Death Notice

Chapter 705

After a short period of panic, Lolita finally calmed down, with a flash of shame on her face.

“uks!” The priest held up her staff and spit out a magic law in her mouth. A milky light poured down from the top of the staff, which bathed her whole body, forming a shining protective cover.

"Hiss..." The two lizards in front of the vicar were illuminated by the Milky light. They all seemed to be splashed with sulfuric acid. They instinctively disobeyed the attack command, flashed to both sides and hid in the dark corner of the mushroom forest.

Their mount lizards are not afraid of a little light damage, but as creatures in the dark area, they also don't like light, so they twist their bodies and run back.

Even the lizard leader who grabbed Lolita underground was shocked by his hands, and his claws were squeezed by the holy light shield at his ankle, so she could no longer control the freedom of the priest.


However, Lolita's effective self-help attracted a sneer from the mushroom forest.

Lolita can grow into a second-order apostle in the cruel broken starry sky, of course, she has her own survival wisdom. However, it can be seen from her transfer to a pure holy priest that the female apostle is not good at dealing with complicated battle scenes.

The world usually thinks that the fighting wisdom of magicians is higher than that of warriors and knights. You can see how many skills the magicians have, how many magic choices, and how well the warriors and knights can compare.

But in reality, the fast changing close combat is the real test of combat wisdom. The close combat of two high-level soldiers is far more dangerous than the long-distance bombardment of two magicians. If one of them fails to deal with it, it will lead to the fall.

The high-level mage fights the high-level soldier, when the distance is the same as the rabbit, the soldier must jump around, pays attention to the mage 's magic attack at all times, the combat process always delays for a period of time. But if they are close to the warrior, most magicians will be killed by the warrior in an instant.

The magician's physical quality and defense are not as good as the soldiers, which is certain. But at close range, the powerful magic of the mage can't kill the soldiers. That's certainly not true.

Then why would magicians be afraid of being close to soldiers? There is no doubt that in close combat, not only are most magicians not as fast as physical attacks, but also their adaptability is not as good as warriors and knights.

And the average level of priest's response is not even as good as that of magician. This profession has a high fault tolerance rate, but the relative average resilience is also quite poor.

Lolita subconsciously uses the defense magic that she is familiar with at ordinary times. The Holy Light magic does harm the underground creatures, but she doesn't realize that she is in a passive defensive position now, and how hateful the light magic is in a dark and dark area.

Using light magic in the dark world, not only can't get the environmental increase, but also marks its position like a big light bulb. It's a great taunt.

That's not to say that Lolita can't be seen by drow elves without a light shield, but at least for a distance, the drow priest's spell needs to be precisely located. Now, with such a dazzling big light bulb in front of them, the two drow priests almost don't need spell positioning, and will be able to hit the female priest as a fixed target.

If you don't fight her, you won't be able to. Otherwise, in the area covered by holy light, the fighting capacity of lizard cavalry will drop a lot.

If this situation is handled by hill, the old magic wand will definitely choose to use earth or wood magic defense scroll, which not only has strong defense, but also can block the vision of the enemy's long-range attacker.

If you have spare time, maybe you will throw one or two buff spells to your partner, and he will be safe as soon as other people slow down. At least we can't pull hatred any more, and let the enemy's attacks focus on ourselves. The priest is not Mt.

"Light deprivation (Obsidian realm)!"

The light shield on Lolita's body surface had not been maintained for two seconds, but was hit by a purple light from a mushroom forest. The milky white cover, like noodles, was sucked away by the purple light.

At the same time, a thick black fog completely enveloped the area where the vicar was.

Two drow priests, wendini and Kirchner, were almost at the same time. Wendini, as the seventh mother of the family of obalani, was extremely experienced in fighting.

In fact, "light deprivation" is just a magic skill that can barely reach the level of three rings, but in this case, it can be reasonably used to completely break the light shield of four rings.

But Kirchner's combat experience is relatively less. Facing the light shield, she used Obsidian field with five rings. Although the effect is almost the same, the consumption is much more. Of course, high-level divinity has high-level benefits. At least in Obsidian field, female priests can't see the outside world.

The two lizard cavalry who had dodged and the underground lizard commander jumped out again without hesitation and rushed into the black fog together with the two lizards.

Obsidian blocks all the light, and lizards can't see it either, but it doesn't matter. The snake's message they take and take from time to time is better than their eyes. By relying on taste alone, they can create a three-dimensional image in their mind, which is equivalent to the field of vision, with no loss of combat power.In Obsidian field, there are sounds of chopping and smashing, objects falling to the ground, and violent fluctuations of elements. When Obsidian field slowly disappeared, people finally saw the specific situation of this area again.

Looking at the center of the venue, she was embarrassed, but there was no harm to the vicar. It was a little unexpected to hide in the faces of the two drow priests in the mushroom forest. From the heart, they feel that if they replace themselves with three lizards in Obsidian field, plus the strong attack of two lizards, they will also suffer slight injuries.

Of course, it is more likely that once they are covered by Obsidian field, they will not stay in place at all.

However, they did not rage or urge the lizard people to work hard, but showed a thoughtful expression.

In fact, Qin Lun had given them preventive shots before the battle, and the battle would not be very smooth at the beginning. Especially remind them that some members of the dwarven exploration team have strong fighting ability, and strongly ask them not to come forward at the beginning of the battle, so as not to be beheaded by the other side.

