Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 710

There are six holy women in the Terran. Before, the heart demon body sneaked into the Terran as a fake body, becoming the seventh and the only male in the "Terran" cave.

With the exposure of his false identity, Wu Yi began to devote himself to expanding the seeds of evil thought, hoping to raise his cultivation of mind and evil body to the level of superior God one day earlier.

However, the final achievement of the status of the mind devil may be more appropriate by coincidence. Wu Yi made a great oath and was magically involved in the luck of heaven and earth. By coincidence, Wu Yi was successfully promoted to the superior God with the support of the Universiade of heaven and earth. This happened when Wu Yi was completely unprepared.

"I, the Lord of reincarnation, make a great oath to cross all the dead souls in the world into reincarnation. After death, all living creatures can come to me for liberation. If this wish fails, I will sink into hell and never get out!"

The vows made in the past are still in my ears and echo from time to time. Wu Yi can remember the great vows related to his own luck even if he dies and turns into ashes.

This oath is really a poison oath. However, all big vows are of this kind. If you don\'t make a poison oath, heaven and earth won\'t recognize it. If you are preempted by others, you will have no choice.

After the mind demon body was promoted to the superior God, Wu Yi closed the door for a long time and stabilized his cultivation, mainly to clarify what the God position he obtained means? What can you do? What must be done?

At this time, several holy women of the Terran still live smartly, but when Wu Yi leaves the pass and has the mind to control the whole bright moon world, the six holy women, the most closely related Jiuyi holy women, first surrender, and then Yanjing holy women bowed down one after another.

She personally visited Bi LAN shengpo and told her about Qiyao. Bi LAN shengpo was the third to surrender and consciously assumed the post of Water God.

After that, Youming holy woman said that she remained neutral and gave Wu Yi the Youming tripod, an air transport artifact in the moon world. She ignored foreign affairs and was willing to live the rest of her life. Wu Yi expressed his approval.

Finally, there are ChiYan shengpo and xuansa shengpo, who rely on the cave left by master Ziqing and fight tenaciously. Of course, behind this, there is also the secret instigation of the treasure rock to maintain independence. It\'s ridiculous.

Wu Yi originally wanted to use his mighty power to wipe out the world at one fell swoop, and he got the power of heaven and earth. At that time, the Yang world was not born with an existence similar to Wu Yi, and the mind devil was invincible in the bright moon world.

If the immortal comes, the heart demon body will be ruthless, and the body will be combined with the world to become a fairy. Even the immortal has the power of one fight. In a world, the air transport artifact is the strongest, and it is not too much to say that the heart demon body is a walking air transport artifact.

Of course, this advantage is limited to the bright moon boundary. In other boundaries, it is not so. Even in the new territories where the Sky Patrol sundial once existed, Wu Yi has no ability to adjust the power of heaven and earth anytime and anywhere.

However, I don\'t know if it\'s good luck for ChiYan shengpo. At that time, Wu Yi had a problem. She avoided the most dangerous wave. Later, because of various problems, the mind demon body needs to take care of her personal location and has no time to care about these "little shrimps".

Before clarifying the problem, first give a general introduction to the system in Wu Yi temple.

Sun and moon, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, Qiyao has the power of Deacon;

The two gods of good reward and punishment and evil command the power of supervision;

Su Zhen, the divine palace housekeeper, has the right to make suggestions. Su Zhen exists like the prime minister, but the power depends entirely on whether Wu Yi is willing to delegate power.

If the system wants to run, it can\'t rely on a few leading figures. It still needs the middle and the bottom.

Among them, the envoys under Qiyao are called Qiyao envoys; Those under the command of the God of good and evil are called good and evil envoys; Su Zhen\'s envoy is called the palace envoy.

The three systems are parallel to each other, and there is no distinction between higher and lower. However, in a world centered on Wu Yi, the closer to Wu Yi, the greater the power.

Therefore, it is well known that the divine palace envoy > good and evil envoy > Qiyao envoy.

The problem this time is that there is a rebellion among the seven Yao envoys. Yes, you heard right. The seven Yao envoys revolt. The specific rebellion is the huoyao Department of the seven Yao envoys. The God of fire who used to get the light of the God of fire comes from the abyss Valley, which can be called a Jedi. He has no surname but only one name. He is called Jue Ming.

To survive in such a difficult and dangerous place, Wu Yi is still very optimistic about this son. He originally had the idea of cultivating this son. However, this son is rebellious and doesn\'t know the general trend. He uses the power of the God of fire to disrupt Wu Yi\'s plan and has a quarrel with Wu Yi.

After being taught a lesson by Wu Yi, he stayed dormant and became the Lord of reincarnation. He came to see him again and cried bitterly, saying that he must change his past mistakes.

With Wu Yi\'s suspicion, he naturally won\'t believe it. He believes it on the surface. Secretly, there are many means to test, or even don\'t need to test. In the depths of Jue Ming\'s soul, but there are also evil thoughts and Jue Ming\'s mind. Wu Yi knows clearly that he is simply pretending to take refuge and waiting for an opportunity to return.

Wu Yi immediately finalized Zheng Burke\'s plan to let juexing himself leak.

(Introduction to historical allusions: Zheng Boke Duan is the first chapter of Zuo\'s spring and Autumn period. It is particularly famous. It happened in the state of Zheng during the spring and Autumn period. The general content is that Zheng Bo and Duan were born by the same mother, but Zheng Bo was not born naturally, which almost killed his mother. Therefore, his mother didn\'t like Zheng Bo and wanted to make Zheng Bo\'s younger brother Duan king of the state of Zheng.

However, because Uncle Zheng was old, according to the system of inheritance of the eldest son, he finally became the monarch of the state of Zheng, but his mother didn\'t give up and secretly helped Duan to seek the throne of Uncle Zheng.

Duan raises dead soldiers. It is reported that Zheng Bo ignores it. Duan heightens the wall, but Zheng Bo ignores it. At that time, these were all acts against the ritual system, which belonged to transgression and could be abolished.

At the end of the night, the Empress Dowager besieged the king\'s capital and opened the gate to meet the enemy.

However, Zheng Bo knew all this. He caught a turtle in a jar, killed Duan and imprisoned the Empress Dowager.

The second half of this story is about how Zheng Bo released his mother. I won\'t tell you. In the eyes of history Xiaobai, mother is kind and son is filial, but in my eyes, it is full of Royal hypocrisy. It\'s just Zheng Bo\'s behavior to preserve his reputation, so as not to be criticized by later generations.

This allusion has always been controversial. I tell you, let you pretend to force it and reduce your guilt of reading novels.)

In fact, the reason why Jue Ming betrayed is also driven by Wu Yi. Jue Ming betrayed. Wu Yi sneezed and destroyed him. The so-called secret is a joke in Wu Yi\'s eyes. It makes an example to others. The bright moon world is solemn.

However, just as Zheng Bo imprisoned his mother and was criticized for killing his brother, Wu Yi also received a counterattack. It is this counterattack that makes Wu Yi have to slow down his idea of wiping out the holy woman of ChiYan.