Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 146

Everyone can see at this time that Wu Yi\'s defeat is a matter of time. They even bet on when Wu Yi will lose. They are having fun one by one.

Hearing the comments of people around him on the war situation, Yunhe, who was watching the war, was burning with anxiety. He looked at Wu Yi anxiously and glanced at Qiu Zizi from time to time, because he knew that only Qiu Zizi could save Wu Yi at this time. If the time was not well controlled, Wu Yi might fall here.

What is Wu Yi doing at this time that everyone is not optimistic about?

He closed his eyes. Indeed, as Qiu Zizi guessed, Wu Yi was not taking the initiative to use his strength at this time, but was coerced by the snowflake vortex. He had to use his strength to keep the snowflakes dancing. If his strength could not keep up, the flying snowflakes would smash him into meat sauce.

In addition to consuming a lot of strength, the cold also pierced into Wu Yi\'s body like a needle. Wu Yi was trapped at home and abroad. It seemed that Wu Yi had really come to the end of failure.

However, if Wu Yi planned everything or deliberately came to this point, I\'m afraid everyone would be surprised. Wu Yi forced himself not for others, or to make his blood light of cultivation go to a higher level and enter the second small level, that is, the blood light is completely integrated into the blood.

Cultivating this blood light is also a method that Wu Yi has no choice but to break and stand. Every time, he has to force himself to lose almost half his life before he can break through.

Last time, the Hercules ape blood on the monkey demon was removed. Even if the body strength was greatly improved, the blood light did not make a successful breakthrough. It really didn\'t give Wu Yi face.

Originally, the blood burning technique is still useful, but it seems that the blood light has adapted to the three times increase of the blood burning technique under normal circumstances. If the increase is not increased, it will not be useful to accelerate the blood light cultivation. However, Wu Yi has not had time to experiment with this, so he put down this idea.

Fighting with Xie Yun, especially when the snowflakes covered the whole site, Wu Yi trembled with the bitter cold, but the blood light also ran a lot faster, moving all over Wu Yi to expel the cold.

In order to make the blood light play its role faster, Wu Yi even reduced the increase of blood burning. Originally, blood burning felt cold, but now it is still weakening blood burning, and Wu Yi feels more cold.

However, the colder Wu Yi is, the faster the blood light is, which makes Wu Yi scold in his heart. This kind of skill created by burning the emperor really doesn\'t leave a way for people to die and survive.

Wu Yi\'s skin has been covered with a layer of frost. Slowly, even the corners of his mouth, eyebrows and even nose have been covered with a layer of frost. At this time, ordinary people will die half their lives. Let alone fighting, it is extremely difficult to move and flick. However, Wu Yi\'s action with blood light to expel the cold is not slow and stable, But it seems shocking to outsiders.

You can\'t wait any longer. Qiu Zizi sees Wu Yi in the whirlpool of snowflakes. He takes out the array symbol from his sleeve and is ready to take Wu Yi out, otherwise Wu Yi won\'t have a chance to come out.

But at this time, a plain and indisputable voice came, which made Qiu Shuo wait. It was the voice of the spirit.

Qiu Zizi thought of the rumors from the outside world. He couldn\'t help feeling heavy. Wu Yi died, but he carried the pot. Dare he say it was because of the emptiness of spirit?

He Zhijing naturally sensed it when he Zhixu transmitted the sound to Qiu Zui. He guessed about the content of the sound transmission. He thought: it\'s still useful to arrange the dark thorn after all.

After all, he Zhijing is a golden elixir. From a strategically advantageous position, it can be seen that Wu Yi is now forcing himself to seek a breakthrough. He can\'t see which skill breakthrough is, but he knows that this breakthrough is very difficult and rare. If there is a slight difference, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity in the future.

From the perspective of onlookers, he Zhijing naturally hopes that Wu Yi will make a successful breakthrough and let Hua Jianling find such a good seedling. Qingyang Dongtian and Dongyuan Dongtian don\'t know what they will be like in the future.

But lingzhixu interrupts Qiu Zizi to rescue Wu Yi. His purpose is not necessarily to let Wu Yi break through, but to let Wu Yi die.

Now it depends on the final result. He Zhijing looks at the young man in the center of the fighting platform with a curious look on his face.

The black and bright vertical hair, the oblique flying Yingting sword eyebrows, like closed eyes, contain sharp black eyes, thin and light lips, and angular contours. This face is not inferior to those elegant CHILDES in the door.

