Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 724

Zhitianxuan has to die. That\'s his choice. Wu Yi doesn\'t care. He can go on step by step.

Da, Da, Da, Da

The last hand, has been unable to return to the sky. Zhitianxuan went underground with one hand, but he just made more and more losses. Wu Yi doesn\'t know the significance of doing so?

Zhi Tianxuan was still in a silent state. The index finger and middle finger of his right hand were slightly pinched. Heaven and earth came together naturally. A dark chess piece was born in it, and he calmly dropped a piece.

Seeing the position of the chess piece, Wu Yi couldn\'t help staring at himself. When did go have this line, he was dazzled, but when did it appear?

Yueliuli, who was watching the war, also covered his lips. I can\'t believe what happened in front of him. There is one more line of go, which is so natural, as if he existed there.

Although this line of work appeared, Wu Yi didn\'t think it was cheating or anything else.

No wonder, no wonder. This sudden scene caught Wu Yi off guard. The go rules he had learned before became a pair of waste paper on this huge chessboard with no idea how big the boundary was.

Go in front of us can already be said to be an open go. It is almost impossible to lock each other.

Hesitating, Wu Yi met this kind of thing for the first time. How should he deal with it? The master can evolve a new go boundary. Is it possible for him to do so?

A black light flashed over and hit Wu Yi heavily on his forehead. It was Zhi Tianxuan\'s shot. He was dissatisfied with Wu Yi\'s long thinking time.

Wu Yi screamed in pain. He didn\'t give up. He continued to chase after zhitianxuan\'s new chess game and wanted to lock zhitianxuan. Then, after the appearance of line 20, line 21 and 22, until Wu Yi couldn\'t block it anymore.

Chi Tianxuan\'s eyesight has changed and his chess career is alive. In the chess game, Wu Yi is still at a disadvantage. Moreover, Chi Tianxuan, who has just relieved his crisis, has just started a counter attack and began to swallow Wu Yi\'s territory. Finally, Wu Yi fell into the same situation as Zhi Tianxuan before.

How to make his 20th line appear is what Wu Yi needs to think about.

As the name suggests, the fixed transport plate is related to air transport. Is it effective to have more air transport? After Wu Yi tried, it was useless. It was a great blow.

Then, before zhitianxuan, how did he do it? Wu Yi couldn\'t help looking up at Zhi Tianxuan. He found that there was a faint Taoist rhyme on Zhi Tianxuan.

I see. Only by infusing your understanding of the avenue can you really expand your territory!

Wu Yi calms down and gets rid of all distractions. The implication of the avenue of tranquility arises spontaneously and naturally appears on the body surface, as if it was born.

In this way, Wu Yi\'s eyes also have one more chess path, two or three. Wu Yi is almost broadening his depth with a playful attitude.

As mentioned earlier, at the beginning of the chess game, a chess road similar to the Chu River Han boundary has been formed to determine the territory and depth of both sides.

What Wu Yi thinks now is that since the depth of both sides can be widened, there is no reason why the edges of both sides cannot be widened.

However, after Wu Yi tried, he found that it was not as simple as he imagined. The premise of doing so seemed to require him to understand the avenue mastered by the other party before he could do it.

This open game has become more and more interesting. Wu Yi\'s clear eyes looked at the chess game and showed a faint smile.

Why didn\'t you find such a fun way before? Was it too lazy? When Zhi Tianxuan sent the fixed transport plate to himself, Wu Yi knew that the fixed transport plate was not a mortal thing and wanted to use it as his own life tool.

However, it has been refined for many years, and even an instrument spirit has not been refined. In addition to reflecting its own Qi, it is more clear, and there are almost no other changes. It turns out that this thing can evolve its own Avenue in addition to reflecting its own Qi!

Wu Yi couldn\'t help thinking about what kind of treasure it was. As a result, one of his pieces was put into the palm of his hand by Zhi Tianxuan and turned into a dead chess.

Wu Yi and Zhi Tianxuan go down and pick up one by one. They do not give in to each other. The more pieces they go down, on the one hand, it seems to reinterpret the content of the avenue they understand.

On the other hand, it\'s also a good time to understand each other\'s Avenue. It may not be easier to walk on the avenue. However, it doesn\'t hurt that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade and learn from one or two.

While deducing your own Avenue, the other party falls on your territory. Every fall is an attack on your Avenue. If there are any gaps, I think, I may think of the old world, and I may not be able to figure out how much. However, relying on the other party\'s different thinking modes, we can find more gaps.

More and more pieces fall, and the scope of the chessboard becomes larger and larger. One hundred lines, one thousand lines... No one knows when it will end.

Now, the victory or defeat is no longer important. The key lies in how far you can deduce the chessboard. Now, it is a test of the road and the step you can take in the future.

Wu Yi enjoys it and doesn\'t know the passage of time. In fact, not to mention Wu Yi, who is in the Bureau, even yueliuli, who is a spectator, is also dedicated to watching chess. Even his breathing becomes stable and weak, for fear of disturbing Wu Yi and Zhi Tianxuan who are in the next period.

It is said that a mortal went to the mountain forest to watch the immortal play chess. When the chess pieces were exhausted and came out of the mountain, the outside world had already changed. It was not his original world. I don\'t know that hundreds of years have passed.

Now, Wu Yi and Zhi Tianxuan naturally do not exist like immortals, but such a huge chess game is not a simple thing, not to say that the deduction is completed, it will be completely filled.

The only thing that is good is that when the two sides have three thousand lines in depth, the speed of falling on both sides slows down, and all kinds of visions evolve on them.

In the cultivation world, after refining Qi, you can grow more than enough to live to a hundred and fifty years old. Needless to say, building a foundation is less than two or three hundred longevity yuan, 800 gold pills and 3000 yuan babies.

More than 3000 yuan is the real longevity in the cave.

This set of luck plate is really strange, but none of the few people who are addicted to the chess game found this strange thing.

Luozi, Luozi, Luozi, simple mechanical things, keep repeating.