Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1119

The old man smiled and came to lanxuanyu, saying: "master servant contract, you can stab its head with your own claws, and directly inject spiritual force into it. It will open up its spiritual world and let you enter. You leave a breath of spirit and blood inside. Complete communication. In this way, it's your servant. The contract is actually a brand. You leave your mark on the most important part of it. It can only be loyal to you in this life. "

LAN Xuanyu nodded a little. He couldn't help recalling the picture of the dark dinosaur knight. There should be a master-slave contract between the knight of the dinosaur and his sitting dragon.

Yan Cheng crawls forward a few times, lowers his head, and presents the huge head in front of LAN Xuanyu.

It has a single horn on its head, also presented as Tan, with a kind of crazy taste. From its breath, LAN Xuanyu can feel that the tan dragon is good at something similar to melee. It's probably even about power.

The right hand is raised, the golden dragon claw is protruding, the index finger is extended, and the thorn is a little in front of the sharp corner of its head.

"Ding!" In the crisp sound, a tan scale is broken, and the sharp claws of blue Xuanyu's fingertips have penetrated Yan Cheng's head.

Yan Cheng's huge body began to tremble, obviously suffering a lot.

LAN Xuanyu can feel that it is trying to restrain its own defense and stress response. Let your own claws Pierce.

The process of the master servant contract is actually very dangerous. LAN Xuanyu has felt it since the old man described it. To be stabbed into the brain, we need to release all defenses and open the spiritual world. Be branded by the power of blood and spirit. As long as there is a little problem in this process, its brain is likely to be twisted into paste, with or without life. But the old man seemed to think it was normal. It seems that if the master servant contract can not be concluded successfully, the death of the servant is the most normal thing.

Although I don't know what their mentality is, LAN Xuanyu still does what the old people say.

A trace of blood breath was separated by him. When the dragon claw just stabbed into the head bone and touched Yan Cheng's brain, it was injected.

LAN Xuanyu's mental strength has been further improved, especially in control.

It's just a trace of blood entering Yan Cheng's body, which is shaking violently. The Dragon scales all lifted up. The huge body was shaking violently, as if it was suffering from some terrible pain.

It looks like this, around the other middle and lower level of the dragon family one by one silent, all nervous watching.

It is very common for the dragon people to enter into a master servant contract. It is the best way for the lower dragon to attach themselves to the upper dragon. It can further enter the family sequence of the upper dragon family.

However, the most pitiful thing is the contract between the master and the servant. If one is not good, he will die. However, if you can be the first dragon to become a servant, you will get the greatest benefit.

The contract of master and servant is not infinite. Up to three servants below the divine level. Above the divine level. Even the head of the dragon, there are only twelve servants.

There is no doubt that Yan Cheng is a ruthless character. Seeing the success of blue Xuan Yu's promotion of dragon yesterday, and feeling the breath he showed, he didn't hesitate to recognize the Lord in front of the dragons when he was drawn. And still recognize the Lord on the Dragon platform.

He is not only not stupid, but also clever. The success rate of recognizing the Lord on Shenglong stage will be higher. Moreover, in the presence of the dragon, the possibility that LAN Xuanyu would not accept it is relatively low.

The old man standing beside LAN Xuanyu also stared at Yan Cheng. It doesn't care about the life and death of a subordinate dragon. It's mainly about how Yan Cheng will be affected by LAN Xuanyu's blood after he becomes a servant.

Yan Cheng's changes are faster and more drastic than he thought.

The tough dragon skin is under the scales. At the speed visible to the naked eye, a golden pattern began to appear on Yan Cheng's Dragon skin. At first, the lines spread like cracks, as if its body was about to collapse.

But soon, these light lines began to become stronger, the golden light gradually covered the whole body, and began to render upward, affecting the tan dragon scales gradually covered with a layer of gold.

The tan scales gradually began to change into a strange and deep brown gold. What's more, Yan Cheng's abdomen, which had already been outlined with scaly lines, began to drill out a thin and dense scale. Though not as thick as the scales on the back. But that's a real dragon scale!

It's a real dragon lift. From the next dragon to the middle dragon.

I can only use it to describe the next dragon. And to the middle of the Dragon above, you can use him to describe. That's a big difference in status!

All the next dragon people come to participate in the Dragon lifting competition, in fact, there is only one purpose, that is, to be able to succeed in the Dragon lifting competition. From being a servant of the upper dragon family to being the backbone of the dragon family.

No one expected that the first successful promotion of the dragon was to take the initiative to recognize the strictness of the master servant contract.Although Yan Cheng's abdomen had dragon scale texture before, in fact, it is not easy for him to be promoted to the middle level. More accumulation and epiphany are needed. It is impossible for him to become a middle dragon unless he can enter the cycling stage.

The old man of the Dragon nationality standing beside the blue Xuan Yu also stared at this time. This is Blood, absolutely blood. It's just a little blood infusion that makes a lower dragon's peak directly promoted to the middle dragon's level?

At this time, Yan Cheng seems to have got rid of the shackles of blood. His already huge body began to expand and become more and more powerful. In a short time, his body length has expanded from about 30 meters to 35 meters. The breath has changed dramatically. The thick scales, which have turned brown and gold, begin to bulge, showing a solid triangular spike, extending from the head to the tail. Their own blood breath is also constantly enhanced.

LAN Xuanyu can't help but wonder at the change. He can feel that the blood change of Yan Cheng is really caused by a breath of his own blood. You know, he still controlled to use only the blood breath of the Golden Dragon King attached to the golden blue silver grass, rather than the blood of the Dragon God, so as not to be found.

But just like this, Yan Cheng's body has undergone such evolutionary changes, which is really shocking!

A spiritual brand also falls into the sea of Yan Cheng's spirit. The evolution of the body makes Yan Cheng more transparent to LAN Xuanyu's spirit than the original treasure hunting beast. The imprint falls directly on the Dragon Crystal of its brain, forming the imprint belonging to blue Xuanyu. There seems to be a spiritual bridge built in an instant to complete the communication between each other.

LAN Xuanyu felt strange in his heart. Is this a servant or a soul? You should know that although Yan Cheng is not a real dragon, it is only the next dragon to be promoted to the middle dragon. However, in the process of promotion, his accomplishments have already been promoted to the level of the title fight. If it's a beast, it's as good as a hundred thousand years old. It's not an ordinary hundred thousand year old beast. How strong is the body of the dragon people?

In fact, the process of signing the master servant contract is not long, but we can see that the surrounding middle and lower dragon people are stunned one by one. In particular, the reaction of the lower dragon is the most intense. For a time, many lower dragon people have approached the front. There was a keen look in his eyes.