He is indeed a good seedling. Up to now, he has not used the ghosts under his ambush, otherwise he would not be so embarrassed. Apart from others, he has definitely dumped other disciples for several blocks. He Zhijing thought.

The extreme cold seeps into the skin and gradually invades into the blood. Wu Yi\'s speed begins to slow down. Xie Yun, who has been paying attention to Wu Yi, is overjoyed. Even if he looks pale, it also increases the output of the cold. At this time, what is holding Wu Yi has become huge ice blocks, like mountains, even if it falls out of thin air, Wu Yi has no reason to survive.

Yunhe, who watched the battle, was extremely anxious. His fingertips pierced his skin and shed bright red blood. He knew nothing about it. The whole human soul seemed to fly to Wu Yi. Without Wu Yi, he would return to his original life of lack of food and clothing.

"I bet Wu Yi will be defeated within ten breath," said Lang Sheng, a disciple who was afraid of chaos in the world.

"One breath." some disciples followed him.

"Two breaths." Yunhe\'s heart jumped up and even forgot to breathe.


"Eight breaths." Yun he breathed, and there was a trace of crying.

"Nine breath." the coaxing disciple questioned and mocked the former gambling disciple.

The disciple did not believe in evil, believed in his own judgment, and shouted, "ten breath."

This success attracted the eyes of most of the disciples in the field. When they saw that it was the disciples who flattered the public, they turned around in disdain. There were several times before this boring game, but the form was a little different.

But just as the disciple turned back, Wu Yi Huoran, who was pressed by the ice on his head, opened his eyes. The red light came out, and the flying snowflakes could not cover it. The red light pierced the array of the fighting platform, and all the people watching the battle could feel rich and incomparable vitality.

The disciple who shouted "ten breath" has long been stunned. The situation is changing so fast. It seems that Wu Yi still has the power of World War I, and even wants to turn the tables.

"Small skills." Xie Yun was surprised to see Wu Yi\'s change, but he still fought for himself.

"Fall." after such a long arrangement, I was going to wait for Wu Yi to run out of strength, but I didn\'t expect Wu Yi to become stronger. Xie Yun didn\'t plan to wait any longer. Huge ice blocks fell one after another under Xie Yun\'s force.

Driven by Wu Yi\'s blood burning skill, the blood light is more intense, almost covering the whole array.

Wu Yi has been oppressed for such a long time. Wu Yi doesn\'t know how much anger he has repressed. For a moment, Wu Yi blooms. Wu Yi directly urges the blood burning technique to a ten fold increase.

Maybe it\'s because of the breakthrough of blood light. Wu Yi just feels a little uncomfortable. He doesn\'t have the impatience that his body seems to burn after being urged ten times.

With a slight transport capacity, the white brick under Wu Yi\'s feet broke and turned over. Wu Yi directly stepped on the largest piece of ice, followed by Xie Yun\'s incredible fear.

His pride was blown away by the rain and the wind.

With one punch, Xie Yun couldn\'t react. Wu Yi hit Xie Yun\'s chest and sank it. Xie Yun slammed into the extended aura mask and fell to the ground. Apart from the big mouth of blood, he could see the fragments of internal organs.

Qiu Shuo didn\'t expect the situation to turn around so quickly. He quickly transferred Xie Yun and was beaten by Wu Yi again. Xie Yun\'s life would be gone.

But even so, Xie Yun is only an airway friar after all. If he wants to recover completely, he doesn\'t know how much treasure medicine pill it will cost. It\'s certain that his accomplishments stagnate during his recovery and he is distanced by other disciples.

Xie Yungang fainted as soon as he was moved out. Wu Yi had no place to exert his energy. He roared into the sky and hit the ground heavily. The bricks were split. It was too late for the big array to repair.

Qiu Zizi pulled his face when he saw this scene and pretended not to see it. Wu Yi\'s fist didn\'t know how many array patterns were annihilated. It seems that the fighting platform needs to be repaired. Anyway, it\'s the fighting platform of Di de temple, which has nothing to do with him.

The broken bricks and stones are scattered everywhere. Wu Yi looks around. All the disciples he sees bow their heads and dare not look directly at them.

At this moment, Wu Yi, with his own strength, really entered the eyes of the disciples of the main Academy.