Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1145

Unable to stay here for too long, LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu teleport again and return to their own residence in Shenglong city through space array transfer.

Going out for a walk in this big circle, they have consumed 7788% of the Longli liquid absorbed and transformed today. And the absorption of the spirit of the spirit, also let them get a lot of benefits. The rest of the dragon power liquid quenching training!

Such progress, speed up. In the past, they did not dare to think. But on the Dragon Star, it is realized.

All the plans are changing. With the deepening understanding of Tianlong star, LAN Xuanyu found that there are too many things worth developing here. He is now determined to fight with all his might. Strive for a trip to the Dragon kingdom.

It's just that in Tianlong Xingdu, so many benefits have been gained. If you enter the Dragon Kingdom, it seems that there are items left by the Dragon God in the Dragon kingdom. If you can get it, it will be different. And the Shenglong platform. Sooner or later, it will be transformed into a dragon pillar.

Until the next morning, before the start of the second round of the round robin, LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu just walked out of the room.

Huang Yuen Long has been waiting in the dining room for a long time. Please sit down and say, "have something to eat. Look at your condition is very good! XiuXiu, you have to refuel today. "

Bai XiuXiu said with a smile, "why, brother, do you have no confidence in me?"

Huang Yuan Long said with a smile: "of course not. I just hope you can go further. By the way, blue, yesterday your performance made your popularity rise again. Your one was rated the best of all yesterday. It also takes the shortest time. You are so good. Just one time, you defeated that Lin Zexuan. "

LAN Xuanyu was busy after he came back yesterday. He brought energy to his friends and practiced with Bai XiuXiu. I didn't think about the outside world.

"Is there any news from Lord Roland?" LAN Xuanyu asked.

Huang Yuen Long shook his head and said, "is that right. However, I heard from my father that Lord Rola was in a very good mood yesterday. My father is very happy, too. With the fighting power you showed yesterday, there's no problem getting into the finals

LAN Xuanyu nodded and said, "let's work hard together. I hope to go further. "

"Well, I'll try my best." Huang Yuan Long's rare burning in the eyes of a strong sense of war.

When the three came to shenglongtai again, the battlefield traces left by the top ten war zones had disappeared. It's like the blood has never been seen.

All the contestants have come back to the Dragon stage. LAN Xuanyu saw Lin Zexuan with folded wings at a glance.

On the other side of his wing, the huge wound was sealed with white glue. If the dragon's wings are broken, there is still a way to regenerate them. But it needs huge life energy and natural resources. It also takes time.

Lin Zexuan does not lack items for healing, but it is obviously not what we can do today if we want to restore full combat effectiveness.

He looked at Lin Zexuan, and Lin Zexuan also looked over. To LAN Xuanyu's surprise, he didn't see hostility from the other side's eyes, instead, he saw admiration.

Lin Zexuan even took the initiative to point his head to blue Xuan Yu, which was to say hello.

LAN Xuanyu also nodded to him.

Just then, in the distance, the silver light door appeared again. Xu walked out of the door. Then, the dragon power column rises, and the strong dragon Qi wave spreads on the Dragon Rising platform again.

Huang Daoqi came very early today. He came out of the silver light door for the third time. See LAN Xuanyu three people. All of a sudden, he waved to the three people, and then released his own dragon power column.

I don't know if it's because people are happy with happy events. The dragon power column released by Huang Daoqi today seems to be higher than that of yesterday.

However, to LAN Xuan's surprise, no Dragon Knight appeared until the silver light door was closed. Only more than 30 dragon gods appeared on the platform. The overall light of the dragon power light column, which brings the Dragon Spirit to shenglongtai, is naturally much weaker than it was yesterday.

LAN Xuanyu's heart says that it's terrible. According to the strength of dragon Qi, I'm afraid we can't absorb as much dragon power liquid as yesterday! What can I do? He also wants to help all his friends to practice at this opportunity.

Don't waste time. He gently pulled Bai XiuXiu around him. Before the competition started, he immediately sat down on his knees and began to absorb the Dragon Spirit in the air.

Moreover, he didn't wait for others to compete with him. He was honest and unfriendly and released the fury field of Golden Dragon. For a moment, the Dragon Qi in the air fluctuated violently, just like the sea embracing all rivers and converged towards him. This makes those who are strong at God level look a bit dazed. Come back? Is she the king of stomach?

LAN Xuanyu just figured out the reason why Luo La didn't come today. The Lord of dragon knight must think that he absorbed so much dragon Qi and turned it into dragon power liquid yesterday, and it took a long time to digest it. In addition, he should be more confident about his own strength, so he simply did not come today.The competition that can really let the Dragon Cavaliers pay attention to is still to compete among the top 30 in the final stage.

LAN Xuanyu can't help but call a mistake in his heart. Yesterday's idea is still too perfectionism. However, he was not discouraged. He could absorb as much as he could. It's better to have something than nothing!

"Second round, scene one. First theater, Liu Chongming, against Zhang Chaoyang. World War II, Wang Yifan, vs. Deng Zelu, zone 3, LAN, Pai, shaoxiu. The fourth theater, Zhou Xinming, against Chen Jiawei... "

Or the first scene? Blue Xuanyu, who is absorbing the Dragon Spirit and squeezing the dragon power liquid, suddenly opens his eyes with some helplessness. He's just beginning to absorb it. But the first scene is the first. After the match, it's just time to absorb dragon Qi. Today's Dragon Spirit is obviously not as enough as yesterday's, so I'll try it later to see if it can stimulate the ascending dragon column and give me some feedback.

Today, there is no Dragon Knight, so the possibility of his secret being discovered is even less. The power of Dragon God is hidden in the mine. The combination of mieshen Lei and Jinlong King's physique is the Dragon Shenzhen. In a sense, it is the power of the Dragon God. I don't know if I can urge the reaction of Shenglong stage.

Thinking in his heart, LAN Xuanyu has stood up and walked into the third war zone where the curtain of light rises.

Shaoxiu, another member of the middle dragon tribe in this group. However, compared with yesterday's Lin Zexuan, her figure is much bigger.

As a rare female dragon clan, even if it is only a middle dragon clan, she is also very popular among the dragon people. Plus the strength. Originally, the biggest goal of shaoxiu's participation in the dragon race was to be able to rise to the upper level of the dragon race. At that time, you may find a strong partner, and it is not impossible to become the wife of the dragon knight. That's her goal in life.

However, LAN Xuanyu's birth and Bai XiuXiu's beautiful posture are all far above her. You know, she's far from being human.

Jealousy is the original sin. Sometimes women's jealousy towards women will produce very strong malice. Like shaoxiu at this time, in the face of LAN Xuanyu, the malice on her body is to cover up can not cover up. Looking at LAN Xuanyu's eyes, it is obviously full of ferocity.

Shaoxiu is 40 meters long, with a long tail. The wings behind her are short and small, and they don't seem to be enough to support her. Her own race is not flying. Therefore, after the evolution of the Dragon change period, although it has successfully evolved into a dragon family, its flight ability is not strong. But she has something special about her.