Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 711

The God of Qiyao was not born by heaven and earth, but was recognized by heaven and earth only after obtaining the light of Qiyao.

The Qiyao divine light was born out of Wu Yi\'s plan for the ownership of Shinto. In essence, it also follows the way of heaven. If heaven and earth do not have the need or desire to evolve Shinto, Wu Yi\'s plan is no better and useless.

Not only the birth of the seven Yao gods, but also Wu Yi\'s status as the Lord of reincarnation. In fact, from a certain point of view, it is also the result of inheriting the way of heaven.

Although the birth of the seven Yao gods has a lot to do with Wu Yi, because the way of heaven has intervened, the specific candidates are not determined by Wu Yi, but naturally selected by heaven and earth. Therefore, Wu Yi\'s constraints on them are not as strong as expected.

Since the emergence of the seven Yao gods, Wu Yi wanted to win them all under his command. This is the Shinto system he planned. The process is not difficult.

But the result is hard to say. Whether it is fairyland, Shinto, humanity and loyalty, it is a rare treasure.

It was precisely because the seven Yao gods had only the potential possibility of becoming princes and not being satisfied with the central government. Wu Yi later cultivated two gods, good reward and punishment and evil envoys, who thought they were in charge of supervision. Finally, he was not at ease and delegated most of his power to su Zhen. Even the seven Yao gods were deprived of their decision-making power.

There is a big stick in front, followed by carrots. Wu Yi then gives Qiyao the power of advice and refutation. The former makes them not excluded from the power center. The latter is to make the divine palace envoy and Qiyao envoy check and balance each other. The final power is still in Wu Yi\'s hands.

The system is complete. Running according to this system can last for many years, but the operation of the system needs to be implemented by people. If there is a problem at a node, the system will become chaotic.

Jue Ming, the God of obsidian, is precisely the unstable node. He is dissatisfied with Wu Yi and has a rebellious mind.

At the same time, the seven Yao gods can only enjoy the luck of heaven and earth. Although they have not achieved the position of superior God for the time being, they are already the existence of quasi superior God. If there is a hole, it is not impossible for the sky to come to the bright moon world to provoke them and retreat in frustration.

Immortal Yuanying is no longer their opponent. When Wu Yi rarely continues to fight, anyone will think more or less carefully in his heart.

After realizing that Jue Ming has a rebellious heart, Wu Yi pretends not to know, or even connives at it, intentionally or unintentionally makes Jue Ming overestimate himself, and indulges Jue ming to contact the other gods. In order to test out the other people with different aspirations, Wu Yi also takes great pains.

However, among the other gods, the sun god itself is a sea mulberry tree. When she was recruited, she was not familiar with her mind. Decades later, she was not brave enough to dare to resist Wu Yi.

Moon god, moon Linglong, wood God and green bamboo king are all old people who follow Wu Yi. It\'s not good for them to overthrow Wu Yi with their lives.

The golden God was originally the ghost master of Shi Ming, and the water god was the holy woman of Bi LAN. He was born extraordinary and had a high vision. Before the situation was unclear and adequate preparation was not made, he would not rush forward foolishly like Jue Ming.

As for the last earth God, in terms of foundation, it is not even as good as Jue Ming. However, Wu Yi trained or tested him after he was born, and finally got into Wu Yi\'s eyes.

The earth God is the weakest in age, but in terms of loyalty, he can be called a leader among the seven. Wu Yi often thinks that the guards of the temple have a prominent position among the seven Yao.

Jue Ming knew that he had little influence and wanted to contact the other gods, but he didn\'t even know about the rest of the gods, so he sent messengers to contact him and promised to divide the moon boundary equally.

But in the end, the other six Yao reported everything about Jue Ming\'s rebellion. Please be a pioneer. It can be found everywhere. At that moment, Jue Ming had failed. Even huoyao was infiltrated into a sieve by Wu Yi, who had already informed him of Jue Ming\'s rebellion.

Wu Yi ordered the six to answer Jue Ming, because the Lord of reincarnation kept a close watch on them and could not get away for a while. They would naturally appear at the most critical moment.

This answer, I don\'t know if Jue Ming believed it or not. I think it\'s not. I just think that the other six Yao sat on the mountain watching the tiger fight, and no longer listen to the Lord of reincarnation.

Jue Ming seems to know that the two envoys of rewarding good and punishing evil have no contact with Wu Yi. As for the envoys of the temple, there is no need to say more.

Before setting out, Jue Ming deceived huoyao people. This trip was to visit God. The rest didn\'t say much. At the last step, he revealed his true meaning.

Wu Yi gets out and meets Jue Ming. With only one nonsense, he destroys Jue Ming, who thinks that even if it is not as good as Wu Yi, it will not be too far apart. The light of the God of fire wanders around the world again to find a new host.

The gods granted by the heavenly way only fall, and the throne will naturally come to others. However, Wu Yi, who killed his life, was punished by heaven at the same time. Wu Yi took it lightly, but it was his own luck. In other words, this time, Wu Yi\'s luck was broken.

It\'s not unacceptable for Wu Yi that his fortune is wasted. After all, the heart demon also has the fortune of heaven and earth in the bright moon world. Moreover, even if Qi Yao is added together, Wu Yi may not be alone.

In other words, Wu Yi can change Qiyao for another time.

However, the planned killing of curfews did not achieve the effect of setting an example to the others. On the contrary, it exposed Wu Yi\'s defects.

In the eyes of the people at the bottom, Wu Yi is like the Supreme God, invincible vertically and horizontally, but in the eyes of the other six Yao, the loss of luck can\'t hide from them.

Killing the gods granted by the heavenly way will damage your luck. This does not mean that you can make up for it when you make up for it. In this way, the Lord of reincarnation can not act recklessly. In this way, you and the other party are not completely master-slave relations. You can obtain your power and position through the power of the heavenly way.

This truth is known to LiuYao. The mind demon body kept a sense of mystery for a long time, revealing a gap.

For the vast majority of people, what they fear is not specific demons and ghosts, but fear itself, and fear is actually cast by a series of ignorance.

In ancient times, emperors and emperors hung the crown of nine Ryukyu in order not to let people close to them see themselves, so as to maintain a sense of mystery. In ancient times, there were many books about the people who started the incident, wild foxes howling at night, fish bellied books, stone people at the bottom of the river, and long history.

What they rely on is actually the same thing.

Unfortunately, Wu Yi himself abandoned this sense of mystery.