Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 725

The breeze comes slowly, the clouds curl, and the wild geese fly around. I don\'t know how many spring and autumn.

The size of the chessboard is the same as that of the chessboard, but the number of lines on it has changed greatly. The lines have become extremely close and dense. When patients with dense phobia see it, they must be frightened and don\'t want to stay for a moment.

This is a great test of spiritual awareness. It is indispensable to drop your own chess pieces on such a subtle line, not to mention inferring the next hand that the other party may play on such a huge chessboard.

Because the size of the chessboard is not fixed, the rules change from person to person, everything is full of unknowns and has unlimited possibilities.

Ask yourself, if you knew it was in such a chess game, Wu Yi\'s first chess piece would be the land of Tianyuan.

Just like when you come to a different world, the first thing you do must be to try your best to explore within the scope of your knowledge, rather than foolishly rush around.

People always point out rivers and mountains and stir up words within their own known scope, but they don\'t know that the content they don\'t know in this world often occupies the majority.

There are already trillions of possibilities in the 19th horizontal and vertical of go. Nowadays, it is even more difficult to describe it by numbers, approaching infinity.

At this moment, the person playing chess with Wu Yi is no longer the God King of the west mountain, but the real wisdom of the cave sky. Although his cultivation has fallen, his insight is still there.

Let\'s talk about the most important thing and what Wu Yi doesn\'t understand. It should be noted that playing chess on the fixed luck plate is not only a competition of chess skills and Taoism, but also a competition of Qi luck. However, after tens of thousands of nearly 100000 hands, Zhi Tianxuan still doesn\'t see the slightest sign of fatigue, and Qi luck is still like what he saw at the beginning.

Is it difficult that the shipping order is invalid? Wu Yi thinks in his mind, but this result has never appeared since Wu Yi obtained the shipping plate, or did zhitianxuan leave behind when he gave the shipping plate to Wu Yi in the past?

There are three thousand lines in the chess game, and with the two people falling constantly, new paths have been opened up. Four thousand lines and five thousand lines represent the level of their understanding of the avenue.

If we say that three thousand lines is a dividing line, which means that monks have the possibility to achieve Dongtian, it is obvious that neither Wu Yi nor Zhi Tianxuan has been hindered on this dividing line.

Behind Wu Yi, a quiet moon hung high, which seemed to have existed since ancient times. Under the quiet moon, a lake rippled. However, the speed of rippling was slightly invisible, as if the pause key was pressed, and a sense of tranquility came to his face.

In heaven and earth, I can\'t think of another word except Jing. The cold, lonely and other emotions derived from this are not only infecting people\'s hearts, but also affecting the cycle of heaven and earth.

The wind has stopped, the clouds have stopped, and everything seems to have stopped, but this stop is not a simple stop. In addition to stagnation, it contains vitality. It is not a school of dead silence, or in other words, it is in a relatively static state.

You see these Taoist images. You enter the Taoist image, are infected by the Taoist image, and become a person in the Bureau. You don\'t know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but only because you are in this mountain.

The Tao image is still in the state of circulation, but you also enter the state of circulation and keep pace, so you can\'t detect the changes.

In addition to this Taoist image, there is also a layer of double shadow, which is different from the previous scene of the quiet moon hanging on the top of the lake. It is a moving scene. They are black turtles and red snakes. The two are intertwined endlessly, sometimes as close as one, and sometimes as separate as enemies. The two represent the way of combining movement and static.

Ordinary people, after seeing the first layer of Tao images, will be deeply trapped and unable to extricate themselves, not to mention jumping out and seeing the second layer of Tao images.

Zhi Tianxuan, who plays chess with Wu Yi, also has a unique Taoist image behind him. However, for so long, Wu Yi still doesn\'t see what kind of Avenue Zhi Tianxuan understands.

As the saying goes: there are three thousand roads. This three thousand can be used in ancient times and even in the Pangu period. At that time, there were no so many changes in the roads, or three thousand ancient roads.

At the end of the rebellion among the three ethnic groups in ancient times, the great fortune stirred, and the Qi fluctuated and fluctuated. Hongjun\'s Taoist ancestor testified the Tao and became one with the heavenly Tao to destroy the demon ancestor Luo.

However, both Taoist ancestors and evil ancestors were born from heaven and earth. They were born due to the differentiation of clear and turbid Qi. They can\'t really kill. If you kill one, countless evil ancestors will appear.

It is precisely because of the differentiation of turbid Qi that there is a statement of pure Qi. If the turbid Qi is destroyed together, the Taoist ancestor has no place to stand. Even if he achieves the position of Hunyuan, he may not be safe.

On the one hand, we can\'t destroy the turbid Qi, on the other hand, we can\'t revive the devil ancestor. It\'s a dilemma.

The way the Taoist ancestors responded to this was to exile the Avenue outside the heavens, commonly known as a foreign land.

The way of killing, the way of banishing the demon ancestor Luo Xuan, and some roads with deep demonic nature and great threat to the pure Qi world, such as the way of devouring and destroying, are really incredible for Xiaoxiu, and this is in the eyes of saints.

Therefore, we still need to emphasize one thing from time to time,. That is, don\'t use your idea of a beggar to think about what\'s in the emperor\'s house? It\'s not a level at all.

In ancient times, demons were demons. After the Taoist ancestors did all this, demons were divided into heaven and earth. Outside the sky, they were demons. They were a group of people similar to heart ghosts, with strong spiritual knowledge, but no physical support. They were good at bewitching people and killing people. In a word: the road will never die, and the demons will always exist.

Among the heavens, the earth devil was born due to the evolution of turbid Qi. Although it has the support of turbid qi and can give birth to the flesh body, it often has low intelligence and acts by instinct because there is no corresponding Avenue support.

In the general sense, demons are heaven demons and earth demons. Because of the plan of Hongjun Daozu, the original demons were divided, which could have subverted a major force in the world, and became weak. Later generations have always been in the position of supporting role.

It has to be said that Hongjun Daozu\'s plan reflects his status and identity.

As for the devil family, there is also the so-called human devil theory, because some monks are eager to get strength and borrow strength from the heavenly devil, which is no longer the same existence as the original devil family.

What Hongjun Daozu expelled was welcomed back by his disciples and grandchildren in another way.

(PS: writing novels is more about reality. Can you give some similar examples? It\'s so boring for an individual to write novels alone!)