Before the attack on wendini, the chaplain priest would have ignored Qin Lun's words. But wendini had suffered losses before, so she naturally had a long memory, helping to persuade Kirchner to be patient.

Now it seems that the other side's caution really makes sense. A holy priest is so resistant to fighting in the near battle. If he changes to other soldiers, let alone other soldiers.

Lolita stood in the same place with an ugly face, surrounded by three small whirlwinds of automatic rotation. This is the seventh level wind element shield. But at this time, he suffered many attacks, and these three little whirlwind shields were about to break up.

The only enemies around her were the lizard leader and two lizards, of which the lizard leader had only one arm. As for the other two lizards, they are not far away from each other. Their chests are sunken and they are spitting blood. Obviously, their lives are not long.

The vicar didn't know what she had done just now. She not only carried their attack, but also killed two lizards. It looks like the outcome of the war is brilliant.

In fact, Lolita knew that this fierce and incomparable result was actually obtained by two sixth level and a seventh level magic scroll. Before the seventh level wind Elemental Shield, she had used two sixth level magic scrolls.

One is the wind system, the other is flame resistance.

After being shrouded in Obsidian field, Lolita's response was relatively fast, and she immediately used the wind system fast technique. This magic can make the user's body as light as a bird in a few seconds. As long as the spell succeeds, the priest can jump out of obsidian area in seconds.

However, this spell that needs to be cast by appendage failed!

Before the formation of the elemental symbol array of the magic scroll, the leader of the lizard bravely extended his arm into the elemental flow. He used one arm to be stirred into powder by the wind elements, and his body was thrown away by heavy damage, which interfered with the wave frequency of the magic.

The other two lizard people and the giant lizard saw this situation and immediately jumped on it with a cry. Fortunately, Lolita kept a little vigilance, and once again tore open a sixth order magic scroll of flame resistance.

The two lizards and the giant lizards were all lifted away by the fierce fire shock wave, while the female priest was happy to fill in a holy light blow to the two lizards and solved two problems.

Finally, she used the wind element shield to block the lizard man commander and the giant lizard who got up again.

Looking at the whole process of the battle, the vicar has almost no bright spot except for the patching knife of Holy Light critical strike.

Although she is not only unscathed now, she has solved two lizards. But the lizard man is a soldier in the underground city. It's a waste to spend a six step scroll for them, let alone three.

Besides, Lolita uses the magic scroll in the wrong order. If she first used fire resistance or wind element shield, the swiftness will not be destroyed by the lizard man, and she is already in a safe place.

Lolita stood in place, her face clouded and uncertain, holding the last magic scroll in her hand. This is the seventh level space-time skill - medium distance flash. The flash scroll is very precious. She hesitates to use it. After all, Weiss and Newton are about to break through the lizard man's interception.

Seeing how difficult it was for the vicar, Kirchner saw a fierce light in her eyes and slowly released the snake whip in her right arm. But there was a quick reminder in her ear that wendini had put down her hand after her face changed, before they could enlarge their moves.

"She has no chance!" Wendini smiled coldly.

As if in response to wendini's words, the giant mushroom on Lolita's head suddenly jumped down two figures, and several interlaced knife lights covered the female priest's whole body. The drow warriors, hidden in the dark, catch up with the other apostles and dwarves and take the lead in the battle.

At this moment, the vicar did not hesitate to tear the flash scroll as soon as she bit her teeth. At this time, there are still three groups of wind element shields in front of her, which are enough to block the first attack of drow warrior. The flash scroll can no longer be disturbed.

"Hiss..." At this time, the lizard leader in front of her flashed a fierce light in his eyes, hissed a long time, and jumped forward. He even held the vicar with only one arm."Bang!" The body of the leader of the lizard man is like a human bomb. It is split in a flash. The trunk from chest to abdomen is suddenly missing. The lower body slowly falls to the ground, leaving only the head and neck, and a small part of the shoulder connected with the left arm hanging on the female priest.

This is the only result for low-level soldiers to carry with their body and wind element shields. However, the sacrifice of the leader of the lizard man was not useless. The remaining wind element shield finally disappeared!

Lolita, splashed with blood, was at a loss to look at the long lost luster of the lizard leader's yellow eyes. The two machetes falling rapidly on her head became more and more fierce by three points.

"Lolita!" The guard's pupils, which were not far away from him, shrieked and drank, not caring about his own safety. The deltoid of the right shoulder is high and bulging. Shake your hands and throw out the thick tower shield as a dart When... " Two machetes collided with the tower shield, which made the two drow warriors who jumped from the high place fall back as if they were struck by lightning. They could no longer threaten the life of the priest.

Lolita shuddered. She could not even clean up the remains of the lizard man hanging on her. She shook her hands and tore open the flash scroll.

"Poof!" However, at this time, hanging in front of her, the forehead of the lizard man's crippled body, quietly protruded a dark iron arrow.

In front of the black arrow, the hard skull of the lizard man looks like a piece of tofu, which is penetrated completely without any stagnation. Then from the right eye of the vicar, through the back of her head, she flew into the depths of the mushroom forest.

The vicar's whole body explodes a magic wave, and the figure disappears in place instantly. The flash scroll finally works!

When she reappeared in the distance, the only remaining eyes had lost the luster of life, and her body was still hung with the remnant of the lizard man's commander, and she fell face to face.

The second apostolic priest, Lolita, died in battle!