Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1118

Shenglong becomes famous. The name blue has spread to Tianlong star in just one day. Known as the rising star of the new generation. And because there is too much mystery about him, this mystery adds to the curiosity of all races on the whole Tianlong star.

At this time, when LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu arrived, the live broadcast screens of major cities almost gave him the picture for the first time.

It's one thing to fly a dragon and another to fight. Of course, no one will doubt the strength of LAN Xuanyu. After all, he is the leader of Shenglong.

LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu, under the leadership of Huang Yuanlang, came directly to the area of the upper dragon nationality. This is the exclusive area of the upper dragon nationality, and the queue is preferred.

To the surprise of LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu, there are no other upper dragon people here.

Without waiting for their inquiry, Huang Yuen Long has explained: "generally speaking, the lower and middle dragon will be required to arrive at Shenglong platform for the first time to wait for the competition. There is no such requirement for our upper dragon. These guys will deliberately come late, proud. There is also a air opponent. Let's come early today and finish early so that we can go back to rest. It also saves the need to line up with other upper dragon people. I'll come first. Blue and XiuXiu, you can go on next. "

"Good." LAN Xuanyu nodded his head.

An old man stood at the entrance and saw Huang Yuen Long coming, but his eyes flashed over him and fell directly on LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu.

"Hello, we are from fenglongcheng royal family." Wong Yuen Long respectfully handed over his number plate.

But the old man waved to him and said, "the first one is coming, the first one is priority, you are in the back. Dragon head, please His eyes were fixed on LAN Xuanyu and his words were full of honorifics.

Wong Yuen Long's mouth twitched for a moment, but he didn't dare to make a mistake. To be able to hold the game on the Dragon platform, this old man is not only an old man in the upper dragon family, but also a god level, or even a real God level strong man.

LAN Xuanyu bowed slightly and refused to let him go. He patted Huang Yuen Long on the shoulder to comfort him. Then he strode into the venue. Under the guidance of the old man, he came to the most central venue.

"Ang -" I don't know where I heard a dragon chant. All of a sudden, the dragons who had been there looked at LAN Xuan Yu and made a deafening dragon chant.

Their dragon chants are full of enthusiasm and excitement. Among the large dragon chants surrounded by dragons, LAN Xuanyu only felt that the core of the dragon in his chest suddenly became hot. The power of all blood in the body is bright in an instant.

For a moment, there was a trance in his mind. In my mind, I can see the magnificent sight of the huge nine color dragon in the center of the Dragon arch. For a while, the momentum increased rapidly. If he didn't suppress it in time, he would even display the Dragon God change.

Nevertheless, his blood breath was also blazing out, and he could not help but look up to the sky and make a dragon chant.

His own dragon chant, in terms of volume, must not be able to cover the presence of dragons. I don't know why, when his dragon chant is sent out, the sound of the Dragon chant naturally weakens and even gradually turns into a low roar for all the middle and lower dragon families. But the Dragon chant of LAN Xuanyu is like a rolling thunder, which resounds through the Dragon platform.

There was a blazing breath at his feet. At that moment, LAN Xuanyu felt as if his body had been pierced by the blazing heat. A sense of familiarity came. But when he just wanted to grasp it, the Dragon chant weakened. The heat from below disappeared.

Although it happened in a very short time, LAN Xuanyu immediately realized what happened.

Shenglongtai, or shenglongzhu. That's shenglongzhu's feedback. At last he felt it.

Just now, in the case of Gongwei, the dragon spirit blood of his own was stimulated, as if he had returned to the most glorious period of the dragon family. Shenglongzhu sensed his own breath and gave feedback.

Although only for a moment, but let LAN Xuanyu have a kind of general sense of understanding. The spirit of energy reached its peak in an instant. There is no doubt that fighting on the Shenglong platform is equivalent to his home court. He can play his best.

At this time, a full-bodied Tan dragon slowly entered. It's 30 meters long. It's absolutely huge among the next dragon people. The success of ascending the Dragon means that its strength in the lower dragon race is not weak.

However, it is moving slowly at this time, and its eyes are always on LAN Xuanyu, and it moves into the venue step by step. Four eyes are opposite. Blue Xuanyu's Golden Dragon Armor appears in an instant, covering the whole body. Strong sense of power. Eyes pupil up, the breath begins to collect.

Although facing the next dragon, he dare not be careless. The strength of the next dragon is not too weak. And he also wants to try how much help the Dragon Armor can give him in the actual battle.

Finally, the tan dragon entered the central court.

LAN Xuanyu's golden light surged. He waited for the battle to begin.At this time, the fighting in other fields has been suspended, and all eyes are focused on the field here.

However, what LAN Xuanyu didn't expect suddenly happened.

the dark brown dragon is suddenly crawling on the ground, behind the dragon tail drooping. Respectfully, "respectful Royal Highness Princess, I give up. I, Yan Cheng is willing to be your servant. Always follow you. I'll be where you are. Your will is the direction of my life. "

What's the matter with LAN Xuanyu? Surrender and loyalty?

For a while, he could not help looking at the direction of the old man who led him into the venue.

The old man nodded and said, "blue, win. Blue, will you accept its loyalty? "

LAN Xuanyu looked at the old man doubtfully and said, "what will happen if I accept his loyalty? What if I don't accept it? "

The old man said in a deep voice, "accept it. It will sign a master servant contract with you. From now on, it will be your most loyal servant. Its mind will be implanted with your spiritual brand. If it betrays you, just one thought is needed, and it will be destroyed. But it will also be affected by your blood breath. The purity and strength of your blood will help its future cultivation. If not, it will always be excluded from the Dragon lift. Never rise to the dragon, only for the inferior. "

LAN Xuanyu carefully looked at the tan subordinate dragon, his eyes narrowed slightly. Although the tan dragon is a subordinate dragon, its body shape is very similar to that of the real dragon, and it is very strong.

It's also the next dragon family. It's quite different from the one he killed when hunting the dragon for the first time. It seems that the next dragon is very good at fighting.

It has a wide and thick back with thick scales. Although there are no scales under the abdomen, there are already striations similar to scales. There seems to be a sign of promotion to the middle dragon.

Take it, or not?

The old man reminded: "it is very common for the upper dragon to accept the lower dragon as a servant. In the future, if you set up a clan, the dragon clan with the master servant contract will be your loyal supporters. There is a certain potential to succeed in ascending the dragon. "

This is quite a recommendation. Yan Cheng, the big brown dragon, looks up at the old man. His eyes are full of gratitude.

"Well, I'd like to ask you to hold the master servant contract for us. I don't know how to make it. " LAN Xuanyu made a decision without hesitation. He agreed immediately.

He didn't want to be a servant of his own. It's mainly the current situation. If you don't agree, it seems unreasonable. The old man is also a god level dragon power. Only when he agrees with the situation, can he not be doubted easily.