Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 145

"It doesn\'t hurt if you want to temper yourself several times, but if you lose the battle because of poor strength, don\'t blame me for not reminding you in advance."

"Thank you, senior brother." Wu Yi returns to the fighting platform and waits for the next Challenger after Qiu Zizi\'s consent.

Qiu Zizi knows what Wu Yi thinks. He just wants to use this fighting method to break through the prestige, attract the attention of the guru and pave the way to the inner door. In addition, he can also collect a handful of lottery funds. Wu Yi\'s abacus is very excellent.

In Qiu Zizi\'s opinion, as long as Wu Yi doesn\'t fight for a long time and set aside some time to recover, there will be no problem. After all, the disciples around now are not qualified to participate in the battle of truth transmission, and their strength is not very strong.

As mentioned earlier, the main court will hold a competition called the dispute of xiaozhenzhuan. Only disciples who pass the dispute of xiaozhenzhuan can participate in the dispute of zhenzhuan.

There is a dispute between the disciples of the main hall and the little true biography. Wu Yi, the disciples of the side hall, also had one more test than the disciples of the main hall, that is, the disciples of the main hall didn\'t have this level in the previous three thousand mile walk.

I don\'t know how many disciples I will brush after walking for three thousand miles. I can\'t tell whether the disciples of the side courtyard are lucky or the disciples of the main courtyard are lucky.

If a disciple can defeat Wu Yi and obtain the qualification to climb the ladder, he will avoid the restriction of not participating in the battle of truth.

Including Huo Wu, who was not qualified to participate in the battle of Zhenchuan before, it can also be imagined that the eight main courts finally decided a total of 300 or 400 disciples to participate in the battle of Zhenchuan. For the tens of thousands of disciples, there are absolutely more monks than monks.

The discussion on increasing the number of disciples in the main hall to participate in the struggle for truth and reducing the number of disciples in the side hall has not been reduced. For many main hall disciples, it is not that there is no possibility to impact the position of truth, but that they are not even qualified to participate in the struggle for truth.

However, it involves all aspects and can not be discussed in a short time. It is rare to encounter the opportunity to avoid it. Naturally, the disciples of the main courtyard are very active.

In their education, the worst disciples in the main courtyard go out to the side courtyard. These are the nine movements Wu Yi hasn\'t practiced for a long time. Since the nine movements have been integrated, Wu Yi hasn\'t practiced again. I don\'t know why he suddenly used this skill at this time.

Wu Yi\'s movements are indeed disorderly, but each move mobilizes every strength of his whole body. His Qi surges and gradually stirs up every snowflake flying on the fighting platform, making the snowflakes change with his own operation.

Xie Yun was surprised at the beginning and planned to stop Wu Yi. Then he realized that this was a good opportunity, which increased the speed of snow evolution.

Under Wu Yi\'s control, the dancing snowflakes gradually formed a vortex, flying and circling around Wu Yi.

Not only the snowflakes in the air, but also the snowflakes on the ground were stirred by Wu Yi. The scene was extremely spectacular. The original white stone floor tiles reappeared on the ground.

"You made the choice yourself." the snowflakes all surrounded Wu Yi. Without the cover of snowflakes, Xie Yun showed his body shape and said coldly.

Xie Yun shot a chill and got involved in the snowflake vortex. At the speed visible to the naked eye, the scattered snowflakes gathered together and turned into small hailstones. Hailstones flew over Wu Yi\'s head, which looked terrible.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Zizi couldn\'t help standing up with a dignified face. It was a dispute. If the disciple had an accident, he would be scolded.

In Qiu Zizi\'s opinion, Wu Yi has been coerced into the general trend. Now it is not he who drives snowflakes to fly, but snowflakes that coerce him to continue to use his energy. Although these snowflakes protect Wu Yi from external harm, that is why Xie Yun doesn\'t take the initiative to attack Wu Yi, when Wu Yi does his best, that is, when he is defeated.

Xie Yun\'s turning snowflakes into hail actually increases the difficulty of Wu Yiyun\'s exertion and accelerates Wu Yi\'s defeat. Qiu Zizi needs to watch the opportunity to save Wu Yi.

Seeing that Wu Yi still had the strength to transport snowflakes, Xie Yun couldn\'t help but continue to increase the output of cold air. The hail also condensed one by one and became bigger and bigger.