance of this gun.

"Poof!" In a shot point, the blood whirlpool in LAN Xuanyu's body suddenly and violently revolves, and his wrist trembles slightly. The light of the gun tip is obviously more and more gorgeous.

"Be merciful." Almost as soon as the tip of the gun lit up, the referee's voice went off, and at the same time flashed in.

However, it was still late.

"Puff Chi --" the spear burst into the brain, instantly pierced the hard and thick skull, deep into shaoxiu's forehead. Shaoxiu that huge body moment in the air rigid, the light in the eyes to the naked eye visible speed quickly dissipated.

LAN Xuanyu picked up the Dragon spear in her hand. Compared with the slender and tiny body of the dragon clan, LAN Xuanyu just picked the giant dragon over 40 meters long on the tip of the gun.

The referee stopped halfway through the air because there was no point in going back. The brain is penetrated, and is still attacked by LAN Xuanyu in such a domineering way, there is no possibility of survival at all.

Shaoxiu, perished.

Blue Xuanyu eyes burning at the referee, "she wants to kill me, I can't stop."

The referee's mouth twitched for a moment. What does it mean to stop?

Shaoxiu's skull is extremely hard, which is the strongest point of her body, and the referee who is familiar with her information knows this very well. Therefore, even if LAN Xuanyu's previous shot was so graceful, it could not be fatal if it landed on shaoxiu's head after offsetting most of the range of attacks, so he did not enter the arena at the first time.

And in the moment of the Dragon spear stabbing, "blue" clearly used that day's concussion method, which made the Dragon spear thrust into it. Who believes it's not intentional? But "she" is also reasonable, before all the attacks of shaoxiu, is no doubt want to kill her.

"Today's business has its own judgment." The referee snorted, "blue wins."

Blue Xuanyu holding a long gun, so carrying shaoxiu's huge body slowly out of the third theater. Even in other battle zones, the fighting slowed down a bit.